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Joseph P. Wilson Papers
S-73 · Coleção · 1851 - 1869

This collection contains materials related to Joseph P. Wilson. The majority of the collection are letters written between 1851 and 1869 to Joseph P. Wilson, from Joseph P. Wilson, or about his business interests. The letters include a proposal written by Wilson to the president of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company about the St. Cloud and Minneapolis railroad, references to Wilson’s involvement with the James L. Fisk expeditions to Montana in the early 1860s, and information relating to his business in mercantile and railroads. In addition, there is mention of the aftermath of the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862 in Minnesota.

A number of the letters detail the legal counsel Wilson provided to his brother-in-law, William A. Corbett, regarding a land dispute in St. Augusta, Minnesota. The collection of letters also contains information about the platting of land in and around St. Cloud. Other authors besides Wilson include William A. Corbett, [sister?] A. B. Wilson, and brother John L. Wilson.

The collection also includes transcriptions of all the letters transcribed by Kasey Solomon. Information that is torn, faded, or otherwise unclear is noted with brackets and a question mark.

All documents were scanned and are available for download. Also included for download are the letter transcriptions.

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Records of Normal Athletic Club
208 · Coleção · 1890-1894

This collection contains the records of the Normal Athletic Club.  Included is one meeting minutes book.

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Records of Senior Model Debating Society
201 · Coleção · 1898-1900

This collection contains the records of the Senior Model Debating Society.  Included is one meeting minutes book.

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Records of St. Cloud Normal Literary Society
198 · Coleção · 1887-1903

This collection contains the records of St. Cloud Normal Literary Society. Included in the collection are: one book of financial statements, and six books of minutes.  Most of the minutes detail new members, elected postiions, resignations, and club program outlines.  The programs often included speeches, recitations, debates, solo performances, and readings.

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Records of Normalia
21 · Coleção · 1892-1904

93 monthly issues of the Normalia were published between 1892 and 1904. Totaling between 20-28 pages for each issue, 8-10 issues were published a year. Faculty, and later, students, were responsible for the content.

The Normalia was a mix of a traditional newspaper and journal. Much of each issue was devoted to journal articles that were written by students and faculty of St. Cloud State. Topics for these articles widely ranged, though much focused on education. Articles varied from studies of children who were attending the model school to biographies of historical figures to original fiction. Especially fascinating were letters written by students and alum fighting in the Spanish-American War in 1899 and 1900. Overall, Normalia gives a sense of what those on campus were studying and interested in.

There is some information about the happenings of campus in the Normalia . It mostly deals with students, faculty, and alums, including visits of alums to campus, travels of current students and faculty, as well as listing positions held by of alum. Many final issues of the academic year were devoted to the presentations of graduates at commencement. Other topics include meetings of the Literary Club, athletics, including football, hockey, and basketball, and scattered images of campus and campus personalities.

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Andrew Lindgren Papers
160 · Coleção · 1906-1909

This collection contains one photo album of images taken by St. Cloud State alum Andrew Lindgren between 1906 and 1909. These images comprise of most of the early images of St. Cloud State.

The majority of the photographs were taken of campus and the surrounding St. Cloud area. The album also includes photographs from cities in Minnesota, including St. Paul, Minneapolis, Silver Creek, Watab, Stillwater, Buffalo, Monticello, Spicer, and Verndale, as well as spots across the United States and Canada. These include Salt Lake City, Portland (Oregon), Annapolis (Maryland), Cripple Creek (Colorado), Seattle, Denver, New Orleans, New York City, Cape Cod, and Hawaii. There are also images from British Columbia and Novia Scotia in Canada as well as Panama.

Some copies, via photography of the originals in which negatives were created, were made sometime in the 1980s and 1990s from the photo album by St. Cloud State. Only a selection was done, especially those images of campus and around St. Cloud. The printed image copies are in order as they appear in the album.

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Collection of William Henry Jackson Chromolithographs
3 · Coleção · 1890-1910

Contained in this collection are 832 William Henry Jackson chromolithographs. Total number of images, including duplicates, are 1243. The images are organized by serial number, including those that are duplicates. If an image has duplicates, the number of additional copies are noted after the caption in the finding aid.

