These articles primarily deal with x-ray treatment and x-ray therapy.
These articles primarily deal with x-ray treatment and x-ray therapy.
These articles primarily deal with x-ray treatment and x-ray therapy.
"Gastroduodenal Ulcers," "Nutritional Disturbance," "The Comparative Nutrient Value of Cod Liver Oil and Cod Liver Oil Cordinals," "The Control of Protein in the Diet," "Surgery of the Abdomen," "Vitamin Requirements of Nursing Young," "Role of Vitamins in the Etiology and Cure of Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers," Gallbladder Disease," Medical Journal advertisements, "Concussion of the Spinal Cord," "Organotherapy in Chronic Disease," "Diet Helps for Doctors."
The majority of the letters are written in German.
This folder contains various materials in English and German, ranging from travel documents, income tax returns, and a concert program.
This folder contains the correspondence and military forms for Dr. Buscher's service as an Official Medical Examiner for the Veterans Administration and the Citizens Military Training Camps.
These are copies of American History texts and biographies. It appears that these materials were connected with Dr. Buscher's citizenship and naturalization course.
The play deals with the life of one family in the United States during World War I. The play was written as part of a correspondence course in writing that Dr. Buscher took.
This folder contains the preliminary typewritten manuscript of a novel written by Buscher and published by Comet Press in 1958. The book is the story of a man with six months to live. Introducing the manuscript is a review of the book by M.V. Sheldon, executive vice-president of Comet Press.
This is an article written by Dr. Buscher on electrical properties of the heart. Included with the manuscript and the final copy are letters of evaluation by other members of the medical profession as well as an evaluation from William F. Scheerer of Connecticut.
"Spontaneous Subarachiriod Hemorrhage," American Journal of Medicine, October 1954, "Causes of Aberrations of Coagulative Harrison Pathogenesis," "Vom Recklinghausen's Disease (Neurofibromatosis), "Aneurysms of the Thoracic Aorta."
Diploma from the University of Kiel, Certificate of Membership in Minnesota State Medical Association.
The Dr. Julius Buscher Papers contain mainly correspondence, letters, ledgers, and manuscript articles written for medical journals. The majority of the material is related to medicine. The majority of the items date between 1920 and 1940, when Dr. Buscher was practicing medicine.
Sem títuloCharter and Bylaws: 1969, 1971, 1973; and Legislative Policy: 1969, 1973
A.A.U.W. scrapbook: miscellaneous newspaper clippings, photos, handbooks on St. Cloud Chapter
A.A.U.W. 58th Annual Division Convention, St. Cloud; photos
A.A.U.W. scrapbook of the 29th Biennial Convention
A.A..U.W. scrapbook: notes, photos, newsletters, etc
A.A.U.W. Branch Historian Reports
A.A.U.W. Branch Historian Reports
Articles regarding: postcards of A.A.U.W. Educational Center; newsletters of coming events, board notes, and branch meeting; newspaper clippings of activities, tours, and meetings; letters (personal) to the president; topics: music programs, house tour, art and book fair, antique show; speakers: Idzerda, Mrs. David Swanson, art instructor, Nicholas Hasenstab, antiques, Bob Saice, Chief of Indian culture group; and other articles
Articles regarding: 90% newspaper clippings of Club’s activities and events (1967-1969); A.A.U.W. St. Cloud branch Yearbooks, 1967-1968, 1968-1969; bulletins from 1967-1969; topics discussed, covered in newspaper accounts: Adolescents (November 1967), Human Rights (February 1969), Winning, an American value (March 1969); speakers covered in newspaper accounts: Mrs. Erkel, FFDA worker (February 1968), Walt Pederson, Explorer (May 1968); report of the state historian, 1967-1968; and other articles
