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Records of the Central Minnesota Regional Science Fair
Coleção · 1950 - 2018

These materials showcase more than 50 years of the history of the David Frank Grether Central Minnesota Regional Science Fair (previously known as the “Central Minnesota Regional Science Fair” until 2001).

This collection is organized in two series.

Series 1: Science Fair Materials

Dating from 1950 to 2019, this series contains a diverse assortment of materials pertaining to the fair. The most prominent materials are the programs for this event that date from 1950 to 2018. There are other materials that include flyers, ribbons, and certificates. Perhaps most notably, As an example of the type of project submitted and presented, contained here is the project and research paper of Michael Garrity, a high school student who took part in the program during the late 1950s.

Series 2: Science Fair Scrapbooks

The second series contains six scrapbooks, dating from 1950 to 1968, containing materials pertinent to the fair. These include event programs, newspaper clippings, photographs of student participants and their demonstrations, along with written descriptions of their projects.

Location is 28A.1b-c

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S-2045 · Coleção · 1971-1980

The Association of Central Minnesota Teachers of History Collection contain the minutes of meetings, newsletters, newspaper clippings, mailing lists, announcements, and correspondence. The majority of the items date between 1971-1976.

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Digital Objects with No Parent

This is an artificial collection in AtoM as a placeholder for digital objects that do not have a parent collection. This material is mostly in unprocessed materials that have no proper finding aid in AtoM. Once the objects have a finding aid in AtoM, they will be moved there.

Records of the Women's Center
2023-10-04/1 · Coleção · 1989 - 2022

The records of the Women’s Center document the establishment and subsequent activities from 1989 to 2022. Established in late 1989, the Women’s Center provided help, education, and support to women on campus and in the local communities on a variety of issues ranging from feminism, anti-oppression, racial justice and gender equity. The bulk of the records here date before 2000.

The records are arranged in three series.

Series 1: Administrative

Records here document the administration of the center, which included providing programming and education about women. These include annual reports, surveys, and strategic plans that document the progress of the center and the future direction. Other notable material include efforts regarding cultural diversity, grant funded support, and scholarships.

Series 2: Sexual Violence Prevention Program

The records document the establishment of the program and its evolution. Included in this series are the grant records that established the program and subsequent grants to continue supporting it.

Series 3: Programming

A major function of the Women’s Center was programming. The center sponsored or co-sponsored a number of events to raise awareness and educate attendees. The centerpiece of the programming was “Women on Wednesday” that covered a wide variety of topics since its inception in 1990.

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Records of Aero Club
207 · Coleção · 1948-1984

This collection contains the records of Aero Club. Included in the collection are three club scrapbooks, photographs of club activities, monthly newsletters published by Aero Club, one meeting minutes book, Aero Club's Constitution and By-Laws, newspaper clippings, and membership lists.

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George Alderink Papers
S-1823 · Coleção · 1955-1972

The George Alderink Papers contain mainly correspondences of the Representative, government and legislative reports, and miscellaneous materials relating to Alderink. The majority of the items date between 1955 and 1958, during his time in elected office.

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Albertina Anderson Papers
233 · Coleção · 1892-1944

This collection conatins a wide variety of material. These include a biographical booklet on Albertina Anderson compiled by her grand-nephew, and records of her education at St. Cloud Teachers College, University of Minnesota, and Columbia University such as transcripts, class slips, and a notebook filled with class notes. Also present are her records of employment at St. Cloud Teachers College as well as records regarding retirement funds. Lastly, the collection includes Andersons hand written mathematic lesson plans, teaching materials, and few miscellaneous writings showcasing the academic standards of the time.

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Records of Avon Literary Society
205 · Coleção · 1915-1931

This collection contains the records of the Avon Literary Society.  Included is one meeting minutes book and one of the society's programs.

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Maurine Bailey Papers
234 · Coleção · 1920-1929

The collection contains biographical information gathered by Ed Pluth regarding the various members of the subject’s family. The main attraction to this collection is the “The Girl Graduate” scrapbook which was includes countless photos and artifacts of Maurine Bailey’s life on St. Cloud State from June 1921 to fall 1922. Materials included in the book are Lawrence Hall dormitory regulations, State Teachers College picture booklet, personal messages from dormmates, many regarding Bailey as ‘Sub’, Bailey’s class schedules, Normal School Library manual, fall 1922 class schedule, and 1921 commencement exercises. In addtion, the scrapbook contains marriage announcements from friends, activity tickets, and calling cards of Lawrence Hall girls. This collection provides a wide range of interests to perspective scholars and researchers alike when looking at college life and experience in the early 1920s.

