Correspondence from other politicians
Correspondence concerning the State Aid Bill. Supported the bill
Correspondence concerning the stadium issue. Opposed state funding toward a new stadium
Correspondence concerning non-public education. She supported aid to non-public schools
Correspondence concerning the Family Planning Bill and local opposition to the bill which she supported
Correspondence concerning the Family Planning Bill and local opposition to the bill which she supported
Correspondence and material concerning the East Central Regional Development Commission
Correspondence concerning the drinking age in Minnesota
This collection contains varies correspondences and materials relating to Claudia Meier Volk and her time spent in office. There are a number of correspondences related to" agriculture, drinking age, equal rights amendment, family planning, gun control, and a number of other correspondences. Other material includes legislative material, bills, personal papers, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous material.
Sem título- 12698_web.pdf
- Dimensions: 12.3 x 7.2 cm
- Physical Format: Document
- Local Identifier: Joseph P. Wilson Papers
Titled "Ho! For the Gold Mines of Montana"
Smith served as governor of the state of Vermont from 1863 to 1865.
This collection contains materials related to Joseph P. Wilson. The majority of the collection are letters written between 1851 and 1869 to Joseph P. Wilson, from Joseph P. Wilson, or about his business interests. The letters include a proposal written by Wilson to the president of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company about the St. Cloud and Minneapolis railroad, references to Wilson’s involvement with the James L. Fisk expeditions to Montana in the early 1860s, and information relating to his business in mercantile and railroads. In addition, there is mention of the aftermath of the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862 in Minnesota.
A number of the letters detail the legal counsel Wilson provided to his brother-in-law, William A. Corbett, regarding a land dispute in St. Augusta, Minnesota. The collection of letters also contains information about the platting of land in and around St. Cloud. Other authors besides Wilson include William A. Corbett, [sister?] A. B. Wilson, and brother John L. Wilson.
The collection also includes transcriptions of all the letters transcribed by Kasey Solomon. Information that is torn, faded, or otherwise unclear is noted with brackets and a question mark.
All documents were scanned and are available for download. Also included for download are the letter transcriptions.
Sem títuloBooklets including: Report of the Legislative Building Commission to the 1967 Legislature of the State of Minnesota; Legislative Building Commission: Report to the 1969 Legislature State of Minnesota
Booklets including: Office of the Administrative Assistant: Third Annual Report 1966 Minnesota Courts: The Supreme Court of Minnesota; Minnesota Commission on Interstate Cooperation: Biennial Report to the Governor and the Legislature, January 1967; Report of the Minnesota Indian Affairs Commission, January 1967; Public Retirement Systems Interim Commission
Booklets including: Minnesota State Board of Health: Biennial Report to the Legislature for the Calendar Years 1965 and 1966; Department of Taxation: Report of the Governor and the Legislature: Biennial Report #14 Fiscal Years 1965 and 1966; State Board of Investment: 1965 Report of the Executive Secretary
Booklets including: Legislative Research Committee: Actions of the 1967 Minnesota Legislature; Department of Administration: Fiscal Facts About Minnesota State Government; Minnesota State Planning Agency: Biennial State Planning Report, 1965-1967; Rolland F. Hatfield, Commissioner of Administration: An Over-view of Minnesota's State Government together with Changes Made in Budget Requests for the 1967-1969 Biennium; Governor Harold LeVander Budget Address to the 65th Session of the Legislature, January 1967; Governor Harold LeVander Inaugural Address to the 65th Session of the Legislature, January 1967
Booklets including: School Eye Safety Laws and Federal Grants to State of Minnesota, 1965-1966; Timber Sales Laws, January 1967; Tax Relief for the Elderly, October 1966; Organization of State Legislatures, September 1966; Unemployment Compensation Reports, August 1966
Booklets including: Department of Business Development Division of Research: New Plant and Expansion Report for Minnesota Industries, 1965; Minnesota Department of Business Development Division of Research: A Statistical Profile of the State of Minnesota, January 1966