- Aho transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
AndersonJosephine summary.pdf
- Andros transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
- Carlson transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
- Carroll_Robert transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
- Harren transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
- Johnson_Roy transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
- Kok transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
- Rodriguez transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
- Snader transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
One reel-to-reel tape.
One reel-to-reel tape.
This collection contains undergraduate, graduate, summer, extension and evening class schedules from 1943 to 2010. The schedules document which classes were offered at what time, who taught the course, and where the class was held. Depending on the year, information about adding and dropping, advising, building abbreviations, final examination schedule, and registration times are included.
The summer publications are a combination of classes as well as information found in the course catalogs. Those dated before 1960 are in a separate collection. That collection also contains the summer publications after 1960 that are in this collection.
Zonder titelCorrespondences including letters to Clawson when he was reverend at First Lutheran Church, and constituent correspondences to Clawson as Minnesota House representative from the year 1975.