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Andrew A. Brown Papers
S-1803 · Coleção · 1866-1938

This collection consists of three folders of papers of Andrew A. Brown. Brown lived in Douglas County and dealt in buying and selling land. There are numerous land grants and certificates. Also of interest are the correspondence from John Lind, who was a US congressman, a death certificate of Brown's wife, and a photograph of the family.

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Records of Camera Kraft Club
210 · Coleção · 1923-1952

This collection contains the records of the Camera Kraft Club. Included is one book of meeting minutes, one photo album, and one club yearbook.

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Records of Chi Sigma Chi
211 · Coleção · 1950-1981

This collection contains the records of the Chi Sigma Chi. Included is two books of financial records, one meeting minutes book, photographs, and membership cards.

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Kenneth Cox Papers
232 · Coleção · 1960-1968

This collection consists of ten scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings, photos, and various correspondence detailing the events and athletes of Kenneth Cox’s career as wrestling coach for St. Cloud State between 1963 and 1967. Scrapbooks contain news coverage on Hazewinkel and Nelson twins, who wrestled at St. Cloud State during the time Cox was head wrestling coach.  The scrapbooks also document the completion of Halenbeck Hall, 1964 Olympic Trials in wrestling, World’s Fair in New York City, and the 1966 National NAIA wrestling championships hosted by St. Cloud State.

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Mitchell Family Papers
217 · Coleção · 1860-1969

These materials focus on the family of Henry Z. and Elizabeth Mitchell. They arrived in St. Cloud in 1857 and had three children - William B., Mary, and Charles.

The materials here focus on the Mitchell family in St. Cloud, Minnesota. The Mitchell homes at 508 and 509 1st Avenue South play a prominent role. A scrapbook highlights the life of the tea rooms at Grandmother's Garden, established by Ruth Mitchell in 1922.  Grandmother's Garden was the first home of Henry Z. and Elizabeth Mitchell.

There are is a family photo album that contains images of the Mitchell extended family.  Other images include the Mitchell Home at 508 1st Avenue South, which sits on the site of the current Mitchell Hall residence hall.  There are also memories of that home written by Mitchell Family members.

Other materials in this collection include property records, the appointment certificate of William B. Mitchell as St. Cloud State's resident director, art lectures by Mary Mitchell Burbank, and clippings in a scrapbook of the travels of William B. Mitchell and Mary Mitchell Burbank.

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Gladys Tirrell Nelson Papers
181 · Coleção · 1976-1977

This small collection contains the manuscript and drawings for her book War Drums at Eden Prairie, which was published in 1977. Also here are clippings and press releases, as well as a separate author's notations.

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Records of Normal Athletic Club
208 · Coleção · 1890-1894

This collection contains the records of the Normal Athletic Club.  Included is one meeting minutes book.

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Records of the Normal School Recorder
22 · Coleção · 1916-1918

10 monthly issues of the Normal School Recorder were published by students between 1916 and 1918.

The Normal School Recorder was a mix of a traditional newspaper and journal. Most of each issue was devoted to journal articles that were written by St. Cloud State students. Articles focused a great deal on campus; students wrote about family members, travel, athletics, student literary clubs, arrival and departure of faculty, and experience with others or events on campus. The publication often reported on the whereabouts and happenings of recent graduates. Especially fascinating were the stories about World War I, many documenting what was happening on campus, as well as the experiences of students and alums who were serving as soldiers.

All issues are available online. To see online, click on each issue in the finding aid and go to link in the Scope and Content Note. The issues can be found at

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Records of Nuance
23 · Coleção · 1953-1954

This collection contains literary and artistic submission by St. Cloud State students from 1953 to 1954.  Poems and short stories written by students were published.

Three issues of Nuance were published.

Records are located at 29D.4a.

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Records of Philomathian Society
202 · Coleção · 1913-1917

This collection contains the records of the Philomathian Society.  Included is one meeting minutes book.

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Records of Senior Model Debating Society
201 · Coleção · 1898-1900

This collection contains the records of the Senior Model Debating Society.  Included is one meeting minutes book.

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Records of Sigma Gamma Phi
203 · Coleção · 1957-1965

This collection contains the records of Sigma Gamma Phi.  Included is one meeting minutes book and membership lists.

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Records of St. Cloud Normal Literary Society
198 · Coleção · 1887-1903

This collection contains the records of St. Cloud Normal Literary Society. Included in the collection are: one book of financial statements, and six books of minutes.  Most of the minutes detail new members, elected postiions, resignations, and club program outlines.  The programs often included speeches, recitations, debates, solo performances, and readings.

