Showing 4901 results
Archivistische beschrijving
Max Partch Papers
Max Partch Papers
980: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Dead Tamarack with Birch + Elm
980: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Dead Tamarack with Birch + Elm
982: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Nests in Basswood + ash
982: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Nests in Basswood + ash
992: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Roots of Tamarack
992: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Roots of Tamarack
1026: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Dead herons blown out of nest (Bare ground)
1026: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Dead herons blown out of nest (Bare ground)
1269: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Marsh-Ash shoreline + great blue heron
1269: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Marsh-Ash shoreline + great blue heron
1405: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Elm with 26 nests
1405: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Elm with 26 nests
2000: Cold Spring Heron Colony - View from Hwy. 23
2000: Cold Spring Heron Colony - View from Hwy. 23
2002: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Nests in birch
2002: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Nests in birch
2005: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Blank used to map + record heron nests + trees
2005: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Blank used to map + record heron nests + trees
2078: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Bare ground under heron tree
2078: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Bare ground under heron tree
2081: Cold Spring Heron Colony Under E55 Quad. 33, 1 nest
2081: Cold Spring Heron Colony Under E55 Quad. 33, 1 nest
2086: Cold Spring Heron Colony Partly bare under heron tree
2086: Cold Spring Heron Colony Partly bare under heron tree
2152: Cold Spring Heron Colony Old Fallen ash
2152: Cold Spring Heron Colony Old Fallen ash
3358: Cold Spring Heron Colony NE corner of Quad. 3, Elm + 16 nests
3358: Cold Spring Heron Colony NE corner of Quad. 3, Elm + 16 nests
3360: Cold Spring Heron Colony Quad. 13, nests in dead birch + ash
3360: Cold Spring Heron Colony Quad. 13, nests in dead birch + ash
3909: Cold Spring Heron Colony C.S. Heron Colony
3909: Cold Spring Heron Colony C.S. Heron Colony
3910: Cold Spring Heron Colony Base of Yellow Birch
3910: Cold Spring Heron Colony Base of Yellow Birch
4017: Cold Spring Heron Colony Tamarack lodged in Elm
4017: Cold Spring Heron Colony Tamarack lodged in Elm
4023: Cold Spring Heron Colony Dead elm Quad #14, top dead in 1958
4023: Cold Spring Heron Colony Dead elm Quad #14, top dead in 1958
4025: Cold Spring Heron Colony Tipped Ash, Quad #14
4025: Cold Spring Heron Colony Tipped Ash, Quad #14
4026: Cold Spring Heron Colony 4+3 nests in ash Quad. 45
4026: Cold Spring Heron Colony 4+3 nests in ash Quad. 45
4123: Cold Spring Heron Colony Ash (dead) + 6 nests in Quad. 45
4123: Cold Spring Heron Colony Ash (dead) + 6 nests in Quad. 45
4442: Cold Spring Heron Colony Setting of CS Heron Colony
4442: Cold Spring Heron Colony Setting of CS Heron Colony
4445: Cold Spring Heron Colony Cold Spring Heron Colony Expansion
4445: Cold Spring Heron Colony Cold Spring Heron Colony Expansion
4467: Cold Spring Heron Colony Insect riddled tree
4467: Cold Spring Heron Colony Insect riddled tree
4522: Cold Spring Heron Colony Flood stage
4522: Cold Spring Heron Colony Flood stage
4605: Cold Spring Heron Colony One-holer in 54" ash in Quad. 22
4605: Cold Spring Heron Colony One-holer in 54" ash in Quad. 22
4749: Cold Spring Heron Colony Quad. 45- Ash down
4749: Cold Spring Heron Colony Quad. 45- Ash down
4978: Cold Spring Heron Colony Ybi roots in #63
4978: Cold Spring Heron Colony Ybi roots in #63
6853: Pelican Lake Pelican Lake
6853: Pelican Lake Pelican Lake
6854: Pelican Lake Elm with 32 nests
6854: Pelican Lake Elm with 32 nests
6899: Pelican Lake Yearling egrets in nest
6899: Pelican Lake Yearling egrets in nest
6900: Pelican Lake yearling egrets in nest
6900: Pelican Lake yearling egrets in nest
6902: Pelican Lake View of open nature of woods
6902: Pelican Lake View of open nature of woods
12-022: Sherburne Refuge Old heron colony, 33+ nests
12-022: Sherburne Refuge Old heron colony, 33+ nests
7378: Shield's Lake Heron Island
7378: Shield's Lake Heron Island
1482: Vawter Heron Colony View of woods
1482: Vawter Heron Colony View of woods
?: Cold Spring Heron Colony colony data plot / graph
?: Cold Spring Heron Colony colony data plot / graph
?: Cold Spring Heron Colony colony data plot / graph
?: Cold Spring Heron Colony colony data plot / graph
?: Cold Spring Heron Colony colony data plot / graph
?: Cold Spring Heron Colony colony data plot / graph
?: Cold Spring Heron Colony colony data plot / graph
?: Cold Spring Heron Colony colony data plot / graph
?: Cold Spring Heron Colony colony data plot / graph
?: Cold Spring Heron Colony colony data plot / graph
6540: Cold Spring Heron Colony Panorama #6
6540: Cold Spring Heron Colony Panorama #6
6541: Cold Spring Heron Colony Panorama #7
6541: Cold Spring Heron Colony Panorama #7
6543: Cold Spring Heron Colony Panorama #9
6543: Cold Spring Heron Colony Panorama #9
13507: Cold Spring Heron Colony North Border Series #2
13507: Cold Spring Heron Colony North Border Series #2
13508: Cold Spring Heron Colony North Border series #3
13508: Cold Spring Heron Colony North Border series #3
13509: Cold Spring Heron Colony North Border Series #4
13509: Cold Spring Heron Colony North Border Series #4