In the top black bar, click on “Browse” and select “Images”. Users can also go to the left-hand top menu and in “Browse by” select “Images”. Users will then see the images in the portal. The images can be sorted by title, date modified, relevance, identifier, reference code, and start and end date.
To do an advanced search for images only, in the white bar above the thumbnails of images, click on “Advanced search options”.
Go to “Find results with”. In the search field, enter your keyword. To narrow search, you can select “Title”, instead of “Any field”. “Any field” will work but will expand the search.
Go to “Filter results by”. Make sure the “Digital object available” is “Yes”.
There are other filters here but are not necessarily needed. It is not recommended to use “Filter by date range” and "Limit results to" at the moment.
At the bottom of the page, click on the “Search button” to search. The results will then appear.
On the left side, filters can be selected to further narrow the search results if needed, including by collection and subject.
Click on the any of the images found. There are two ways to download the master image.
• Click on the image thumbnail. Then right-click on the image and select “Save Image as” in Windows
• Scroll down to “Digital object metadata” and see “Access Copies” just underneath. See the “Master file” section. In the “Filename” field, click on the five-digit ID number and the image will appear in a new window. Then right-click on the large image and select “Save Image as”
In addition, you will find information about the image itself, including title, date of creation as well as information about the analog object conditions governing reproduction and access points.
Boolean Searching
The most common Boolean searches use “And”, “Or”, and “Not”. Those searches can be done the advanced search.
Examples: cats and dogs will find both cats and dogs, narrowing any search; cats or dogs will find either, expanding any search; cats not dogs will find cats but not dogs.
If a single term, the search will always search for a whole word only. Users can also enter a phrase as well, such as "Pheasant lecture”. The search will only find the exact string of words in quotes.
If wanting to search for a word beyond the exact term, use a * as a wild card to search for the root of the word.
Example: photograph* will find all words “photograph” whether it is a whole word or not. It will return any word with “photograph”, including “photographer”, “photographs” or any other word with the root “photograph”.