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9 [27B.6f]
9 [27B.6f]
Sinclair Lewis and Marcella Powers
Sinclair Lewis and Marcella Powers
Sinclair Lewis and Marcella Powers visit J. Edgar Hoover at FBI headquarters, Washington, D.C.
Sinclair Lewis and Marcella Powers visit J. Edgar Hoover at FBI headquarters, Washington, D.C.
Freeman Lewis
Freeman Lewis
Helen Lewis
Helen Lewis
Gordon Morison
Gordon Morison
Juliette Molton
Juliette Molton
Helen Wolff Vogel
Helen Wolff Vogel
Hiroshige Yoshida. Gift of books reception photographs and audio
Hiroshige Yoshida. Gift of books reception photographs and audio
4 - Images
4 - Images
Sinclair Lewis in a bathrobe
Sinclair Lewis in a bathrobe
Sinclair Lewis stands in front of a sign advertising the play Our Town
Sinclair Lewis stands in front of a sign advertising the play Our Town
Sinclair Lewis sits in a car with a dog
Sinclair Lewis sits in a car with a dog
Sinclair Lewis sits in a car
Sinclair Lewis sits in a car
Wells Lewis
Wells Lewis
Sinclair Lewis, his mother-in-law, and son Wells leaving for Europe
Sinclair Lewis, his mother-in-law, and son Wells leaving for Europe
Sinclair Lewis sits in a car
Sinclair Lewis sits in a car
E.J. and Isabel Lewis with son Fred Lewis in front of Lewis home in Sauk Centre, Minnesota
E.J. and Isabel Lewis with son Fred Lewis in front of Lewis home in Sauk Centre, Minnesota