- Alderink_George transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
- Hughes_Fred transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
- Hughes_Keith transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
- Kosloske transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
- Mahowald transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
- Niehaus transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
- Nolan transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
- Patton transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
- Pehler_1973 transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
- Pehler_1991 transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
- Richardson transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
- Rosenmeier transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
- Samuelson transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
- Schumann transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
- Sherwood transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
- Schrom transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
- Sullivan transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
- Tiemann transcript.pdf
- This was part of a 1970s oral history project conducted by the Central Minnesota Historical Center. At the time, the CMHC was administered by the Department of History.
The George Alderink Papers contain mainly correspondences of the Representative, government and legislative reports, and miscellaneous materials relating to Alderink. The majority of the items date between 1955 and 1958, during his time in elected office.
Alderink, GeorgeThis collection consists of three folders of papers of Andrew A. Brown. Brown lived in Douglas County and dealt in buying and selling land. There are numerous land grants and certificates. Also of interest are the correspondence from John Lind, who was a US congressman, a death certificate of Brown's wife, and a photograph of the family.
Brown, Andrew A.The Jerald Anderson Papers mostly include material relating to the Minnesota Resource Commission, which Senator Anderson was chairman of. The commission's job was to evaluate programs that were proposed to preserve, develop, and maintain the natural resources of the state. The largest portion of the papers deal with education. This was due to the fact that Senator Anderson was chairman of the Subcommittee on School Finance and spend a great deal of his legislation time working with matters of education. The rest of the collection is made up of miscellaneous correspondence, reports, and newspaper clippings on a variety of subjects.
Anderson, JeraldThe Harren Papers contain mainly correspondence, government reports and pamphlets, news releases, clippings, minutes of various committees and subcommittees, legislative acts and bills, and special study reports that relate to the Senator’s legislative work. The majority of the items date between 1963 and 1966. The collection consists of three series: legislative subject files, Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Resource Commission (MORRC) subject files, and Miscellaneous Booklets and Pamphlets.
The legislative subject files relate to Harren’s work as a Minnesota state senator. They consist mainly of materials pertaining to the committees and subcommittees on which he served, and to special interests topics from his home district, such as the Home School for Girls in Sauk Centre, Minnesota, and the Stearns County Planning Commission. Other major topics covered are conversation and natural resources, air and water pollution, unemployment, state aid, the State Planning Commission, the State Commission Against Discrimination (SCAD), and the Governor’s Commission on Human Rights, land ownership and exchange, the 1965 Home Remedies Bill, the State Electricity Board, and education in Minnesota.
The Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Resource Commission (MORRC) is a bi-partisan legislative commission designed to give active legislative leadership in guiding the state’s program to preserve and accelerate the development of its natural recreational resources. The MORRC files consist mainly of subject folders concerned with conservation in Minnesota, particularly parks and recreational areas. They include the 1963 legislative act creating MORRC, the 1965 amended version of the act, several folders containing the correspondence of various commission members and consultants, folders dealing with the administrational workings of the commission. There are files relating to major topics, such as state parks, historic sites, water resources, the Boundary Water Canoe Area, Voyageurs’ National Park, and the Board of Outdoor Recreation. The minutes of the commission’s meetings for the years 1963-1966 are also included.
The third series contains miscellaneous booklets and pamphlets from the years of 1954 to 1966. It includes geological surveys, MORRC Reports, air and water pollution materials, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment reports, and other miscellaneous pamphlets and booklets.
Harren, HenryThe Heuer Papers consist of constituent correspondence from 1957 to 1966 while serving as a Minnesota state senator. Also included here are correspondence and meeting minutes from the Todd County Committee for the Minesota Statehood Centennial, in which he served as chair.
Heuer, WilliamThis collection consists of constituent correspondences and subject correspondences of various topics. The subject correspondences cover a wide range of political topics in which Clawson showed interest in during his time in office. Within the subject correspondences are a wide range of miscellaneous material such as press releases, meeting minutes, campaign materials, newsletters, invitations, newspaper clippings, speeches, memos, reports, and weekly schedules. The collection is divided into two series: Constituent Correspondence and Subjects of Interest.
Clawson, John T.This collection contains a large number of constituent and legislative correspondences. Not all issues or subjects discussed in these correspondences are listed above, the description listed above only list a small selection of subjects discussed in these correspondences. The collection also contains a number of folders concerning political reports and letters, the Liberal Caucus minutes and notices, campaign material, newspaper articles, booklets, bills and legislation, and other material related to Kosloske’s time in office and material concerning Minnesota.
