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Archival description
19 · Collection · 1969-1978

Edited by Francis and Ludmilla (Mil) Voelker, the papers are centered around the collection, creation, editing, and publishing of three editions of Mass Media: Forces in Our Society. The first edition was a publishing trend-setter, making articles by professionals in all areas of media readily available in one attractively designed source. The second edition received a Certificate of Excellence from the American Institute of Graphic Arts and was selected in the 1975 AIGA Learning Materials Show as one of 50 best designed books published that year.  The third and final edition appeared in 1978.

Voelker, Francis
190 · Collection · 1968-2014

This collection contains records from the Center for International Studies at St. Cloud State University. Items in this collection date from 1968 to 2014, the majority of which are from the mid-1970s to the late-1980s. Mostly correspondence related to international study, this collection also includes budget ledgers, program publications, newsletters, program yearbooks, and student handbooks.

This records are arranged in three series.

Series 1: Areas of Study

These records are separated by the various locations students studied abroad. Information related to program planning, such as program financing and budgeting, staffing, coursework and student and faculty accommodations can be found here. There is also information on program promotion and assessment. The majority of these files are on the Denmark and England programs.

Series 2: Administrative Records

These records are made up of department correspondence, reports, budgets, newsletters, and publications that contain information related to maintaining and expanding of International Studies. Special attention is given to the promotion of the unit and its study abroad programs. These records also include a few specific programs not associated with a particular location such as Academic Travel Abroad, Common Market Program, Exchange Program Agreements, Foreign Student and Foreign Student Advisor records, and the Fine Arts in Europe program. Information on these programs includes program descriptions, planning, and evaluations.

Series 3: Committees

These records are produced by committees created to review and advise the International Studies program that date mostly in the 1980s and early 1990s.

International Studies
Stewart Hall Time Capsule
192 · Collection · 1947-1992

This collection contains the content of a time capsule placed near the cornerstone of Stewart Hall. The cornerstone ceremony was held in mid-May 1948. The time capsule was placed in a 9 inch by 9 inch lead lined copper box.

Nearly all of the material has been published, including a 1944 college history, two copies of the Chronicle student newspaper, and course catalogs for 1947/48 and summer of 1948. Also included here is a May 1948 letter from Warren Stewart, namesake of the building, and two lists containing the signatures of 47 St. Cloud State faculy members and 994 students from the spring quarter of 1948.

Also included here is a folder containing information about the May 1948 cornerstone ceremony, a 1989 clipping about the missing time capsule, and an October 1992 press release regarding the circumstances of its discovery and return to St. Cloud State.

The copper box is still intact but severely damaged.

St. Cloud State University
193 · Collection · 1874-1975

Diplomas that were awarded from 1875 through 1975 and beyond. A few of the diplomas are signed by the administrators from the respective time periods, and contain the names of the students that the diploma was awarded to. Most diplomas are blank copies that cover a large range of dates.

The earlier diplomas stipulate the completion of an education training program, whereas later diplomas stipulate differences between associates, bachelors, and advanced and masters degrees.

St. Cloud State University
194 · Collection · 1869-2000s

This collection covers a wide variety of topics at St. Cloud State University - people, places, events, units, and athletics.  The collection was created from a huge and poorly unorganized mess of photographic prints held in University Archives.  Since the orgainization of the prints was poor, an artificial order was imposed on them to make more accessible.

Dating mostly from roughly between the early 1970s and the late 1990s, there are no specific creators but it is suspected that the University Photographer took many of the images and that the negatives from them are in the University Photographer collection. If not the University Photographer, the images were likely taken by other university employees for university business. If so, the copyright is held by St. Cloud State University.

Photographic print color snapshots, which date from the last half of the 1990s, are very likely not in the University Photographer Collection. There are images that do date before 1970s, especially mostly of buildings, which date before and after the turn of the 20th century, but are a small majority of the total images. Most images are undated and unidentified - the images were put into an appropriate series. To date the images, one must look at content and decide on an approximate date.

