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Constituent Correspondence
id57532 · Folder · January-February 1956
Parte de Marvin C. Schumann Papers

Correspondence mentioning: Osteopathy bill, constitutional revision, rural school legislation, trucking legislation, and other material

Legislative Bills
id57531 · Folder · c. January 1955
Parte de Marvin C. Schumann Papers

Bills regarding: candling, grading, handling, and marketing of eggs; salaries of deputy register of deeds in certain counties; reappropriating certain moneys to the city of St. Cloud in reimbursement of part of the cost of a sewage disposal system; and interim commissions

Marvin C. Schumann Papers
S-70 · Coleção · 1955-1968

This collection contains a majority of constituent correspondences during the time Schumann served in the Minnesota House. The correspondences are arranged in chronological order by date. The content matter of these correspondences mostly deal with legislative matters on a wide range of topics, such as: highways, welfare, forestry, labor, and a number of other topics. They provide insight to public opinion concerning prospective laws and new regulations.

The second part of the collection contains a number of books and department reports from the 1960's covering issues such as: environmental, Minnesota highways, Minnesota Development Association, Legislative Research Committee, and other commissions and reports. These booklets are arranged by topic.

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Newspaper Articles
id55107 · Folder · 1961-1968
Parte de Hjalmar Petersen and Family Papers

Article Regarding: the Petersens attending the formal inaugural reception (1/05/1961), the ex-governor club meets (3/24/1961), editorials by Hjalmar Petersen (10/11/1962 and 9/17/1964), Grandprey family reunion (9/19/1963), the former and present Governors attend Billy William’s funeral (11/17/1963), brief article and pictures of politicians who were active in sports (11/17/1963), Mrs. Petersen as the president of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (2/19/1964), Mr. and Mrs. Petersen go to Washington to attend a party given for the Danish Prime Minister at the White House (6/14,25/1964), Petersen as one of the eight living governors and one of the two still active (1/27/1965), close of Petersen’s career and tributes to his statesmanship (9/16/1965, 7/14/1966, 8/04/1966, and 1/19/1967), battle for new Railroad and Warehouse Commissioner to replace Petersen (10/10,13,14,15,17,20,25,26/1966), and miscellaneous articles

Newspaper Articles
id55106 · Folder · 1954-1960
Parte de Hjalmar Petersen and Family Papers

Articles Regarding: Governor Anderson and Challenger Orville Freeman and other candidates when they visit Askov (9/11/1954), Petersen’s comeback in politics (11/18/1954 and 4/12/1956), Minnesota’s past State’s First Ladies (1/02/1955), Petersen accepts Senator Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.) on his request for him to be Kefauver’s Minnesota campaign manager (12/30/1955, 1/05/1956, and 2/23/1956), editorials by Petersen (2/02/1956, 5/29/1958, 6/12/1958), Petersen to show Danish Ambassador Kauffman through Askov (5/21/1957), Petersen to run for Senate (4/07 and 7/10,11,14,15,17,31/1958), past candidates for President who came to Minnesota (Petersen pictured with Franklin Roosevelt in 1936) (09/11/1960), women behind the candidates (9/24/1960), Petersen’s last campaign for re-election to the Minnesota Railroad and Warehouse Commission (9/30/1960), the death of Georg Strandvold (12/08/1960), and miscellaneous articles

Newspaper Articles
id55105 · Folder · 1942-1953
Parte de Hjalmar Petersen and Family Papers

Articles Regarding: right of all military men to vote (4/23/1942), editorials by Petersen (5/21,29/1942, 7/04,16/1942, 10/01/1942, and 1/16/1947), Petersen in the Minnesota Leader, “Lief Story of Hjalmar Petersen in 8 Easy Lessons,” page 6; F-L exposes Petersen for double cross and he is called a labor betrayer, page 3 (8/1942), urging of increased state tax revenues from iron ore mined: “Three Million State Ore Tax Lost, Petersen Charges,” (10/10/1942), Petersen’s platform for Governor (10/29/1942), death of Mrs. Petersen’s father Samuel Grandprey (7/05/1945), death of Hjalmar’s brother Dr. Thorvald Petersen (1/22/1945), letter written by Petersen for publication to the Star-Journal (5/02/1946), Petersen and the controversy over amendment number 5: excise tax on motor vehicles (4/26/1951, 1952, 3/12/1952, 4/03/1952), Mrs. Petersen to teach home economics in Morris Junior High School (1953), and miscellaneous articles