The description of each image is the caption as printed on the chromolithograph. Copyright of these images, as stamped on the chromolithograph are all dated few years before and after 1900. Images depicted on the chromolithographs are from Europe, especially Germany, Austria, and Great Britain, and North America. Subjects shown include prominent buildings or groups of buildings, views of cities, country sides, and mountains, such as Yellowstone, cliff dwellings in Colorado, Washington, D.C., and Niagara Falls.

The Library of Congress has many of these chromolithographs already scanned and available in different file formats, including as TIF files. Those already scanned by the Library of Congress were not scanned again; instead, a link is provided for under each image that is available through the Library of Congress. Those that were not available through the Library of Congress have been scanned and are available through the Repository @ St. Cloud State.

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Records of Philomathian Society
202 · Coleção · 1913-1917

This collection contains the records of the Philomathian Society.  Included is one meeting minutes book.

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Records of the Normal School Recorder
22 · Coleção · 1916-1918

10 monthly issues of the Normal School Recorder were published by students between 1916 and 1918.

The Normal School Recorder was a mix of a traditional newspaper and journal. Most of each issue was devoted to journal articles that were written by St. Cloud State students. Articles focused a great deal on campus; students wrote about family members, travel, athletics, student literary clubs, arrival and departure of faculty, and experience with others or events on campus. The publication often reported on the whereabouts and happenings of recent graduates. Especially fascinating were the stories about World War I, many documenting what was happening on campus, as well as the experiences of students and alums who were serving as soldiers.

All issues are available online. To see online, click on each issue in the finding aid and go to link in the Scope and Content Note. The issues can be found at

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Maybelle McAllister Papers
226 · Coleção · 1920-1922

The collection contains a book of letters addressed to Maybelle from her fellow dorm mates, desk mates, and teachers during her last year on campus. These letters wished her well, spoke of her character, and the hope of future correspondence. The photo album is a collection of photographs taken by Maybelle during her time in the St. Cloud State Camera Kraft student club. Photos show buildings on campus and the surrounding area, inlcuding some still standing today (such as Shoemaker and Lawrence Halls and Whitney House), as well as classmates, children, and the scenery around campus.

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Ruth A. Thompson Papers
223 · Coleção · 1916-1924

In a single scrapbook dating from 1916 to 1924, Thompson documents her life.  As recorded in the scrapbook while at St. Cloud State, Thompson participated in various social activities and documents it with associated memorabilia. The scrapbook contains tickets for football games, banquets, and artistic performances she attended not only at St. Cloud State but at other Minnesota colleges such as St. Olaf and Carlton College, and includes programs to these events. The scrapbook also contains letters addressed to her as a resident of Lawrence Hall still in their envelopes, as well as holiday greeting cards (Christmas and Valentines Day), and short notes. The scrapbooks also includes housing receipts, class completion certifications, as well as letters of job offers from St. Paul Public Schools.

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Maurine Bailey Papers
234 · Coleção · 1920-1929

The collection contains biographical information gathered by Ed Pluth regarding the various members of the subject’s family. The main attraction to this collection is the “The Girl Graduate” scrapbook which was includes countless photos and artifacts of Maurine Bailey’s life on St. Cloud State from June 1921 to fall 1922. Materials included in the book are Lawrence Hall dormitory regulations, State Teachers College picture booklet, personal messages from dormmates, many regarding Bailey as ‘Sub’, Bailey’s class schedules, Normal School Library manual, fall 1922 class schedule, and 1921 commencement exercises. In addtion, the scrapbook contains marriage announcements from friends, activity tickets, and calling cards of Lawrence Hall girls. This collection provides a wide range of interests to perspective scholars and researchers alike when looking at college life and experience in the early 1920s.

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Records of Waverly Literary Society
204 · Coleção · 1926-1931

This collection contains the records of the Waverly Literary Society.  Included here are three books of the society's finances.

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Records of Avon Literary Society
205 · Coleção · 1915-1931

This collection contains the records of the Avon Literary Society.  Included is one meeting minutes book and one of the society's programs.

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Isabel Lawrence Papers
196 · Coleção · 1879-1936

This collection contains records and items related to Isabel Lawrence, faculty member and first female president of St. Cloud State University, acting or permanent. Items in this collection date from approximately 1879 to 1950, the majority of which were created between 1890 and 1920. The first two series contain documents that belonged to Lawrence and were kept by former faculty member and friend of Lawrence, Albertina C. Anderson. The papers contain drafts of articles and addresses by Lawrence, some of her personal notes on several topics including developmental psychology and literature, and writings by students and other faculty members that may have come into her possession. The third series contains articles of clothing that belonged to Lawrence and were kept by Mrs. Blanche Anderson.

These records are arranged in four series:

Series 1: Records Created by Isabel Lawrence

This series contains a variety of typed and handwritten records. Much of it is drafts of essays, articles, and addresses by Lawrence discussing child and adolescent development and teaching methods, including a handwritten draft of a commencement address. Other records include personal notes on developmental psychology, literature, teaching methods, and lesson plans.

Series 2: Records Created by Other Writers

This series contains records that were not created by Lawrence but likely came into her possession and were found in the same donation. Records include, but are not limited to, writings by 1897 graduates Benhof E. Benhardus and Vernon E. McCombs, criticisms by faculty of practice teachers in St. Cloud State's model school, and records from other normal schools and teachers colleges in New York and Chicago.

Series 3: Clothing Belonging to Isabel Lawrence

This series contains clothing belonging to Isabel Lawrence that had been kept by Mrs. Blanche Anderson and were transferred to the University Archives by Mrs. Alice Wick, wife of former SCSU president Robert Wick. Included here are two dresses, a mesh top-coat, a fur handwarmer, five pieces of lace, and a 1987 letter from then University Archivist Marie Elsen to Blanche Anderson.

Series 4: Tribute and Other Material

This series contains mostly material related to Lawrence's retirement from St. Cloud State in May 1921. Letters were solicited from alumni and most letters received were bound into two volumes.  Other letters were left loose.  The bound letters are organized by graduating class and give tribute to Lawrence.  The letters congratulate Lawrence upon her retirement, share memories of her when the alum had attended St. Cloud State, and updates on their own lives.  There is a folder with Lawrence's 1936 obituary and other tribute material related to her death.

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WPA Stearns County Biographies
S-1 · Coleção · 1936-1939

The collection consists of over 1500 biographical sketches created by the Works Progress Administration (WPA) during the years from 1936 through 1939 of early settlers of Stearns County, Minnesota, who lived predominantly during the 1800s, though a few can be dated to the late 1700s. By keeping their focus on the "common" person in society, the WPA biographies present examples of how the working class spent their lives. In addition, there are several immigrant accounts that share struggles and triumphs of settling in Stearns County.

A combination of interviews, information taken from books or newspapers, census data and courthouse records are put together in these files to create as complete of a genealogical picture as possible. All files are different - some may contain a combination of an interview summary, information taken from published sources, and census data and courthouse from the Stearns County courthouse. If the interview is not conducted with the subject themselves, they were usually conducted with a family member. This information is listed at the end of each sketch along with the name of the interviewer. Birth and death dates were included if known. It is believed that the people presented in these biographies were selected at random which come from diverse backgrounds. Some of the subjects discuss their interactions with Native Americans, while others briefly talk about their daily routine.

Included with these biographies is A Report on The Stearns County, Minnesota Biographical Sketches, written in 1983 by undergaduate student Marilyn Salzl Brinkman. This detailed report focuses on the analyzation of demographic data and interpretation of the agriculture-based subjects the WPA interviewed.

Records of Records and Registration
30 · Coleção · 1875-1940

This series contains academic transcripts of St. Cloud State students who attended the university between the 1870s and 1940.

Information about each student that attended and/or graduated from St. Cloud State University include the classes they attended, the term the class was taken, and the grade received.  If the student graduated, a pledge was signed to teach in public schools in Minnesota. The transcript provides information where and when the student taught.

