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378 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales
38 · Colección · 1956-2012

This collection contains records from the Department of Theatre, Film Studies, and Dance at St. Cloud State University.  There are 32 boxes and five oversized folders in the collection; the items date from 1956-2007 with the vast majority of the items pertaining to the theatre division. Additions to this series may be ongoing.

The collection is arranged into three series, which are as follows:

Series 1: Administrative Records, 1961-2007

This series includes minutes from staff meetings, building plans, correspondence, and the theatre department’s newsletter, amongst other items.

Series 2: Play Files, 1956-2011

Here is where the bulk of the collection can be found.  The play files, which are alphabetical order by play title, include photographs, posters, and programs for productions that were performed at St. Cloud State University.  There are also records in this series that pertain to SCSU theatre students and producers who took their performances overseas.  The first performances abroad were at military outposts located in Iceland, Greenland, Newfoundland, and Baffin Island in 1961.  They would go on to perform in Germany for the military in 1964.  And in 1987, actors traveled to China to perform in Universities throughout the country.  The larger production posters are located in the oversize cabinets, drawer 17, and are in chronological order. In addition, there is a folder of material from the County Stearns Theaterical Company.

Series 3: Publications, 1978-2001

This series includes newsletters and student handbooks.

Series 4: Costume Sketches, 1970s-early 1990s

Theatre faculty member Harvey Jurik created 502 costume sketches for theatre productions sponsored by St. Cloud State University, 500 which are digitized. The sketches illustrate the character costume designs as well as several scenes for various plays performed from the 1970s through the early 1990s.

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Records of Theatre L'Homme Dieu
39 · Colección · 1960-2010

This collection contains records from Theatre L'Homme Dieu along with the Performing Arts Foundation at St. Cloud State University.  There are 21 boxes and two oversized folders in the collection; the items date from 1960-2010.  Additions to this series may be ongoing.

The collection is arranged into six series, which are as follows:

Series 1:  Administrative Records, 1960-2010

This series includes records pertaining directly to the Performing Arts Foundation; these include minutes, building plans, correspondence and memorandum, financial statements and grant applications, and historical information.  Blueprints are located in the oversize cabinets, drawer 15, and are in chronological order.

Series 2: Biographical Files, Various Dates

This series contains photographs (mainly head shots) and resumes of Theatre L'Homme Dieu's actors, actresses, and directors.  Photos may be duplicated in the Play Files.

Series 3: Correspondence, 1960-1995, 2002-2003

This series includes correspondence regarding the theatre, both to and from the public.  Common themes in the correspondence collection include reviews and requests of productions from the public along with the theatre advertising and looking for sponsers.

Series 4: Photographs, 1961-1995

This series includes photographs of Theatre L'Homme Dieu's buildings along with photographs of unidentified performances and performers.

Series 5: Play Files, 1961-2007

This series includes play programs, news clippings, box office reports, and attendance records.  The collection also includes photographs, slides, and negatives, with the majority being photographs.  These shots include not only the productions but often headshots as well.  The headshots may also be duplicated in the Biographical Files.

Series 6: Publications and Press Coverage, 1960-2008

This series includes press clippings regarding the theatre.  Posters are located in the oversize cabinets, drawer 17, and are in chronological order.

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Theatre Magazine Collection
187 · Colección · 1909-1975

This collection consists of eight different theater publications: The Billboard Index/Year Book of the New York Legitimate Stage from 1936-1938; New Theatre Magazine from 1960, 1962-1963; Performing Arts from 1967-1976; Plays and Players from 1967-1972; The Stage from 1933-1941; Theatre Arts from 1929-1964; The Theatre Magazine from 1909; Theatre Crafts from 1967-1968.  The Stage and Theatre Arts have the most issues, and thus make up the bulk of this collection.

Records of the Free Statesman
158 · Colección · 1967-1968

The Free Statesman was an alternative independent newspaper published by students of St. Cloud State College, St. John's University, and College of St. Benedict from February 1967 through February 1968 and consisted of 24 editions. The newspaper was created by Leftist students who felt the official student newspapers at their respective schools did not represent their views. Topics include the termination of St. Cloud State professor Ed Richer, the Vietnam War and its protests, campus, local, and national political issues of the day, and area arts, theatre, and culture.

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