Newspaper Articles
id55102 · Folder · 1924-1941
Parte de Hjalmar Petersen and Family Papers

Articles Regarding: Askov American newspaper founded and owned by Hjalmar Petersen (7/14/1924), Petersen as running for Lieutenant-Governor 1934 (5/25/1934), Hjalmar Petersen and Medora Grandprey engagement announcement (4/27/1934), Petersen as Lieutenant-Governor (c. 1935), Petersen as Governor (8/22,25,29 and 9/01,26 and 12/01,03/1936), editorials by Hjalmar Petersen (9/09/1926, 3/26/1936, 7/15/1937, 8/26/1939, 2/15/1940, 8/03/1940, 3/13/1941, 4/03/1941, 5/01/1941), Governor elect Elmer Benson (11/26/1936), Petersen not being controlled by Mexican Generals-members of his own party (1938), Petersen’s vote getting ability: statistics on past voting tables (8/28/1938? And 10/05/1939), Petersen’s principles in race for Governor (9/28/1938), Petersen’s opposition to reduced powers and funds of railroad and wardhouse commission (2/10/1939), Petersen’s speech to Danish royalty not heard over WCCO (4/27/1939), Silver anniversary edition of the Askov American (9/14/1939), and miscellaneous articles

Political Material
id55098 · Folder · 1960-April 1969
Parte de Hjalmar Petersen and Family Papers

Discussions Regarding: memories over the years by Petersen (1960), dates of births and deaths of families of Hjalmar Petersen and Medora Grandprey(1961), letter from Hubert H. Humphrey concerning the appointment of a new postmaster general to replace Hjalmar’s brother, Svend, after his death (6/06/1961), correspondence between Petersen and Congressman Fred Marshall concerning the appointment of a new postmaster for Askov (6/8,14/1961), letter written by Petersen to Joseph L. Donovan, Secretary of State (11/06/1963), letter written by Petersen to Miles Lord-U.S. Attorney (4/09/1964), the occasion of the Askov American’s fifteenth anniversary (9/17/1964), letters from Governor Carl Rolvaag (1/02,11/1966), tribute by reverend Harold Petersen at the funeral of Hjalmar Petersen (4/01/1968), eulogy given to Hjalmar Petersen at the memorial service for deceased former members of the House (4/21/1969), and miscellaneous discussions

Political Material
id55097 · Folder · January 1951-December 1959
Parte de Hjalmar Petersen and Family Papers

Discussions Regarding: biographical sketch on Hjalmar Petersen (1/01/1951), copy of Petersen’s certificate of merit from the American Evangelical Lutheran Church (10/28/1953), talks given by Petersen (1955), certificate of becoming Railroad and Warehouse Commissioner (1/03/1955), television talks by Petersen (3/07, 7/07, and 12/20/1955), Petersen as State Campaign manager for Estes IceFauver for president (1/10, 1/23, 2/07-09, 2/23, 6/22/1956), Petersen’s letter to former President Harry S. Truman (04/03/1956), former President Truman’s response to Petersen’s letter (4/11/1956), list of editorials written by Petersen in the Askov American (1958), Hjalmar Petersen for U.S. Senator Volunteer Committee (1958), Petersen to run for Senate (6/12 and 7/14/1958), radio talks by Petersen (3/14, 6/22, 7/13, and 7/18/1958), letter to Svend Petersen from Hjalmar Petersen’s daughter Evelyn (6/26/1959), and miscellaneous discussions

Political Material
id55096 · Folder · January 1939-July 1946
Parte de Hjalmar Petersen and Family Papers