In addition, the transcripts are a wealth of biographical information about the student.  Information includes: when and to what class admitted, age when admitted, graduation date, residence, birthplace, high school attended, last school attended, and name, occupation, and nationality of parents.

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Records of Library Tri-D Club
209 · Coleção · 1930-1940

This collection contains the records of the Library Tri-D Club.  The record book was compiled in 1940 by head librarian Edith Grannis, however the records within the book span 1930-1940. Records included are the constitution and code of loyalties, meeting minutes, and photographs.

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Records of the Weekly Bulletin
186 · Coleção · 1939-1942

The Weekly Bulletin was published at St. Cloud State University from February 1939 to June 1942. Targeted to students, the Weekly Bulletin was used for general announcements and included a list of meetings, events and activities both on and off campus for them to attend throughout the week. Announcements were primarily related to registration for classes, tuition, results of athletic events, and other general news pertaining to students.

Issues of the Weekly Bulletin published after December 1941 contain some references to World War II and the activities of students to support the war effort.

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Records of Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA)
199 · Coleção · 1887-1942

This collection contains the records of the Young Women's Christian Association.  Included are three meeting minute books, two treasurer’s books that document some of the group's finances, and additional meeting minute documents.  Also included is a scrapbook which has photos, songs, and newspaper clippings.

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Albertina Anderson Papers
233 · Coleção · 1892-1944

This collection conatins a wide variety of material. These include a biographical booklet on Albertina Anderson compiled by her grand-nephew, and records of her education at St. Cloud Teachers College, University of Minnesota, and Columbia University such as transcripts, class slips, and a notebook filled with class notes. Also present are her records of employment at St. Cloud Teachers College as well as records regarding retirement funds. Lastly, the collection includes Andersons hand written mathematic lesson plans, teaching materials, and few miscellaneous writings showcasing the academic standards of the time.

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Joan McQuary Collection of Sinclair Lewis Letters
5 · Coleção · 1942-1945

The 19 letters were written by Sinclair Lewis to Joan McQuary between 1942 and 1945. In the fall of 1942, McQuary met Lewis as a student in his creative writing class at the University of Minnesota. When the class finished in December, Lewis moved to New York City. During his time in Minneapolis, April to December 1942, Lewis nearly completed his novel Gideon Planish.

In these letters, Lewis discussed a wide variety of topics, giving a sense of his life while living in New York City. Lewis elaborated on his search for and described his new apartment at 300 Central Park West. Despite moving to New York City, Lewis longed for his University of Minnesota pupils and Minnesota, urging Joan to visit him in New York City, possibly working for him as a secretary. Lewis often mentioned spending the coming summer in Minnesota.

While in New York City, Lewis finished his novel, Gideon Planish. It was published that spring. Lewis was aware of the reviews he received for his book, noting to McQuary that the “furious attack” by literary critic Mumford Jones “is to be answered by yet more furious letters full of literary sniffing and thumbings of the philological nose…” He also mentioned on several occasions that he was sick of writing. After completing short stories for Good Housekeeping and Cosmopolitan in the spring of 1943, Lewis said the only writing he wanted to do was checks and luggage labels.

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Sinclair Lewis Letters to Marcella Powers
15 · Coleção · 1939-1947

The 262 letters and 1 poem included in this collection were written by Sinclair Lewis to Marcella Powers between 1939 and 1947. Lewis met Powers in August 1939 when they were both acting in Eugene O’Neill’s play Ah Wilderness! at the Provincetown Theater in Cape Cod. Lewis and Powers began a relationship despite the 36 year age difference between them.

In these letters, Lewis discusses a wide variety of topics - his career, his writing, and his feelings for Powers. During the time of their relationship, Lewis traveled quite a bit throughout the United States giving lectures. He also spent time working in Los Angeles in the motion picture industry and lived in Excelsior and Duluth in Minnesota where he spent much time writing. Lewis also wrote about his social life, including the people that he met, the games of chess that he played, and the books that he read. Many of the letters are very long while others are quite short, with some including cartoons drawn by Lewis.