Kosloske, John T.These oral histories were predominantly done in the 1970s with half conducted in 1973. Some date from the 1980s and early 1990s. The majority of the interviews are with state legislators and the remaining are with mayors, city councilmen, campaign managers, party managers, widows of politicians, and US Congressmen. All of the participants were men except three (who were widows) and represented Central Minnesota communities ranging from Sandstone to Brainerd to those locations just north of the Twin Cities.
With some variance, all participants were asked similar questions including personal and family history in Minnesota, early political interests and activities, committee assignments, sponsored bills, the campaign and election process, the legislative process, and their future plans in politics. Unique questions were asked of individuals as the interview unfolded. Certain political issues that were significant in the early 1970s are common topics including new party designation requirements, lengths of terms, legislator salaries, and the impact of Nixon’s landslide victory in 1972 on local elections. The Watergate scandal is also discussed in several interviews.
Since the legislators’ service collectively goes back to 1935, the changes in the atmosphere, organization, and membership of the legislature are discussed in several oral histories. Many of the interviews reference other participants in this oral history collection. For many, the interview often took place at the beginning or middle of their political careers.
Brief biographical sketches and interview notes are given for all participants. Type of office, terms of service, and constituency represented are also listed. Transcripts of interviews are available unless otherwise noted below.
Some interviews were actually transcribed. The typewritten transcripts were keyed into a Word document but have not been checked against the audio. Past experiences has suggested that the transcripts may not be complete. In the meantime, the transcripts are available here as PDFs.
The Melvin Miller Papers consist of 13 boxes. The majority of items in this collection date from 1970 to 1974. The collection includes personal correspondence to and from constituents, copies of materials relating to bills before the Minnesota Legislature from 1972 to 1974 concerning the committees he served on, personal interests, and the interests of his constituents. Also included are the election and campaign materials for his 1972 election and 1974 re-election.
Miller, MelvinThe Nelsen Papers consist mainly of constituent correspondences, memos, and news releases that relate to the his time as a Minnesota state representative. The majority of these items date between 1979 and 1982. The major topics covered are: education, energy, state budget, taxation, and transportation.
Nelsen, BruceThe Patton Papers contain mainly correspondence between the Representative and his constituents, government reports, newspaper clippings, and the minutes of the Committee on Local and Urban Affairs. The majority of these items date between 1974 and 1977. Some items of interest within the collection are: the Board of Regents 1975 Election, the Metrodome stadium Bill, and general information on the Metropolitan Stadium.
Patton, AlvinThis collection contains various materials relating to James Pehler and the time in spent in public office. These materials include awards given to Pehler, correspondence between the public and other politicians, campaign materials, proposals for a domed stadium, an assortment of various educational programs supported and participated by Pehler, environmental issues he was involved in, drafts of letters to be sent out in response to public questions, a work resume, legislative pamphlets, memos, newspaper clippings, press release, the Senate Journal, and various miscellaneous materials.
The first box in this collection contains various awards, certifications, and plaques Pehler received from various organizations he supported. The awards are in various physical conditions and some are undated.
The major part of this collection is the constituent correspondence between Pehler and the public. These correspondence date between the years 1972 through 1990, and are arranged in chronological order by date. The content matter of the correspondence mostly deal with legislative matters on a wide range of topics. They provide insight to public sentiment towards prospective laws and way of life in Minnesota.
Pehler, James C.This collection consist of personal correspondence, newspaper articles, campaign materials, one microfilm, and miscellaneous items, all arranged chronologically. The majority of the personal correspondence are letters between Petersen and his wife Medora. Within these letters, the couple discuss various political events and Petersen’s thoughts on political issues. There is also two folders containing correspondence between Petersen and his brother-in-law, Georg Strandvold, discussing political issues.
The collection also contains various political materials, including: correspondences, campaign materials, business cards, speeches, biographical sketches, and other miscellaneous materials. There are a number of newspaper clippings concerning Petersen’s involvement in political issues as well as social events. There are also five, intact copies of the Askov American which Petersen owned and published.
