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1002 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales
1638 · Unidad documental simple · 1930-1939
Parte de Digital Objects with No Parent
  • 01638.jpg

  • Dimensions: 23.4 x 34 cm

  • Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph

  • Local Identifier: From Communication Studies

  • First row (L-R): Swan, Nora; Nugent, Grace; Bottum, Helen; Carlson, Meryl; Talbot, John; Brougha, Agnes; Neil, Frances; Anderson, Albertina; second row (L-R): Camp, Bertha; Perry, Dora; Williams, Beatrice; Ludwig, Margaret; Brainard, Al, Moscript, Ruth; Schwartz, Felix; Larson, Emma; ?; ?Scanned from an image held by the Department of Communication Studies

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Marie Case, St. Cloud State University
396 · Unidad documental simple · undated
Parte de St. Cloud State University Yearbooks
  • 00396.jpg
  • Marie Case was a long-time St. Cloud State faculty member. Case Hall, which opened in 1964, was named in her honor.
  • Dimensions: 8 x 9.4 cm
  • Physical Format: Photomechanical print
  • Local Identifier: 1957 Talahi yearbook, p. 4
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John Fischer Papers
103 · Colección · 1985-1987

The papers of John Fischer contain various drafts of two published books. The books are Harold Robbins Presents: High Stakes (1986) and Harold Robbins Presents: Station Break (1987).

The papers show the evolution of the writing of the books, demonstrating how Fluke and Fischmann created, crafted, and revised the stories over time.

Series 1: Harold Robbins Presents: High Stakes (1986)

The series contains three drafts and other material related to the writing of Harold Robbins Presents: High Stakes.

Series 2: Harold Robbins Presents: Station Break (1987)

The series contains three drafts and other material related to the writing of Harold Robbins Presents: Station Break.

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Max Partch Papers
106 · Colección · 1949-2003

This collection contains slides of nature-oriented images taken by Max Partch.  The images cover a wide variety of flora, fauna and landscape. Images include bird habitats and colonies, varieties of trees, damage and erosion both natural and man-made, nature formations such as cliffs, lakes, bluffs, ponds and marshes, and animals such as fox and beaver. Geographically, the images are primarily from Minnesota, in particular St. Cloud and Stearns County, but include locations in Wisconsin and Arizona.  Areas most depicted include the Cold Spring Heron Colony in Cold Spring, Minnesota, as well as other Minnesota heron colonies, nature sites including the prairie around Waubun, Minnesota, Englund Ecotone Preserve in Benton County, Minnesota, Partch Woods, St. Cloud, Minnesota, and other nature sites around Minnesota. Dates range from 1949 to 2003, but are heavily concentrated between 1949 and 1990.

Most slides contain an identifying number.  The numbers are unique, but do not correspond to any known system.  Most slides also contain a date, location, and brief description, though a few slides lack any additional descriptive information.  In some cases, the creator grouped ‘like’ items together for presentations and appearances, and that arrangement has been retained.

The descriptions for each slide was transcribed and included in the finding aid.

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156 · Colección · 1886-2010

This collection consists of 44 boxes containing materials authored by current and former St. Cloud State University faculty, staff, and alumni. Materials include, but are not limited to, papers (many of which have been presented at meetings or conferences); studies, reports, and surveys; journal, magazine, and newspaper articles; theses; speeches; poems; and reviews. The primary author's name and affiliation to or position at St. Cloud State University is provided, where known, as are the names and affiliations of co-authors and the citation information for the works. Materials in this collection date from as early as 1886 and include several pieces from administrators and faculty members from the early 20th century. Overall, the majority of the work in the collection was created by faculty members and found publication in journals.

Records of the Free Statesman
158 · Colección · 1967-1968

The Free Statesman was an alternative independent newspaper published by students of St. Cloud State College, St. John's University, and College of St. Benedict from February 1967 through February 1968 and consisted of 24 editions. The newspaper was created by Leftist students who felt the official student newspapers at their respective schools did not represent their views. Topics include the termination of St. Cloud State professor Ed Richer, the Vietnam War and its protests, campus, local, and national political issues of the day, and area arts, theatre, and culture.

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Gladys Tirrell Nelson Papers
181 · Colección · 1976-1977

This small collection contains the manuscript and drawings for her book War Drums at Eden Prairie, which was published in 1977. Also here are clippings and press releases, as well as a separate author's notations.

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17681 · Unidad documental simple · 1980 - 1985
Parte de Slide Collection
  • 17681.jpg
  • Dimensions: 2.2 x 3.4 cm
  • Physical Format: Slide (photographs)
  • Local Identifier: Slide Collection. People. Individuals. Identified Individuals
Bill Morgan, St. Cloud State University
9215 · Unidad documental simple · September 1996
Parte de Slide Collection
  • 09215.jpg
  • Dimensions: 2.2 x 3.2cm
  • Physical Format: Slides (photographic)
  • Local Identifier: Slide Collection. People. Individuals. Identified Individuals; University Photographer, 96-430
William M. Lindgren Papers
188 · Colección · 1920-1993

The William M. Lindgren Papers are organized by series. The bulk of the material are images, mostly slides, that date just after World War II until his death in October 1993.