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Stewart Hall Time Capsule
192 · Coleção · 1947-1992

This collection contains the content of a time capsule placed near the cornerstone of Stewart Hall. The cornerstone ceremony was held in mid-May 1948. The time capsule was placed in a 9 inch by 9 inch lead lined copper box.

Nearly all of the material has been published, including a 1944 college history, two copies of the Chronicle student newspaper, and course catalogs for 1947/48 and summer of 1948. Also included here is a May 1948 letter from Warren Stewart, namesake of the building, and two lists containing the signatures of 47 St. Cloud State faculy members and 994 students from the spring quarter of 1948.

Also included here is a folder containing information about the May 1948 cornerstone ceremony, a 1989 clipping about the missing time capsule, and an October 1992 press release regarding the circumstances of its discovery and return to St. Cloud State.

The copper box is still intact but severely damaged.

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Jane Grey Swisshelm Papers
1 · Coleção · 1856-1969

The Swisshelm collection contain letters, newspaper clippings, and photographs.

Most notable are the letters. Most of the letters are copies and transcripts of the originals. These letters were written by Henry Z. Mitchell, Henry Swisshelm, and Jane Grey Swisshelm. The letters from Jane Swisshelm were written to the Mitchell family in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Jane Swisshelm’s younger sister, Elizabeth, was married to Henry Z. Mitchell. They were parents to William B. Mitchell, who would later become the St. Cloud State University resident director (1877-1901) to the Minnesota State College Board.

There are two original Swisshelm letters, written in 1867 and 1883, both to the Mitchell family.

The collection also contains journal articles and newspaper clippings, as well as a small number of images, including three portraits of Jane Swisshelm.

To see the letters online, click on each letter in the finding aid and go to link in the Scope and Content Note. The letters can be found at

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Records of Tau Kappa Epsilon
228 · Coleção · 1960-1970

These records contain two scrapbooks, one bound and the other not, depicting life within the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity at St, Cloud State University. The bound scrapbook was created to act as a history of the fraternity, and is in mostly in chronological order. The scrapbooks cover the events that the fraternity was involved with such as Homecoming parade, Halloween, and Sno-days. The scrapbooks also documents other events hosted by TKE including spaghetti dinners, rush weeks, parent days, and ‘Playboy Parties’. In addition, they also contain member activities such as outings, vacations, and pledges.

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Ruth A. Thompson Papers
223 · Coleção · 1916-1924

In a single scrapbook dating from 1916 to 1924, Thompson documents her life.  As recorded in the scrapbook while at St. Cloud State, Thompson participated in various social activities and documents it with associated memorabilia. The scrapbook contains tickets for football games, banquets, and artistic performances she attended not only at St. Cloud State but at other Minnesota colleges such as St. Olaf and Carlton College, and includes programs to these events. The scrapbook also contains letters addressed to her as a resident of Lawrence Hall still in their envelopes, as well as holiday greeting cards (Christmas and Valentines Day), and short notes. The scrapbooks also includes housing receipts, class completion certifications, as well as letters of job offers from St. Paul Public Schools.

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Records of Waverly Literary Society
204 · Coleção · 1926-1931

This collection contains the records of the Waverly Literary Society.  Included here are three books of the society's finances.

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St. Cloud State Buildings and Space Quik-Ref Material
SCSUArch-Bldgs-Collection · Coleção · 1869 - 2023

The materials here are quik-ref files regarding campus buildings and spaces. The collection also includes nearby non-campus buildings, spaces, and geographical features, including the 10th Street bridge, Mississippi River, and Barden Park. In these files are a variety of material related to the building or space including newspaper clippings, press releases, dedication programs, and audio.

It is an artificial collection created sometime before 2007 but material is periodically added.

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S-2116 · Coleção · 1979 - 1989

This collection contains information on the Minnesota Chapter of the American Association of University Professors. The majority of the contents dates from 1976-1989. The collection consists of minutes from the meetings, quarterly membership rosters from the Minnesota Chapter, the Minnesota Academe Newsletter, treasurer’s reports, and grant requests from conferences.

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S-60 · Coleção · 1922-1996

This collection contains various materials arranged by type of material found. Within each major subdivision, the specific materials are arranged chronologically. Most of the material focuses on the St. Cloud branch of the American Association of University Women, including: annual reports, monthly bulletins, secretary notes, executive board meeting notes, special projects conducted by the chapter, public outreach programs, and a number of scrapbooks cataloging the events of the chapter.