Discussions regarding: article on Petersen commending him on his good service (1/1939), statement made by Petersen concerning the Grain Inspection Department under the railroad and warehouse commission (1/17/1939 and 2/06/1939), press release by Petersen (2/04/1939), Petersen’s speech on the occasion of the visit of the Danish Royalty in Minneapolis (4/22/1939), Petersen’s radio broadcasting (7/04/1939 and 2/08/1940), picture of Petersen as Railroad and Warehouse Commission-Petersen filing for Governor in 1940 (7/12/1940), letter to Governor Stassen concerning giving all military men the right to vote (3/14/1942), letter concerning the financing of Petersen’s 1942 campaign (2/09/1943), letter to Petersen from Hubert Humphrey (11/01/1943), letter from Petersen to John Gunther: Harper’s Magazine: an issue concerning inhuman treatment of children in the school for the feeble-minded of Faribault, Minnesota (6/14,21,22/1946), Petersen declines petition to run for the U.S. Senate (8/01/1946), and miscellaneous discussions

Political Material
id55095 · Folder · April 1918-October 1938
Parte de Hjalmar Petersen and Family Papers

Discussions regarding: Petersen pushes for the incorporation of Askov as a village (4/10/1918), Petersen brother’s business success with the Askov American (12/1920), letters to Petersen from Floyd B. Olson (9/08/1930 and 12/01/1930), Petersen attempting to keep Floyd B. Olson in office (11/19/1932), signature address, letters including engagement announcement of Hjalmar Peterson and Medora Grandprey (4/19/1934), Petersen invited to Governor’s Ball (5/19/1934), Governor Olson accepts Medora’s request at having him and his wife in the reception line at the wedding (6/22/1934), a letter proposing Petersen as next candidate for governor (5/10/1935), formal statement of candidacy for Governor by Petersen (2/19/1936), letter from a danish radio station, included is a talk done about Petersen translation included (4/04/1936), tribute to Governor Floyd B. Olson upon his death written by Petersen (8/22/1936), Petersen’s statement upon being sworn in as Governor (8/24/1936), material received by the Petersen’s while attending the 28th National Conference of Governors in Jefferson City, Missouri (11/17/1936), Petersen as Governor (message of Governor Hjalmar Petersen to the special session of the Minnesota legislature) (12/17/1936 and 1/05/1937), Petersen’s statement on the Civil Service Controversy (3/13/1937), Petersen’s ideas concerning the Minnesota Leader (8/03/1937), Petersen to run for Governor in 1938 (12/28/1937), and miscellaneous discussions

Miscellaneous Political Materials
id55093 · Folder
Parte de Hjalmar Petersen and Family Papers

Discussions Regarding: Hjalmar’s battle with the “Mexican Generals” and bad political practices, comments made by various newspapers about Petersen, brief biography of Joseph Grandprey, biographical sketch by mother of Grandprey, biography of the Petersen family, and miscellaneous discussions

Personal Correspondence with Georg Strandvold
id55090 · Folder · 1941-1960
Parte de Hjalmar Petersen and Family Papers

Discussions Regarding: old age assistance (10/12/1944), Petersen’s meetings on world peace (5/23/1945), coming visit of Henrik Kaufmann, Danish diplomat (5/11/1957), Danes in Minnesota (6/06/1957 and 04/23/1958), Petersen’s loses the primary election for Senator (9/10/1958), exchange visits of Khrushchev and Eisenhower (8/04/1950 and 9/19/1959), meeting with Senator Humphrey (2/18/1960), meeting of Senator Eugene McCarthy (9/15/1960), and miscellaneous discussions

Personal Correspondence with Georg Strandvold
id55089 · Folder · 1922-1940
Parte de Hjalmar Petersen and Family Papers