This collection is separated into two groups, then into series. Within those series, some are divided into sub-series when appropriate. The description below applies to both groups of images.

Series 1: Athletics

The series is divided by sport and then by gender, if applicable, within the sport. Nearly all of the images are action, group, and team shots of various sports.

Series 2: Buildings and Spaces

This series contains photographic prints of mostly campus buildings and space. There are some slides that depict locations outside of campus and are not.

This series is divided into three sub-series;

Sub-series 1: General Campus

This sub-series contains slides showing campus by air, campus artwork, mostly outdoors, and campus scenes. Campus scenes show various exterior spots on campus and often contain multiple campus buildings. These images often show people within these spaces, which focus mostly on the space.

Sub-series 2: Specific Campus Buildings and Spaces

Divided by specific campus buildings and space, the images show most often the exterior and, sometimes, the interior of buildings. The slides are sub-divided when appropriate by folder. Some material here show the interior of campus buildings extensively, most notably Centennial Hall as a library (1971-2000), as well as Garvey Commons, and Kiehle as a library (1952-1971). The images show mostly students interacting with the space.

The oversize photographs date before and just after 1900, especially for Old Main, both Lawrence Halls, Riverview, Shoemaker Hall, and the Old Model School.

If there was a specific event associated with a campus building or space, such as groundbreakings, dedications, and cornerstone layings, the slides were placed in this series and not the Social Activities and Events series.

Sub-series 3: Non-campus Buildings and Spaces

There weresome images that showed non-campus spaces, such as downtown St. Cloud, downtown Minneapolis, 10th Street / University bridge, and the neighborhood surrounding the campus as it grew. There are some images that were included here that are now part of campus but when taken were not, such as those that list intersections by street names, and include those homes that stood nearby.  These homes no longer stand.

Series 3: Campus Units and Organizations

This series contains materials related specifically to campus units, including departments, programs, and student groups by name. if there were events specifically associated with a unit, those images appear here, especially those for Learning Resources Services.

Series 4: People

This series focuses mostly on images of students, though there are some images here that are not student related. These students are shown together in groups, walking on campus, participating in class, studying, relaxing in their resident hall rooms, attending athletic events, participating in recreational sports, and as cheeleaders, danceline, or as the Husky mascot.

This series does not contain all images of students but those that were generally identified as students outside of those images that appeared in those related to Centennial Hall and other campus buildings, participating in study-abroad programs, or those depicted in social activities and events.

The oversize images are particularly rich, containing the class composite photos and individual faculty and student protraits, many of which appeared on the composite class photos.

Series 5: Social Activities and Events

Filed in alphabetical order, this series contains slides from specific events such as homecoming, commencement, and registration, to politicians, musical groups, and Hollywood actors. Those folders labeled as "Campus Events" contain images in which the specific event is unidentified.

Series 6: Other

This series contains imagess that did not fit into any of the above categories. Most notable are photo albums from St. Cloud State's centennial celebration as well as the 1975 celebration related to St. Cloud State (and other state four year schools) changing its status from a college to a university.

Series 7: Large Oversize Images

This series contains very large oversize images that could not fit into archival boxes. Due to their size, a separate series was created, but are a small majority of this collection. Particularly notable are the panoramic images from the 1910s and 1920s that featured all students and faculty, usually taken in front of Old Main and Lawrence Hall.

St. Cloud State University
195 · Collection · 1960-2007

This collection contains records from the Department of English at St. Cloud State University. Items in this collection date from 1960 to the 2000s, the majority of which are from the early 1960s to the late 1980s. This collection contains various administrative records, brochures, and publications.

These records are arranged in two series:

Series 1: Administrative Records

This series contains a variety of administrative records. Information relating to personnel, committee and department minutes, budgets, course lists, enrollment, and department publications and projects are found here. There is also information on the Write Place and its predecessors.