The collection contains several histories written about the Minnesota Division of the American Association of University Women and the St. Cloud Branch. These histories strive to highlight the goals and contributions of the association.

The annual reports contain forms attributed to the activities of the National A.A.U.W and the St. Cloud branch. The reports give an annual summary of club activities as well as various subcommittee and group reports within the chapter.

The monthly bulletins and newsletters contain information concerning the activities of the St. Cloud branch from 1934-1960, some bulletins are undated. The bulletins list dates for committee meetings, sponsored events, guest speakers, fundraiser reports, and other activities of the chapter.

The secretarial minutes are six volumes containing the secretary’s minutes of the St. Cloud branch meetings from 1922-1958. Included in some of the volumes are the minutes from the first meeting in 1922, the association’s “constitution”, treasurer’s reports, attendance records, and bulletin records.

The collection contains the minutes from the meetings of the executive board of the St. Cloud branch, from 1935-1950 and from 1959-1966. The executive board minutes contain the discussion of past events, discussion of other committee activities, budget proposals, and approval for activities to be held by the chapter.

The collection contains a study guide for A.A.U.W. members concerning the development of the public education system, focusing on the strengths and weaknesses of Minnesota’s public school system. The collection also contains several studies conducted by the St. Cloud branch focusing on Oriental culture, and focusing on the relationship between the law and the citizen. These studies involved guest speakers, suggested reading lists, and seminars. The study on the law and the citizen included a dramatization of court procedures of the Probate and Juvenile Court.

The collection in box 4 includes membership lists, president’s records, and club officer lists covering the years from 1938-1954; the box also contains the notes and correspondence of the Economics and Legal Status of Women committee who were petitioning for the Equal Rights Amendment from 1940-1945. The collection also contain a number of pamphlets from events sponsored or held by the St. Cloud branch of the A.A.U.W. These programs include: “The Art of India”; “Dimensions”, a program developed to foster appreciation of art in the St. Cloud area that also included a Japanese Arts Festival; notifications of Hostess Day; and a flyer for the production of “Pinocchio” by the Music and Drama Club of St. Cloud.

The collection contains a number of yearbooks from the Minnesota Division as well as the St. Cloud branch. These yearbooks cover roughly from the 1920s to the 1990s.  Along with the yearbooks are a number of charter and bylaws, legislative policies, and membership booklets in the collection.

The scrapbooks in the collections are in chronological order and roughly cover the period 1928-1988. They contain various newspaper clippings of the St. Cloud chapter’s activities in the community and photographs. Also there are accounts of visits to state conventions, programs, bulletins, clippings from speakers, and clippings covering various social events and issues discussed by the chapter.

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Jerald Anderson Papers
S-1842 · Coleção · 1966-1977

The Jerald Anderson Papers mostly include material relating to the Minnesota Resource Commission, which Senator Anderson was chairman of. The commission's job was to evaluate programs that were proposed to preserve, develop, and maintain the natural resources of the state. The largest portion of the papers deal with education. This was due to the fact that Senator Anderson was chairman of the Subcommittee on School Finance and spend a great deal of his legislation time working with matters of education. The rest of the collection is made up of miscellaneous correspondence, reports, and newspaper clippings on a variety of subjects.

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Records of Associated Women Students (A.W.S.)
206 · Coleção · 1925-1968

This collection contains the records of the Associated Women Students (A.W.S.). Included is one meeting minutes book, the club's constitution, yearly handbooks, scrapbooks, photos and clippings, and their history.

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Records of Atwood Memorial Center
220 · Coleção · 1956-2005

Dating from 1956 to 2005, Atwood Memorial Center records consists of seven boxes that contain documents produced before the establishment and then the operation of the Atwood Memorial Center. The materials document the planning and fundraising for Atwood, the financial records, Atwood councils and advisory boards and various departments within Atwood.

Series 1: Fundraising, Construction and Phase II, 1956-1973

This series covers the initial planning and construction of Atwood, including the 1972 Phase II. Included here are construction specifics, contracts, Phase II financial statements, and initial fundraising to construct Atwood. This series also contains a 1956 paper that studied the need for a St. Cloud State student union.

Series 2: Financial Records, 1966-1988

This series includes annual reports and financial statements originating from the operation of the Atwood Memorial Center. Included within the financial records are items related to budget requests, allotments, disbursements, and expenditures.

Series 3: Councils and Boards, 1961-1998

This series contains meeting minutes, agendas, and correspondence from the councils and boards in Atwood. Included in this series is the Atwood Board of Governors (ABOG), the Executive Board, and the Atwood Council.

