Mostrando 4901 resultados
Descripción archivística
397: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Woods at Heron Colony
397: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Woods at Heron Colony
790: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Fungi on dead birch
790: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Fungi on dead birch
399: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Cutting lowland woods to make more fields
399: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Cutting lowland woods to make more fields
978: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Paper birch + Tamarack NW side
978: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Paper birch + Tamarack NW side
980: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Dead Tamarack with Birch + Elm
980: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Dead Tamarack with Birch + Elm
982: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Nests in Basswood + ash
982: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Nests in Basswood + ash
981: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Heron nests in Birch
981: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Heron nests in Birch
983: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Ground cover under nesting tree
983: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Ground cover under nesting tree
985: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Nests in ash Quad #45
985: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Nests in ash Quad #45
979: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Birch + elm
979: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Birch + elm
992: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Roots of Tamarack
992: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Roots of Tamarack
1026: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Dead herons blown out of nest (Bare ground)
1026: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Dead herons blown out of nest (Bare ground)
994: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Old fallen log
994: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Old fallen log
1004: Cold Spring Heron Colony - M. Weslow in Quad #55, fallen Tamaracks in peat "drain"
1004: Cold Spring Heron Colony - M. Weslow in Quad #55, fallen Tamaracks in peat "drain"
991: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Heron Colony
991: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Heron Colony
995: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Old fallen (rotten) log
995: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Old fallen (rotten) log
1005: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Basswood stump, tree + sprouts
1005: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Basswood stump, tree + sprouts
1269: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Marsh-Ash shoreline + great blue heron
1269: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Marsh-Ash shoreline + great blue heron
1405: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Elm with 26 nests
1405: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Elm with 26 nests
1028: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Banded great blue heron young that crashed with nest
1028: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Banded great blue heron young that crashed with nest
1178: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Fallen nest
1178: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Fallen nest
1181: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Nests in birch
1181: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Nests in birch
1180: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Nests in Ash Quad #45
1180: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Nests in Ash Quad #45
1179: Cold Spring Heron Colony - C.S. Heron Colony
1179: Cold Spring Heron Colony - C.S. Heron Colony
2000: Cold Spring Heron Colony - View from Hwy. 23
2000: Cold Spring Heron Colony - View from Hwy. 23
2002: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Nests in birch
2002: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Nests in birch
2005: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Blank used to map + record heron nests + trees
2005: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Blank used to map + record heron nests + trees
2001: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Nests in ash Quad #45
2001: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Nests in ash Quad #45
2003: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Fallen Ash
2003: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Fallen Ash
2004: Cold Spring Heron Colony - East central Stearns County map
2004: Cold Spring Heron Colony - East central Stearns County map
2078: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Bare ground under heron tree
2078: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Bare ground under heron tree
2081: Cold Spring Heron Colony Under E55 Quad. 33, 1 nest
2081: Cold Spring Heron Colony Under E55 Quad. 33, 1 nest
2079: Cold Spring Heron Colony Regurgitated fish, muskrats, etc.
2079: Cold Spring Heron Colony Regurgitated fish, muskrats, etc.
2082: Cold Spring Heron Colony A36 (cut) Quad. 33, un-used side
2082: Cold Spring Heron Colony A36 (cut) Quad. 33, un-used side
2077: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Sludge shore near C.S. Heron colony
2077: Cold Spring Heron Colony - Sludge shore near C.S. Heron colony
2086: Cold Spring Heron Colony Partly bare under heron tree
2086: Cold Spring Heron Colony Partly bare under heron tree
2152: Cold Spring Heron Colony Old Fallen ash
2152: Cold Spring Heron Colony Old Fallen ash
2157: Cold Spring Heron Colony Nest tree near west end
2157: Cold Spring Heron Colony Nest tree near west end
2083: Cold Spring Heron Colony A36 (cut) Quad. 33, used side of stump
2083: Cold Spring Heron Colony A36 (cut) Quad. 33, used side of stump
2156: Cold Spring Heron Colony Quad. 89 Triple elm
2156: Cold Spring Heron Colony Quad. 89 Triple elm
2084: Cold Spring Heron Colony grown-over area, Bi 41 Quad. 32
2084: Cold Spring Heron Colony grown-over area, Bi 41 Quad. 32
2153: Cold Spring Heron Colony Old fallen ash in #4
2153: Cold Spring Heron Colony Old fallen ash in #4
3358: Cold Spring Heron Colony NE corner of Quad. 3, Elm + 16 nests
3358: Cold Spring Heron Colony NE corner of Quad. 3, Elm + 16 nests
3360: Cold Spring Heron Colony Quad. 13, nests in dead birch + ash
3360: Cold Spring Heron Colony Quad. 13, nests in dead birch + ash
3357: Cold Spring Heron Colony Top of ash in Quad. 13
3357: Cold Spring Heron Colony Top of ash in Quad. 13
3361: Cold Spring Heron Colony View of area showing stake 68
3361: Cold Spring Heron Colony View of area showing stake 68
3362: Cold Spring Heron Colony Clump of basswood just ESE of stake 68
3362: Cold Spring Heron Colony Clump of basswood just ESE of stake 68
3356: Cold Spring Heron Colony Ash in quad 13 cracked at base
3356: Cold Spring Heron Colony Ash in quad 13 cracked at base
3364: Cold Spring Heron Colony Nests in Ash of NW Quad. 45
3364: Cold Spring Heron Colony Nests in Ash of NW Quad. 45
3891: Cold Spring Heron Colony Dr. Walter P. Taylor
3891: Cold Spring Heron Colony Dr. Walter P. Taylor