Petersen, HjalmarThe Don Samuelson Papers mainly contain correspondence, government reports and pamphlets, news releases, and the Representative’s documents from his time in office. Samuelson served in the Minnesota House of Representatves from 1969-1982 and in the Minnesota Senate from 1983-2002. The majority of the items date between 1968 and 1972. The collection consist of two series: Constituents Correspondence and Legislative Materials. In series 1, the correspondences between Samuelson and his constituents regarding an array of topics from abortion, gun control, and fluoridation legislation. In Series 2, the legislative materials from topics such as education, health, welfare, etc., concerning the Representative’s actions while elected.
Samuelson, DonThis collection contains a majority of constituent correspondences during the time Schumann served in the Minnesota House. The correspondences are arranged in chronological order by date. The content matter of these correspondences mostly deal with legislative matters on a wide range of topics, such as: highways, welfare, forestry, labor, and a number of other topics. They provide insight to public opinion concerning prospective laws and new regulations.
The second part of the collection contains a number of books and department reports from the 1960's covering issues such as: environmental, Minnesota highways, Minnesota Development Association, Legislative Research Committee, and other commissions and reports. These booklets are arranged by topic.
Schumann, Marvin C.The Sherwood Papers contain mainly correspondence, legislation materials, government pamphlets and reports, and newspaper clippings. The majority of the items date between 1972 and 1980. This collection is organized into two series, Constituent Correspondence and Legislative Subject Files. The constituent correspondence are the letters between Sherwood and the voting members within his district. The second series, Legislative subject files consists the topics of alcohol, drinking and driving, raising the drinking age, and fish sounder and finder legislation.
Sherwood, GlenThe Sullivan papers consist of the papers of two Minnesota state representatives newspaper clippings about the activities of these men and their time in office, and political advertisements. The majority of the items date between 1911 and 1954. The collection consists of four folders: a biography, newspaper clippings, political advertisements, and obituary and memoriam.
Sullivan, John and HenryThis collection contains varies correspondences and materials relating to Claudia Meier Volk and her time spent in office. There are a number of correspondences related to" agriculture, drinking age, equal rights amendment, family planning, gun control, and a number of other correspondences. Other material includes legislative material, bills, personal papers, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous material.
Volk, Claudia MeierThe collection contains various campaign material related to Gene Wenstrom's campaigns for the United States House of Representatives seat in the Minnesota's 7th District in 1982. The material consist of voter mailing, requests for donations, newspaper advertisement, press releases, fundraisers, campaign committees, political correspondences, reports on voter attitudes and opinions, and other campaign related material.
Wenstrom, Gene- 08951.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.2 x 3.4 cm
- Physical Format: Slides (photographic)
- Local Identifier: Slide Collection. Social Activities and Events. Paul Simon
- 08162.jpg
- Dimensions: 3.3 x 2.3
- Physical Format: Negative (photographic)
- Local Identifier: Chronicle, September 19, 1975
- 08163.jpg
- Dimensions: 3.4 x 2.1
- Physical Format: Negative (photographic)
- Local Identifier: Chronicle, September 19, 1975
- 03390.jpg
- Dimensions: 3.3 x 2.3 cm
- Physical Format: Negative (photographic)
- Local Identifier: Chronicle, December 5, 1975
- 09605.jpg
- Dimensions: 3.4 x 2.2 cm
- Physical Format: Negative (photographic)
- Local Identifier: Chronicle, March 16, 1976
- 09644.jpg
- Dimensions: 3.3 x 2.24 cm
- Physical Format: Negative (photographic)
- Local Identifier: Chronicle, October 1, 1976
- 03391.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.3 x 3.4 cm
- Physical Format: Negative (photographic)
- Local Identifier: Chronicle, October 20, 1978
- 03392.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.3 x 3.4 cm
- Physical Format: Negative (photographic)
- Local Identifier: Chronicle, October 20, 1978
- 02568.jpg
- Dimensions: 13.2 x 24.6 cm
- Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
- Local Identifier: Chronicle, September 25, 1981
- 05924.jpg
- Dimensions: 14.4 x 22.9 cm
- Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
- Local Identifier: Chronicle, November 6, 1981
- 05950.jpg
- Dimensions: 15.2 x 12.4 cm
- Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
- Local Identifier: Chronicle, January 12, 1982
- 02590.jpg
- Dimensions: 19.7 x 23.8 cm
- Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
- Local Identifier: Chronicle, January 12, 1982
- 05960.jpg
- Dimensions: 19.4 x 13 cm
- Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
- Local Identifier: Chronicle, January 22, 1982