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Descripción archivística
62-001: Support for Amendment 2
62-001: Support for Amendment 2
1 [21A.1a]
1 [21A.1a]
62-001 to 63-066
62-001 to 63-066
62-002: Freshmen Week
62-002: Freshmen Week
63-007: Riverside store
63-007: Riverside store
63-008: Marie Case in front of Case Hall
63-008: Marie Case in front of Case Hall
Homecoming queen Rebecca Planer sits on a parade float at the homecoming football game, St. Cloud State University
Homecoming queen Rebecca Planer sits on a parade float at the homecoming football game, St. Cloud State University
63-001: Alumni banquet
63-001: Alumni banquet
63-003: Art exhibit of Kincaid watercolors
63-003: Art exhibit of Kincaid watercolors
63-004: Four new Art faculty
63-004: Four new Art faculty
63-005: Homecoming football and royalty
63-005: Homecoming football and royalty
63-002: Alumni Association Board
63-002: Alumni Association Board
Case Hall (1964) construction near Hill Hall (1962), St. Cloud State University
Case Hall (1964) construction near Hill Hall (1962), St. Cloud State University
A student watches the construction of Case Hall (1964), St. Cloud State University
A student watches the construction of Case Hall (1964), St. Cloud State University
63-013: Mathematics
63-013: Mathematics
63-012: Student nurses at Gray Campus Laboratory School
63-012: Student nurses at Gray Campus Laboratory School
63-015: Philosophy
63-015: Philosophy
Old Newman Center is moved through campus, St. Cloud State University
Old Newman Center is moved through campus, St. Cloud State University
63-016: Medical technology and nurses
63-016: Medical technology and nurses
Old Newman Center being moved through campus, St. Cloud State University
Old Newman Center being moved through campus, St. Cloud State University
63-009: Moving old Newman Center
63-009: Moving old Newman Center
63-014: New building construction
63-014: New building construction
Medical Technology students work together, St. Cloud State University
Medical Technology students work together, St. Cloud State University
Medical Technology students looks in a microscope, St. Cloud State University
Medical Technology students looks in a microscope, St. Cloud State University
Muriel Wollack with rescued golden eagle, St. Cloud State University
Muriel Wollack with rescued golden eagle, St. Cloud State University
63-020: Special education
63-020: Special education
63-018: TV demonstration at Gray Campus Laboratory School and the Gray Campus Laboratory School gymnasium
63-018: TV demonstration at Gray Campus Laboratory School and the Gray Campus Laboratory School gymnasium
63-021: New faculty group
63-021: New faculty group
63-023: Red Severson
63-023: Red Severson
63-024: Commencement
63-024: Commencement
63-017: Students working in a laboratory
63-017: Students working in a laboratory
63-019: Golden eagle bird
63-019: Golden eagle bird
63-022: New faculty group
63-022: New faculty group
Halenbeck Hall (1965) groundbreaking, St. Cloud State University
Halenbeck Hall (1965) groundbreaking, St. Cloud State University
63-025: Halenbeck Hall groundbreaking
63-025: Halenbeck Hall groundbreaking
63-026: Distinguished Alumni Awards
63-026: Distinguished Alumni Awards
63-027: Homecoming queen candidate portraits
63-027: Homecoming queen candidate portraits
63-028: Homecoming parade
63-028: Homecoming parade
63-029: Homecoming queen coronation
63-029: Homecoming queen coronation
63-030: Homecoming queen candidates group shot
63-030: Homecoming queen candidates group shot
63-032: Programmed Learning workshop
63-032: Programmed Learning workshop
St. Cloud State president George Budd and another man ride horses in the homecoming parade
St. Cloud State president George Budd and another man ride horses in the homecoming parade
Becky Planer is crowned homecoming queen, St. Cloud State University
Becky Planer is crowned homecoming queen, St. Cloud State University
63-031: Homecoming queen
63-031: Homecoming queen
63-036: FTA workshop
63-036: FTA workshop
63-039: Typing/shorthand workshop
63-039: Typing/shorthand workshop
63-040: High school speech conference
63-040: High school speech conference
63-033: Gifted Child Institute
63-033: Gifted Child Institute
63-034: Administrators' Workshop
63-034: Administrators' Workshop
63-035: FTA workshop
63-035: FTA workshop