Series 2: Publications and Conferences on Sinclair Lewis

Divided into two sub-series, this series contains records relating to St. Cloud State Department of English publications and conferences relating to the Nobel Prize-winning author Sinclair Lewis. Most of the series relates to the 1985 Sinclair Lewis Centennial Conference, hosted by St. Cloud State University in honor of the 100th anniversary of Lewis's birth. Also included are programs of conferences held in honor of Lewis and his friend and confidant, Ida K. Compton, in 2005 and 2007, copies of the Sinclair Lewis Newsletter from the late 1960s through mid-1970s, and cassette tapes of the 1971 radio production: Sinclair Lewis's Minnesota: A State of Mind.

Isabel Lawrence Papers
196 · Collection · 1879-1936

This collection contains records and items related to Isabel Lawrence, faculty member and first female president of St. Cloud State University, acting or permanent. Items in this collection date from approximately 1879 to 1950, the majority of which were created between 1890 and 1920. The first two series contain documents that belonged to Lawrence and were kept by former faculty member and friend of Lawrence, Albertina C. Anderson. The papers contain drafts of articles and addresses by Lawrence, some of her personal notes on several topics including developmental psychology and literature, and writings by students and other faculty members that may have come into her possession. The third series contains articles of clothing that belonged to Lawrence and were kept by Mrs. Blanche Anderson.

These records are arranged in four series:

Series 1: Records Created by Isabel Lawrence

This series contains a variety of typed and handwritten records. Much of it is drafts of essays, articles, and addresses by Lawrence discussing child and adolescent development and teaching methods, including a handwritten draft of a commencement address. Other records include personal notes on developmental psychology, literature, teaching methods, and lesson plans.

Series 2: Records Created by Other Writers

This series contains records that were not created by Lawrence but likely came into her possession and were found in the same donation. Records include, but are not limited to, writings by 1897 graduates Benhof E. Benhardus and Vernon E. McCombs, criticisms by faculty of practice teachers in St. Cloud State's model school, and records from other normal schools and teachers colleges in New York and Chicago.

Series 3: Clothing Belonging to Isabel Lawrence

This series contains clothing belonging to Isabel Lawrence that had been kept by Mrs. Blanche Anderson and were transferred to the University Archives by Mrs. Alice Wick, wife of former SCSU president Robert Wick. Included here are two dresses, a mesh top-coat, a fur handwarmer, five pieces of lace, and a 1987 letter from then University Archivist Marie Elsen to Blanche Anderson.

Series 4: Tribute and Other Material

This series contains mostly material related to Lawrence's retirement from St. Cloud State in May 1921. Letters were solicited from alumni and most letters received were bound into two volumes.  Other letters were left loose.  The bound letters are organized by graduating class and give tribute to Lawrence.  The letters congratulate Lawrence upon her retirement, share memories of her when the alum had attended St. Cloud State, and updates on their own lives.  There is a folder with Lawrence's 1936 obituary and other tribute material related to her death.

Lawrence, Isabel
Records of Gamma Sigma Sigma
197 · Collection · 1908 - 1962

This collection contains the records of Gamma Sigma Sigma, previously called Sigma Theta Chi, and the Story Teller’s Club. Included are three meeting minute books, two treasurer’s books that document some of the group's finances, and correspondence with Isabel Lawrence who organized the Story Teller’s Club. Also included is the club scrapbook which has photos, programs, and newspaper clippings. There are also records pertaining to the name change from Story Teller's Club, to Sigma Theta Chi, to Gamma Sigma Sigma.

Gamma Sigma Sigma
198 · Collection · 1887-1903

This collection contains the records of St. Cloud Normal Literary Society. Included in the collection are: one book of financial statements, and six books of minutes.  Most of the minutes detail new members, elected postiions, resignations, and club program outlines.  The programs often included speeches, recitations, debates, solo performances, and readings.

St. Cloud Normal Literary Society
199 · Collection · 1887-1942

This collection contains the records of the Young Women's Christian Association.  Included are three meeting minute books, two treasurer’s books that document some of the group's finances, and additional meeting minute documents.  Also included is a scrapbook which has photos, songs, and newspaper clippings.

Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA)