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Committee on History in the Classroom
id65844 · Folder · 1972-1976
Fait partie de Records of the Association of Central Minnesota Teachers of History

This folder contains the newsletters of the Committee on History in the Classroom. This committee was formed at the annual meeting of the American Historical Association in 1971. It is a nation-wide organization. The committee was formed because of a response to the feeling of many historians that the teachers of history were facing a crisis at all levels of the educational system.

id57741 · Folder · 1906 and 1907
Fait partie de John C. Boehm Papers

Documents include: Electrical Engineering Company (1906) and Northern Pacific Railway Company (1907)

Receipts and Tax Statements
id57742 · Folder · 1908
Fait partie de John C. Boehm Papers

Documents include: Tax statements (J.C. Boehm and Mittie Boehm), H.A. Wire Cigar Co. (receipt), Noyes Bros. & Cutler (Wholesale Druggists), Mrs. J. Goering (cleaning account), Dr. G.F. Henneman (Dentist), and R. Harrison (Dry Goods), and other documents

Business Receipts
id57751 · Folder · 1916, 1917, 1920
Fait partie de John C. Boehm Papers

Documents include: Crown Surgical Instrument Co. (1916), Imperial Automobile Supply Co. (1916), Central Lumber Co. (1917), Western Auto Supply Co. (1920)

Business Receipts
id57752 · Folder · 1923
Fait partie de John C. Boehm Papers

Documents include: Star Dry Cleaners & Dyers, Lommel-Pallanch Motor Co., R.M. Dunn (Pump Repairing & Well Digging), Golden Grain Juice Co., J.P. Fox (Signs), St. Cloud Nursery Co., The C.V. Mosby Co. (Medical Publishers), Arthur J. Strehlow, Dr. Charles F. Brigham (letter regarding doctors' dinner expenses from Mrs. C.F. Brigham), and other documents

Business Receipts
id57743 · Folder · 1909
Fait partie de John C. Boehm Papers

Documents include: Bowing Brothers Groceries, Clark Lumber Co., Aseptic Furniture Co., Anderson Floral Co., Fifth Avenue Meat Market, Cold Spring Brewing Co., Journal-Press Co., Physicians Casualty Association, The Old Landing Stock and Dairy Farm, Chas. Zapf (Harness and Horse Furnishing Goods), The Western Union Telegraph Co., Tax statements (J.C. Boehm and Mittie Boehm), Security State Bank, St. Cloud New Process Steam Laundry, Standard Oil Co., the Northwestern Telephone Exchange Co., the Ninth Avenue Livery, Noyes Bros. & Cutler (Importer and Wholesale Druggists), McIntosh Battery and Optical Co., Paul Lichy (Horse Shoeing and General Blacksmithing), Chas. F. Ladner Hardwar Co., St. Cloud Ice Co. (Lake George Ice), American Medical Association Membership Certificate, and Great Northern Railway Co. (Straight Bills of Lading), and other documents

Business Receipts
id57745 · Folder · 1911
Fait partie de John C. Boehm Papers

Documents include: Emil Puff (Baker, grocer, and confectioner), C.L. Atwood Insurance Agency, Ernest Beutler (manufacturer of cream brick), Central Lumber Co., George Clark (Jeweler and Optician), H.L. DeBill (plumbing and heating), A.A. Eich, Grundman (Minette Auto Co.), Paul Held & Co. (Horseshoeing and Blacksmithing), Frank Fandel (dray goods, notions), Kindler Brothers, Minneapolis Brewing Co., the Norwich Pharmacal Co., Petters Tailoring Co., Powell Hardware Co., St. Cloud Lodge of Elks, Scheidel (Western X-ray Coil Co.), Stewart & Brower (Attorneys at Law), A.B. Vouk (Cameras and Photo Materials), A.C. Thomson Carriage Co., Watab Pulp and Paper Co., Crozier Coal Co., American Medical Association (Membership Certificate), and other documents

Business Receipts
id57746 · Folder · 1912
Fait partie de John C. Boehm Papers

Documents include: St. Cloud Wagon Works, Andrew Goetten Meats, Hubert Hansen (Attorney at Law), Atwood & Campbell Insurance Agency, H.S. Barnum (milk account), Common Sense Truss Co., L.S. Donaldson Co., Theo. Sivinski (Upholstering, Furniture repair), St. Paul Dispatch/St. Paul Pioneer Press, Physicians Health Association, City Water Works Department, J.P. Bisenius Plumbing & Heating, St. Cloud Woolen Mills, Dr. A.L. Ulrich, Midland Lumber & Coal Co., American Medical Association (Membership Certificate), License for Inflammable Fluids & Substances, and other documents

Business Receipts
id57748 · Folder · 1913
Fait partie de John C. Boehm Papers

Documents include: A.F. Brown & Co. (Medical Booksellers), A.J. Daniel (Furniture and Undertaking), Hotel Fischer, Leisen's Dry Goods, W.H. Landwehr, Grundman Auto Co., the Granite City Iron Works Co., Security Blank Book & Printing Co., St. Cloud Oil Co., Northern Photo Supply Co., Nordstern Publishing Co., American Medical Association (Membership Certificate), Letter from American Medical Association regarding directory, Department of the Interior (Washington), License for Inflammable Fluids & Substances with a letter from the City of St. Cloud, and other documents

Business Receipts
id57749 · Folder · 1914
Fait partie de John C. Boehm Papers

Documents include: The Granite City Iron Works Co., Hurrle Garage, Jos. Hunstiger & Co., H.P. Lufkin, J.B. Lippincott Co., Wm. H. Alden (City Justice & Justice of the Peace), Geo. W. Brady & Co. (X-ray supplies), City Water Works Department, The Dayton Company, W.W. Rosenthal & Co. (Physicians' Supplies), T. Urbaniak (Granite City Tailor), Standard Oil Co., The Santa Clara Company (Wine Merchants), Ben E. Schoener (Sheriff of Stearns County), H.K. Mulford Co. (Chemists), The Travelers Insurance Co., American Medical Association (Membership Certificate), License for Inflammable Fluids & Substances, and other material

Business Receipts
id57744 · Folder · 1910
Fait partie de John C. Boehm Papers

Documents include: St. Cloud Ice Company, Bowing Bros. Grocers, Bee Hive Millinery Cathedral of the Hold Guardian Angels (pew rent), Drs. Dunn and Lewis, East St. Cloud Hand Laundry, the Grinols Company (coal), Great Northern Express Company, Math E. Jacobs (Lawns, Tree Planting and Gardening), O. Fenstermacher ("Firestone" Tire Co.), the St. Cloud Times, St. Cloud Wagon Works, Sharp & Smith (Surgical and Veterinary Supplies), Hubert Hansen (Attorney at Law), Tax statements (J.C. Boehm and Mittie Boehm), Tenvoorde Garage, St. Cloud Shoe Co., the Public Service Co. of St. Cloud, Minnesota (Light and Power), Physicians Defense Company, the Northwestern Telephone Exchange Co., the National Geographic Society, International Money Order (receipt), John C. Moos (Harness and Saddlery), National Life Insurance Co. of Vermont, Automobile and Bicycle Headquarters, Physicians & Surgeons Supply Co., American Medical Association (Membership Certificate), personal check of J.C. Boehm (Security State Bank), and other documents

Business Receipts
id57750 · Folder · 1915
Fait partie de John C. Boehm Papers

Documents include: Sauk Rapids Auto Co., E.A. Steindorf (Fancy & Staple Groceries), Singer Sewing Machine Co., North Star Cemetery Trustees, Northern Express Co., Jenks & Quigley (Attorneys at Law), Sajous's Analytic Cyclopedia of Practical Medicine, Common Sense Truss Co., J.P. Callahan Furniture Co. (Undertaking), Lea & Febiger (Publishers), The Gau Garage (Chevrolet & Ford Cars), St. Cloud Assembly No. 322 (Equitable Fraternal Union), Rolland C. Buckley (Architect), License for Inflammable Fluids & Substances, St. Cloud Commercial Club (membership card), and other material

Business Receipts
id57753 · Folder · 1924
Fait partie de John C. Boehm Papers

Documents include: St. Cloud Investment Co.; The Toledo Cooker Company; West-End Provision Co.; E.B. Wagar (mfg. of quality furs); Horne Brothers (Tire & Battery Service); Harold Surgical Corporation; W.B. Leavers (Plumbing and Heating); The Engeln Electric Co.; Chilton Company (Automobile Trade Journal); Beebe Tire Shop; Becton, Dickinson & Co.; American Railway Express Co.; J. Henry Schroder Banking Corporation; Permit to Purchase (Treasury Department, U.S. Internal Revenue); and other documents

Business Receipts
id57754 · Folder · 1925
Fait partie de John C. Boehm Papers

Documents include: Donlin-Johnson Co., General Service Clothing Co., Local Oil Co. (Petroleum Products), Great Northern Railway Co., A. Tschumperlin Furniture Co. (funeral expenses), Morton-Keech (Electro Plating works), Peter Martini (Fresco, Sign & Portrait Artist), Nels Simonson (Building Material), Schwarzenbach Hardware Co., Engeln Electric Co., and other documents

Index Journal
id57759 · Folder
Fait partie de John C. Boehm Papers

Index including the names of individuals, organizations, and various companies, each with an assigned number

Miscellaneous Documents
id57756 · Folder · undated
Fait partie de John C. Boehm Papers

Documents include: Howard Lake 7 Victor Nurseries, Security State Bank, Powell Hardware Co., Theo. Sivinski (Upholstering, Furniture repair), Racine Auto Tire Co., Northern Express Co., C.H. West (City Engineer), Bernard's (Women's Apparel), American Guaranty Company of Chicago, and other documents

Day Book
id57758 · Folder · July 6, 1894-March 18, 1895
Fait partie de John C. Boehm Papers

Client record with fees

Business Receipts
id57755 · Folder · 1926
Fait partie de John C. Boehm Papers

Documents include: The Federal Reserve Life Insurance Co., F. Enderle & Co., The Brennan Studio (portraits), Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., Northland Lumber & Fuel Co., Stewart-Warner Products (Service Station Inc.), Thompson Yards, Inc. (coal ticket), and other documents