Discussions Regarding: the results of the state and national elections (11/10/1928), need for a 3rd party in this country (8/15/1931), Democratic Presidential candidates (3/05/1932), appointment to public office of Rev. O. Brevik (1/11/1933, 3/15/1933, 11/10/1933, 11/24/1933, 9/03/1936), Petersen’s party platform for lieutenant-governor (3/30/1934), the Lutheran drive against the school book plan (10/26/1934), how the Twin City papers handled politics (9/03/1935), Farmer-Labor party and the Social Democratic party on the Scandinavian government (2/21/1936), Petersen’s visit with President Roosevelt (9/04/1936), strike situation in Minnesota (9/25/1936), criticism of Petersen’s speech on his candidacy for governor (1/06/1938), Communism in Minnesota (Dies investigation) (10/21/1935, 4/16/1935, 11/04/1938), speech welcoming the Royalty of Denmark (4/12, 5/03, 5/10/1939), and miscellaneous discussions

Personal Correspondence
id55088 · Folder · December 1934-February 1954
Parte de Hjalmar Petersen and Family Papers

Discussions Regarding: Petersen’s meeting with Governor Olson (2/01/1936), the coming appearance of Mrs. Chas Lundquist, state chairman of F-L women (2/12/1936), Petersen’s views on raising taxes on corporations and inheritance taxes (2/12/1936), work of special sessions and other sessions (2/12/1936), letter to Mrs. Lundquist about forming a F-L women’s unit in their community (2/12/1936), neutrality legislation (2/18/1936), Petersen’s support of Floyd Olson and Petersen’s candidacy for governor (3/11/1936), biographical sketch of Mrs. Medora Petersen (3/20/1936), Petersen’s campaign for governor (3/23/1936), Petersen’s ticket endorsement and discussing of Benson (3/26/1936), state convention of the Farmer Labor Association (3/27/1936), isolationist issue (12/01/1953), and miscellaneous discussions

Personal Correspondence
id55087 · Folder · June 1934-December 1934
Parte de Hjalmar Petersen and Family Papers

Discussions regarding: national silver legislation (6/05/1934), question “who is the clique running the Governor?” (6/06/1934), government ownership (6/09/1934), what part of the state is conservative: Owatonna one of the most conservative spots in the state, being overwhelming Republican (6/22/1934), only 37 F-L endorsed and it is not expected that even 34 will win (6/22/1934), cooperative commonwealth (11/23/1934), Townsend plan (11/23/1934), and miscellaneous discussions

Personal Correspondence
id55086 · Folder · May 1, 1934-May 31, 1934
Parte de Hjalmar Petersen and Family Papers

Discussions regarding: statement of Farmer-Labor platform program and campaign (5/01/1934), strike in the city (5/28/1934), increase state government cost (5/28/1934), and miscellaneous discussions

Personal Correspondence
id55084 · Folder · January 1934-March 1934
Parte de Hjalmar Petersen and Family Papers

Discussions regarding: NRA (1/04/1934), Raising of Snake River and Pokegama Lake (1/30/1934), Endorsement of Shipstead on Farmer-Labor ticket (2/18/1934), Petersen’s endorsement from Hennepin, Pine, and Chisago Counties (3/13/1934), and miscellaneous discussions

Personal Correspondence
id55083 · Folder · c. 1933-1936
Parte de Hjalmar Petersen and Family Papers

Letters between Hjalmar and Medora before and after their marriage, a letter between Dr. Nyholm and Georg Strandvold, and miscellaneous discussions

Hjalmar Petersen and Family Papers
S-69 · Coleção · 1922-1969

This collection consist of personal correspondence, newspaper articles, campaign materials, one microfilm, and miscellaneous items, all arranged chronologically. The majority of the personal correspondence are letters between Petersen and his wife Medora. Within these letters, the couple discuss various political events and Petersen’s thoughts on political issues. There is also two folders containing correspondence between Petersen and his brother-in-law, Georg Strandvold, discussing political issues.

The collection also contains various political materials, including: correspondences, campaign materials, business cards, speeches, biographical sketches, and other miscellaneous materials. There are a number of newspaper clippings concerning Petersen’s involvement in political issues as well as social events. There are also five, intact copies of the Askov American which Petersen owned and published.

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