Series 4: Departments and Services, 1974-1997

This series documents the departments and services offered to students in Atwood. Included here are customer satisfaction surveys, records from the Recreation center and the Atwood stores.

Series 5: Administration, 1969-2005

This series documents the workings of Atwood at the administration level. This includes office correspondence, policies, position descriptions, and documents dealing with the master calendar. Also within this series is various publications produced by Atwood and Title IX records.

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John C. Boehm Papers
S-2083 · Coleção · 1902-1926

The collection consists of numerous receipts and documents dated from 1902 through 1926. These receipts are from local businesses in St. Cloud, and these receipts reflects the day-to-day business activities of John C. Boehm. There is also a biographical sketch of Boehm in the first folder. Also included are two journals, one of which is a listing of Dr. Boehm's clients from July 6, 1894 through March 18, 1895 with his fee for services. The second journal includes a index listing names of various individuals, organizations, and businesses, each designated a with a number.

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Dudley Brainard Family Letters
219 · Coleção · 1939-1949

These 142 letters were written between Virginia Brainard and her parents Dudley and Merl Brainard between 1939 and 1949. There are a small number of letters not between daughter and parents, but letters written about the Brainard family and a few other significant letters, such as the letter sent by author Sinclair Lewis to Dudley.

At Iowa State

Dating between 1940 and 1943 while attending Iowa State College in Ames, Iowa, these letters are mostly written and mailed by Virginia Brainard to her parents, Dudley and Merl Brainard. She candidly wrote her family about possibly anything and everything, especially adjustments to social life, dating, school, political discussions, her friends and roommates, food, clothing, hygiene, mental health, and various information about her siblings (Connie, Eleanor, Charles, and Edward), her parents, and other family members.

Virginia had immense concern over grades and classes. Money was especially a common worry, needed class expenses, housing, fees, books, personals, clothing, etc. Virginia often wrote about her desire and passion for her journalism classes and writing stories for the student newspaper Iowa State Daily Student. She was also extremely proud when her father Dudley was appointed St. Cloud State president in early 1943.

Going to school during World War II, Virginia also offered insights to the anxieties of young adults and how rationing, army training and the drafting of young men affected Iowa State.

In 1943, Virginia graduated with a degree in Journalism and Home Economics.

After Iowa State

Letters written between the years of 1944 to 1949 were mostly from Dudley and Merl to Virginia. There is a small portion of letters from non-family members and military officials, including Sinclair Lewis, US Navy, and Major Julian Gist.

For the entire year of 1949, the letters are exclusively from Dudley and Merl to Virginia. They generally report of their daily lives, issues, and people they see. The letters are extremely candid about the other Brainard children, especially about how they are each doing in school and their personal lives. Dudley and Merl were extremely proud of Virginia in her accomplishments in journalism and for her future.

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St. Cloud State University Bulletin
34 · Coleção · 1944-1960

The Bulletin was published by the university four times a year, including one to two issues a year published as a literary journal. Articles were articles written by St. Cloud State faculty and staff. Topics often related to and about St. Cloud State, and some were not. Article titles are listed in the finding aid by issue.

This collection does not contain all of the issues for each volume. The remaining issues for each volume are the course catalogs for the undergraduate, graduate and summer programs. Thus, all of the publications with the title "Bulletin" had two different purposes - one as a literary journal for St. Cloud State faculty and staff, and the other as course catalogs.

The last bulletin which appeared as a literary journal, was published in January 1960. The course catalogs, still named "Bulletin," continued to be numbered until 1969/70, when the last volume to appear was volume 25.

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Dr. Julius Buscher Papers
S-66 · Coleção · 1891-1963

The Dr. Julius Buscher Papers contain mainly correspondence, letters, ledgers, and manuscript articles written for medical journals. The majority of the material is related to medicine. The majority of the items date between 1920 and 1940, when Dr. Buscher was practicing medicine.

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Records of the Campus Laboratory School
236 · Coleção · 1886-1983

Spanning from the early years of the university to the later half of the twentieth century, the Campus Laboratory School records range from 1886 to its closure in 1983. The materials in this collection include information on administrative records, student publications, faculty and student material, including lists of class members, and other student creations.

Series 1: Administration

This series deals largely with administrative records that pertain to the Lab School’s budget, purpose and objectives, and reports on the restructure of the school in the 1970s, and its curriculum. The series also includes meeting minutes from faculty meeting minutess, informational booklets about the school itself, and status and annual reports regarding the school’s progress.