Articles regarding: newspaper clippings of club’s activities and events, 1960-1967; calendars of coming events and bulletins, 1960-1967 (monthly); speakers at A.A.U.W. meetings and newspaper accounts: Dr. Stanley Wenberg (March 1960), Arlie Haeberle, WCCO TV (April 1961), Judge Lang (December 1965); A.A.U.W. St. Cloud branch Yearbooks, 1961-1967; topics discussed: TV (April 1961), Buddhism (October 1963), India spring and fall of 1964 (was a yearlong project), Indians (American) (January 1966); programs of A.A.U.W. events: Music and Drama shows, 1960-1967; letter from Mualla Oncel, Turkey to A.A.U.W., St. Cloud (1962); report on seminar on journalism images of U.S. in India in U.S., October 1964; the Arts Group’s yearly booklets, 1961-1967; proposed Annual Budgets, 1961-1967; certificate from the Citizen’s Committee for the Taconite Amendment to the A.A.U.W. ST. Cloud branch; topic report and research study on India, October 1964; correspondence from A.A.U.W. office to St. Cloud branch Historian, 1961-1967; bylaws of A.A.U.W. St. Cloud, 1966; bulletins for 1960-1967 period are in book; and other articles
Articles regarding: newspaper clippings of Club’s activities and events, 1956-1960; A.A.U.W. St. Cloud branch Yearbooks, 1956-1960; calendar of coming events and bulletins; speakers covered in newspaper clippings: Dr. Esther Toms, Clinical Psychologist (1957), Mrs. Komarek, State President of A.A.U.W. (1959); topic covered in newspaper clippings: mental health (October 1958), elderly people (October 1959), Africa tour made by some members of A.A.U.W. (October 1959); and other articles
Articles regarding: 90% newspaper clippings of club activities and events, St. Cloud Times, 1949-1956; yearbooks of A.A.U.W. St. Cloud branch 1949-1956, seven books; monthly bulletins; newspaper accounts of guest speakers, 1949-1956: Mrs. Lawrence Schneider, State A.A.U.W. President (March 1951), Dr. Herman Wolf (Munich) (April 1952), Mrs. Karlins (October 1955), Dorothy Jacobson (January 1956); topics discussed by group newspaper accounts: UNESCO, State Convention in St. Cloud (1954), India (May 1955); copy of the history of A.A.U.W. St. Cloud, 1922-1954; script of play, “Half a Century of Progress” dealt with history of St. Cloud A.A.U.W.; folder with script of play, “Portraits from the Past” presented June 26, 1953; and other articles
Articles regarding similar articles and newspaper clippings found in Volume III
Articles regarding: 90% newspaper clippings of Club’s activities and events; yearbooks of St. Cloud branch, 1938-1946; legislation Proposals: A.A.U.W. and Education legislation, and A.A.U.W. Legislation Program, 1937-1939; speakers: Lawrence Hall, Speaker of Minnesota House (February 16, 1939), Meridal LeSueur (February 27, 1939), Mrs. Harry W. Kavel, State A.A.U.W. President (May 11, 1939); topics discussed: war, education, international relations; Convention Program A.A.U.W. National in June 1939 in Denver, Colorado; bylaws; booklists for A.A.U.W.; State A.A.U.W. Handbooks of Minnesota A.A.U.W. Officers, 1938-1946; and other articles
Articles regarding: Newspaper clippings and accounts of A.A.U.W. State Convention held in St. Cloud May 1935 (many photographs of Convention Leaders and Committees); A.A.U.W. St. Cloud Branch Yearbooks (1935-1936, 1936-1937, 1937-1938); book list of suggested A.A.U.W. reading, February 1936; topics discussed: music, drama, and literature, mostly, the World Court (October 1936), Social Security Act (November 1936), U.S. relations to Far East (January 1938); monthly bulletins; a study called, “A Plan for State-wide Library Services in Minnesota”, November 1935; A.A.U.W. Booklets of Minnesota Officers, 1936-1937; A.A.U.W. Legislative Program, 1937-1939; and other articles
Articles regarding: newspaper clippings of Club
President’s Reports, 1938-1954 and A.A.U.W. Membership List, 1938-1939, 1939-1940, 1942-1943