Series 1: Personal Papers

Organized into three sub-series, these materials focus on many aspects of Lindgren's life. Materials related to his academic career as a student and St. Cloud State faculty member are here, including two lectures (with recordings), his master thesis from the University of British Columbia, and various certificates and diplomas.

There is significant biographical information here as well. His autobiography, done in 1993 before he passed away, is key and tells Lindgren's life story through his own words. Lindgren's passports are important as they document the places he traveled for almost 50 years.

In addition, there is some correspondence with pen pals (as well as his parents) from all over the world.

Series 2: Photo Albums

The photo albums document mostly Lindgren's travels for almost fifty years. The photo albums that date before 1970 are particularly important, as they show Lindgren's extensive travels throughout Asia, including China, India, and the Middle East. The early albums show Lindgren as a young man before, during, and just after World War II are significant as well, especially the album that focuses on a visit to Yellowstone Park in 1940-1941.

The photo albums after 1970 are primarily Lindgren traveling when he was semi-retired or retired. The albums also include images of family activities in Cambridge or other Minnesota locations.

The photo albums in boxes 3 through 6 each include an index of the images and the descriptions that Lindgren gave them and with some commentary. These descriptions were created by student Christina T. Markwood-Rod in the early 2000s. In addition, some of the photo albums have been scanned to provide easier access.

Series 3: Print Images and Negatives

Dating primarily from the 1970s through the early 1990s, this series includes both print images and negatives. These images focus on Lindgren's world travels.

Some print images in this series do have negatives and are kept together.  The negatives were organized here as Lindgren had organized them. The description was taken from the negative/photo envelope, which were written by Lindgren or Markwood-Rod.  Those negatives that did not have photographs with them were kept together as units. These negatives, especially those from the 1980s and early 1990s, are for some of the images in the photo albums in series 2.

Significant images include the portraits of Lindgren as a young man and as he aged over time, including his passport photos. There are images of his parents, Roy and Rudy Lindgren, as children, young adults, and as they aged, too.

Series 4: Slides

Sub-series 1: Slide Presentations

This sub-series contains color slides, as organized by Lindgren, of his travels while working, especially in Asia during the 1940s through the early 1960s. Many of the slides have descriptions written on them by Lindgren. Locations featured include China, Cambodia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Macao (China).

These slides were used by Lindgren for presentations to his classes and for other events.

Sub-series 2: Other slides

This sub-series contains color slides and described as "unused", as opposed to the slides in sub-series 1. These slides were organized by location by Lindgren. The majority of slides have descriptions written on them by Lindgren, as well as lists that were on slide storage cases in Lindgren's hand.  Dating from the 1950s through the 1960s, locations visited include Australia, England, France, Greece, Nepal, North America, Philippines, Portugal, Spain, and Switzerland.

All the slides from both sub-series have been digitized as lower resolution JPEG images and available in an instance of Omeka. Each folder in this series was created as a separate collection in Omeka. Also, each image has been given a unique image ID number, starting with "LGR".

Information was added into the description field for individual slides if there was any to add. That information came from what Lindgren wrote directly on the slide as well as anything that was on list from the slides storage box. These lists were only from Sub-series 2: Other Slides. When the writing was hard to read, we did the best we could to transcribe it and then added a question mark in brackets. Anything that was added by Archives' staff was always put into brackets, especially if the slide was not identified but the landmark was easily recognized.

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Lindgren autobiography
Lindgren autobiography · Unidad documental simple · 1993
Parte de William M. Lindgren Papers
  • Lindgren_autobiography.pdf
  • Lindgren created this autobiography in 1993 with the help of friends and family.
Francis and Ludmila Voelker Papers
19 · Colección · 1969-1978

Edited by Francis and Ludmilla (Mil) Voelker, the papers are centered around the collection, creation, editing, and publishing of three editions of Mass Media: Forces in Our Society. The first edition was a publishing trend-setter, making articles by professionals in all areas of media readily available in one attractively designed source. The second edition received a Certificate of Excellence from the American Institute of Graphic Arts and was selected in the 1975 AIGA Learning Materials Show as one of 50 best designed books published that year.  The third and final edition appeared in 1978.

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17 · Unidad documental simple · 1898?
Parte de Photographic Print Collection
  • 00017.jpg
  • Old Main opened in 1874 as the main building of St. Cloud State. Old Main was demolished in 1950 after the completion of Stewart Hall.
  • Dimensions: 11.9 x 16.3 cm
  • Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
  • Local Identifier: Photographic Print Collection. Photographic Prints. Buildings and Spaces. Specific Campus Buildings and Spaces. Old Main. Interior
93 · Unidad documental simple · 1901
Parte de Photographic Print Collection
  • 00093.jpg
  • Old Main opened in 1874 as the main building of St. Cloud State. Old Main was demolished in 1950 after the completion of Stewart Hall.
  • Dimensions: 18.4 x 23.2 cm
  • Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
  • Local Identifier: Photographic Print Collection. Photographic Prints. Buildings and Spaces. Specific Campus Buildings and Spaces. Old Main. Interior