Series 2: Publications

This series contains publications written by the students of the Lab School. These publications include the newsletters Riverview Monthly, Booster, Currents, and Challenger. The publication's content was written by students and contains reports of current events, short stories, poems, school news, information about upcoming events, and drawings.

Series 3: Students and Faculty

This series covers the largest span of dates and contains information about the faculty and students. Material here includes lists of students and when they attended the Lab School, lists of faculty and when they taught, grade books, certification of students, and some curriculum material for physical education, art, and music programs. There are are also programs from Lab School events - music, art, and theatre.

Series 4: Oversize

This series is of one oversize box. The series contains drawings drawings of the Lab School buildings on stationary, a scrapbook and letters regarding the closing of the school, and about an exhibit from the school’s final year and day. The exhibit is displayed through a panoramic photo of a wall in which photos were hung depicting faculty and students doing activities throughout the last year of the Lab School in 1983.

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St. Cloud State University Graduate Catalogs
17 · Coleção · 1953-2009

The graduate catalog represents the most official publication of St. Cloud State. Dating back to 1953, the catalog describes the purpose of the university, admission requirements, classes and class descriptions, tuition and fees, buildings and grounds, and faculty.

Starting with the 2012/14 general catalog, both the graduate and undergraduate catalogs were combined together.  This catalog is found with the undergraduate catalogs.

The final graduate catalog goes to 2009.

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The Centennial: 1869-1969 - A Heritage of Excellence
100 · Coleção

In 1969, St. Cloud State celebrated the centennial of it's establishment by the state of Minnesota in 1869. Many activities were planned that surrounded this anniversary. These volumes document those activities as well as the residential community that encomposed the campus, which stood almost exclusively on the Mississippi River along 1st Avenue South between 6th and 9th Street South.

L. Ruth Cadwell, a faculty member at St. Cloud State between 1924 and 1966, was responsible for the gathering and organization of information and images of these volumes. She organized them into nine separate volumes. This collection contains two sets of these volumes, though volume 8 is not included here.  According to the foreword that appears in volume 1, there are differences between the two sets, which are marked appropriately on the spine of each volume. The foreword reads, "Because of the difficulty of collecting materials it was necessary to have some variation between set one and set two. Therefore, should you desire to view the complete materials collected, you are urged to study both copies of the St. Cloud State College Centennial set."

Series 1: History

Ms. Cadwell organized the history into nine separate volumes, some that have two or more parts.

Volume 1 - Early Use of the Present Site: In three parts, volume 1 documents the early uses of the 1969 campus. Photographs of houses that stood on campus are organized by street.

Volume 2 - The Centennial Begins: This volume contains historic images and documents regarding the history of St. Cloud State.

Volume 3 - Brochures, Invitations, and Programs: This volume contains a wide variety of material related to the events and other activities related centennial and for the 1968/69 academic year.

Volume 4 - Centennial Events: This volume contains images and other related material regarding events for the centennial, including the Centennial Hall groundbreaking and Heritage Day.

Volume 5 - News Releases:This volume contains news releases for events, fundraisers, and other activities related to St. Cloud State's centennial.

Volume 6 - News reports: In three parts, this volume contains newspaper clippings about the centennial. Part 1 contains 1960 to October 1968; Part 2 contains November 1968 to March 1969; and Part 3 contains April 1969 to June 1969.

Volume 7 - Communication to Obtain Materials for History: Copies of letters written by Ms. Cadwell requesting photographs of the campus site and the responses received.

Volume 8 - The Chronicle, July 1968 to June 1969: Both copies are part of these records and bound in black with the title "The Centennial: 1869-1969, A Heritage of Excellence," as well as indicated as volume 8.

Volume 9 - The Reporter, July 1968 to June 1969: The volume contains copies of the alum newsletter, The Reporter, as well as men's basketball programs.

Series 2: Negatives and Slides

This series contains negatives of various homes, buildings, and other views of the campus area. It is not clear if the negatives were taken from the photographs, or if the photographs were created from the negatives.

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Records of the Central Minnesota Historical Assembly
S-2044 · Coleção · 1966-1996

The collection consists of numerous records pertaining to the commencement and dissolution of the Central Minnesota Historical Assembly. The records contain information describing the organization’s intentions to bring various historical societies around Central Minnesota together for mutual growth, development, and training in the field of historical and cultural preservation. The records also include information concerning day-to-day operations, including plans for meetings and luncheons, membership lists, income and expenses, administration reports, and local historical societies’ newsletters and programs.

