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Collection · 1950 - 2018

These materials showcase more than 50 years of the history of the David Frank Grether Central Minnesota Regional Science Fair (previously known as the “Central Minnesota Regional Science Fair” until 2001).

This collection is organized in two series.

Series 1: Science Fair Materials

Dating from 1950 to 2019, this series contains a diverse assortment of materials pertaining to the fair. The most prominent materials are the programs for this event that date from 1950 to 2018. There are other materials that include flyers, ribbons, and certificates. Perhaps most notably, As an example of the type of project submitted and presented, contained here is the project and research paper of Michael Garrity, a high school student who took part in the program during the late 1950s.

Series 2: Science Fair Scrapbooks

The second series contains six scrapbooks, dating from 1950 to 1968, containing materials pertinent to the fair. These include event programs, newspaper clippings, photographs of student participants and their demonstrations, along with written descriptions of their projects.

Location is 28A.1b-c

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