Mostrando 121 resultados
Descripción archivística
Wendt, Fred (1883-1973)
Wendt, Fred (1883-1973)
General Oral Histories
General Oral Histories
Hedblom, Clarence J.
Hedblom, Clarence J.
Moberg, Everette
Moberg, Everette
Swanson, Edwin
Swanson, Edwin
2 - Audio cassettes
2 - Audio cassettes
4 [35C.4d]
4 [35C.4d]
Carley, Alice and Dean Fischer
Carley, Alice and Dean Fischer
Dickinson, Kenneth
Dickinson, Kenneth
Graves, Ann Paulson and Carlton Graves (son)
Graves, Ann Paulson and Carlton Graves (son)
Koopmeiners, Linus
Koopmeiners, Linus
Lebrun, Albert C.
Lebrun, Albert C.
Lorette, Willard
Lorette, Willard
Manthey, Dolores and Marvin Bauer
Manthey, Dolores and Marvin Bauer
Beaver, Angeline Mesenburg (1907-1984)
Beaver, Angeline Mesenburg (1907-1984)
Burnett, Jerome L. (1926-2006)
Burnett, Jerome L. (1926-2006)
Johnson, Dorein
Johnson, Dorein
Manthey, Dolores (1918-2010) and Marvin Bauer
Manthey, Dolores (1918-2010) and Marvin Bauer
McDowell, J.P. (Dr.) (?-1973)
McDowell, J.P. (Dr.) (?-1973)
Peters, Eldred (1902-1988)
Peters, Eldred (1902-1988)
Spanos, Sr., Gust (1893-1991)
Spanos, Sr., Gust (1893-1991)
Willenbring, John Alois (1882-1983)
Willenbring, John Alois (1882-1983)
Young, Willis E. (1913-1982)
Young, Willis E. (1913-1982)
Allen, Myron R. (1901-1993)
Allen, Myron R. (1901-1993)
Beaulieu, Clifton (1909-1979)
Beaulieu, Clifton (1909-1979)
Berg, Elsie Harrington (1907-2000)
Berg, Elsie Harrington (1907-2000)
Bolinski, Henry (1895-1980)
Bolinski, Henry (1895-1980)
Dahlstrom, Reuben (1902-1999) and Bonna Wilkes Dahlstrom (1906-1999)
Dahlstrom, Reuben (1902-1999) and Bonna Wilkes Dahlstrom (1906-1999)
Goven, Ethel Evans (1897-1989), Gen Emmer Flanagan (1914-2002), and Gloria Boock Laughlin (1913-2015)
Goven, Ethel Evans (1897-1989), Gen Emmer Flanagan (1914-2002), and Gloria Boock Laughlin (1913-2015)
Graham, Charles (1929-2016)
Graham, Charles (1929-2016)
Hall, Marcellus (1901-1998) and Icyleen (1903-1995)
Hall, Marcellus (1901-1998) and Icyleen (1903-1995)
Hanauer, Burton C. (1923-1997)
Hanauer, Burton C. (1923-1997)
Hansen, Pierre (1921-2005)
Hansen, Pierre (1921-2005)
Holes, Ariel Whipple (1908-1989)
Holes, Ariel Whipple (1908-1989)
Jensen, Marie (1910-1999) and Alvin (1908-2004)
Jensen, Marie (1910-1999) and Alvin (1908-2004)
Kolbinger, Frank (1918-1977)
Kolbinger, Frank (1918-1977)
Pieri, Fred (1909-?)
Pieri, Fred (1909-?)
Schumann, Louis H. (1912-1993)
Schumann, Louis H. (1912-1993)
Stromwell, Clemment (1907-?)
Stromwell, Clemment (1907-?)
Swanson, Edwin (1903-1985)
Swanson, Edwin (1903-1985)
Hansen, Pierre
Hansen, Pierre
Herberger, G. Robert
Herberger, G. Robert
Kigin, Jerry / Hall, Marcellus and Icyleen
Kigin, Jerry / Hall, Marcellus and Icyleen
Stromwell, Clemment
Stromwell, Clemment
Willenbring, John
Willenbring, John
Young, Willis E.
Young, Willis E.