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David L. Kiehle Papers

The contents of this collection cover the entire span of David L. Kiehle’s life, from 1837 to 1918, with materials pertinent to both his personal life and various educational ventures. It includes Kiehle’s 193 autobiography, various newspaper clippings regarding his multiple roles as an educator in Minnesota, and correspondence written between Kiehle and several of his colleagues and professional acquaintances. In addition, the collection includes several of Kiehle’s personal possessions, including multiple academic honors and awards granted to Kiehle, along with photographs of Kiehle and multiple members of his immediate family.

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Church Oral Histories
184 · Coleção · 1977-1979

These oral histories were performed in 38 different community churches in central Minnesota during the late 1970s.  Most of the churches are in or around the St. Cloud area or Brainerd between Interstates 94 and 35.  Ordinarily, the interviews include the church pastor and several elderly members with long family ties to the church.  All the interviews begin with the basic biographical data of the participants including birth dates, the reason their family immigrated to the area and where they came from, length of association with the church, and ethnicity.

The ethnic backgrounds of the congregations and communities are discussed in many of the oral histories.  Attention is given to the ethnic foundations of each church. Americanization of the congregation appears to be significant in many of the histories.  Frequent mention is made of the efforts and influence of church groups, particularly women’s groups, and the concern over an aging congregation without new members joining.  Several interesting anecdotes appear as part of the personal histories, church history, or discussion of the community. The issue of language is particularly noteworthy as almost all the interviews discuss the switch to English from original immigrant languages for Protestant services or from Latin to English for Catholic mass.

Many histories describe the past and present efforts to maintain the church.  Early construction, maintaining church membership (particularly youth), splits and conflicts between churches and denominations over doctrine, and how the changes of the 20th century impacted their community and church.  Notable accomplishments of the churches are also described including community involvement, ministry and counseling, missionary work both locally and internationally, and continual improvement of facilities.  Church association with education is a common topic either as established church or parochial schools, Sunday schools, or as temporary efforts in the early parts of the 20th century.

Transcripts of the interviews are available unless otherwise noted below.  The audio tapes for some of these oral histories are presently unavailable.  Those histories are mentioned in the individual finding aids below.  Most of these histories do have full transcripts available, however.  Some folders include photographs of the church, interiors, grounds, and occasionally interview participants.

A question mark (?) for date of death does not necessarily indicate the participant is deceased.

St. Cloud State University Class Schedules
26 · Coleção · 1943-2010

This collection contains undergraduate, graduate, summer, extension and evening class schedules from 1943 to 2010.  The schedules document which classes were offered at what time, who taught the course, and where the class was held.  Depending on the year, information about adding and dropping, advising, building abbreviations, final examination schedule, and registration times are included.

The summer publications are a combination of classes as well as information found in the course catalogs. Those dated before 1960 are in a separate collection. That collection also contains the summer publications after 1960 that are in this collection.

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Records of Collective Bargaining Contracts
41 · Coleção · 1975-2017

Collective bargaining contracts, as well as managerial and commissioner's plans for state employees at St. Cloud State University and other state agencies. Organizations include American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Inter-Faculty Organization (IFO), Middle Management Association (MMA), Minnesota Association of Professional Employees (MAPE), Minnesota Nurses Association, and Minnesota State University Association of Administrative and Service Faculty (MSUAASF).

Records of St. Cloud State University Commencement
7 · Coleção · 1871-2018+

These series contains records about St. Cloud State University commencement, dating from 1871 to 2009. Additions to this series will be ongoing.

Arranged chronologically, the main focus of the records are the programs. Programs were issued for each ceremony, listing names of those who graduated and the degree that was received. Early programs do not list graduates, but instead just the events surrounding commencement.

Starting in 2000, commencement was split into two: one for undergraduate students and one for graduate students. Thus, there were two programs. It later combined into a single program.

Other material is contained here, including invitations, speeches of commencement speakers, and audio and video of commencement, dating back to 1968.

The commencement records are split into four separate series.

Series 1: Reference Copy

This series contains the most complete run of SCSU commencement programs. There is one copy for each commencement program that the Archives has.

Series 2: Archives Copy

This series contains, when possible, two copies of each commencement program. Commencement programs here are duplicated in Series 1.

Series 3: Other Material

Contained in this series are invitations, schedules, and other material related to the commencement ceremony. Text of speeches, dated mostly from the 1960s, are in this series as well.

Series 4: Audio/Visual

This series has audio and video of commencement programs dating back to 1968. Some years there is only audio, which is on either cassette tape or reel to reel. Video exists here for many commencement ceremonies, especially after 1999, though there is earlier video. Video formats include VHS and DVD.

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Ida Compton Papers
32 · Coleção · 1947-1985

The Ida Compton papers contain mostly letters written to Ida Kay Compton by Sinclair Lewis and others, dating from 1947 to 1985. Also included are clippings about Sinclair Lewis, including some written by and about Ida Kay Compton. In addition, the papers contain audio recordings of Lewis in the 1940s.

Sinclair Lewis wrote 18 letters and one telegram to Ida Kay Compton from 1947 to 1950. In these letters, Lewis mostly lived or was traveling in Europe. He described the people he was met and his home in Florence. Lewis also wrote about his new secretary, Alex Manson. The remainder of his letters discussed Ida's upcoming visit to Europe in the summer of 1950.

Other correspondence includes letters from Claude and Helen Lewis. Dated mostly around the death of Sinclair Lewis in 1951, these letters chronicle Ida's trip to Minnesota for the memorial service, as well as the disposition of Sinclair's personal property.

Letters written by Mark Schorer, who was writing a biography of Lewis, asked Ida for her memories of Lewis, while letters from Bennett Cerf and Harry Maule discussed an incident involving a confrontation with Sinclair Lewis over World So Wide, a book published in 1951.

Especially noteworthy are letters written by and to Barnaby Conrad, detailing Ida's friendship with Sinclair Lewis. Conrad briefly served as Lewis' secretary in 1947.

Other significant material are the newspaper clippings collected by Ida Kay Compton. Many dealt with the death of Sinclair Lewis, book reviews about publications of Lewis' life, as well as a few about Ida Compton herself, which dated in 1985.

The papers include audio recordings of Lewis from the 1940s and may be the only recordings Lewis' voice that survive. The large vinyl records have been reformatted onto a reel-to-reel tape and an audio cassette.

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St. Cloud State University Diplomas
193 · Coleção · 1874-1975

Diplomas that were awarded from 1875 through 1975 and beyond. A few of the diplomas are signed by the administrators from the respective time periods, and contain the names of the students that the diploma was awarded to. Most diplomas are blank copies that cover a large range of dates.

The earlier diplomas stipulate the completion of an education training program, whereas later diplomas stipulate differences between associates, bachelors, and advanced and masters degrees.

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Records of the Center for Economic Education
238 · Coleção · 1963-2018

Established in 1964, the records of the Center for Economic Education, span from 1963, a year before its creation, until 2018. The materials here include administrative records, alumni and faculty publications, and materials from the Winter Institute.

Series 1: Administration

This series has administrative records. These records include annual reports, funding reports, program reviews, general overviews of the program, and workshop information.

Series 2: Publications

This series contains publications written by the Center for Economic Education alumni and faculty such as economic reports and teaching tools for grades K-12.

Series 3: Winter Institute

This series contains a range of information about the Winter Institute that was held from 1963-2018. Materials include program brochures, flyers, and miscellaneous materials dating from 1969 to 2018.

Also included here are VHS tapes dating from 1987 to 1997. These tapes were recorded of the keynote speaker, panel sessions, or other events at the Winter Institute. No release forms were provided so the tapes can only be viewed in Archives.

The Winter Institute has offered high-quality educational programming with renowned speakers and thought provoking ideas. In addition, there were accessible economic education sessions for a general audience as well as targeted economic education sessions for K-12 educators.

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Records of the Department of English
195 · Coleção · 1960-2007

This collection contains records from the Department of English at St. Cloud State University. Items in this collection date from 1960 to the 2000s, the majority of which are from the early 1960s to the late 1980s. This collection contains various administrative records, brochures, and publications.

These records are arranged in two series:

Series 1: Administrative Records

This series contains a variety of administrative records. Information relating to personnel, committee and department minutes, budgets, course lists, enrollment, and department publications and projects are found here. There is also information on the Write Place and its predecessors.

Series 2: Publications and Conferences on Sinclair Lewis

Divided into two sub-series, this series contains records relating to St. Cloud State Department of English publications and conferences relating to the Nobel Prize-winning author Sinclair Lewis. Most of the series relates to the 1985 Sinclair Lewis Centennial Conference, hosted by St. Cloud State University in honor of the 100th anniversary of Lewis's birth. Also included are programs of conferences held in honor of Lewis and his friend and confidant, Ida K. Compton, in 2005 and 2007, copies of the Sinclair Lewis Newsletter from the late 1960s through mid-1970s, and cassette tapes of the 1971 radio production: Sinclair Lewis's Minnesota: A State of Mind.

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