The letters end in September 1947, shortly after Powers marriage to Michael Amrine. Lewis tells Powers that she will no longer receive an allowance from him, but that if she were ever in need of help that he would be there for her. When Lewis passed away in 1951, Powers was listed in his will.

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Dudley Brainard Family Letters
219 · Coleção · 1939-1949

These 142 letters were written between Virginia Brainard and her parents Dudley and Merl Brainard between 1939 and 1949. There are a small number of letters not between daughter and parents, but letters written about the Brainard family and a few other significant letters, such as the letter sent by author Sinclair Lewis to Dudley.

At Iowa State

Dating between 1940 and 1943 while attending Iowa State College in Ames, Iowa, these letters are mostly written and mailed by Virginia Brainard to her parents, Dudley and Merl Brainard. She candidly wrote her family about possibly anything and everything, especially adjustments to social life, dating, school, political discussions, her friends and roommates, food, clothing, hygiene, mental health, and various information about her siblings (Connie, Eleanor, Charles, and Edward), her parents, and other family members.

Virginia had immense concern over grades and classes. Money was especially a common worry, needed class expenses, housing, fees, books, personals, clothing, etc. Virginia often wrote about her desire and passion for her journalism classes and writing stories for the student newspaper Iowa State Daily Student. She was also extremely proud when her father Dudley was appointed St. Cloud State president in early 1943.

Going to school during World War II, Virginia also offered insights to the anxieties of young adults and how rationing, army training and the drafting of young men affected Iowa State.

In 1943, Virginia graduated with a degree in Journalism and Home Economics.

After Iowa State

Letters written between the years of 1944 to 1949 were mostly from Dudley and Merl to Virginia. There is a small portion of letters from non-family members and military officials, including Sinclair Lewis, US Navy, and Major Julian Gist.

For the entire year of 1949, the letters are exclusively from Dudley and Merl to Virginia. They generally report of their daily lives, issues, and people they see. The letters are extremely candid about the other Brainard children, especially about how they are each doing in school and their personal lives. Dudley and Merl were extremely proud of Virginia in her accomplishments in journalism and for her future.

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Records of Camera Kraft Club
210 · Coleção · 1923-1952

This collection contains the records of the Camera Kraft Club. Included is one book of meeting minutes, one photo album, and one club yearbook.

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Herman A. Wegner and Family Papers
S-2017 · Coleção · 1883-1953

The collection contains a number of financial and personal records concerning Herman A. Wegner and his family. There are a number of financial ledgers, school handbooks, music sheets, piano books, newspaper clippings, numerous deeds and mortgages, and personal letters between Rose Wegner and her parents. Many of the school handbooks and music sheets belonged to Rose Wegner. To a certain extent, the documents are arranged in chronological order in each folder. Folders have been arranged by subject.

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Records of Nuance
23 · Coleção · 1953-1954

This collection contains literary and artistic submission by St. Cloud State students from 1953 to 1954.  Poems and short stories written by students were published.

Three issues of Nuance were published.

Records are located at 29D.4a.

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Tschumperlin Family Papers
S-57 · Coleção · 1867-1956

The Tschumperlin Family Papers contain eight record series: Mining, Furniture, Funeral, Red Cross, Books, Personal and Photographs, Other, and Financial Records. The papers relate mostly to Aloys John Tschumperlin, son of Aloys Tschumperlin and Mary Grandelmeyer.

Series 1: Mining

This series contains records related to the mines near the city of Hamilton in White Pine County, Nevada. The mines were initially owned by Aloys Tschumperlin's uncle Joseph Grandelmeyer, who settled in the area ca. 1868. Grandelmeyer died in December 1906 and left the mines to Tschumperlin and other nieces and nephews. Tschumperlin helped manage the mines from afar, often leasing them to other parties, periodically investigating the remaining mineral worth, and attempting to sell them for profit. Tshcumperlin and the others eventually lost ownership of the mines due to the non-payment of back taxes during the Great Depression.

Series 2: Furniture

Divided into two sub-series, this series contain records about the Tschumperlin Furniture Company

Sub-series 1: Correspondence and Invoices

There are letters of correspondence to and from manufacturers and wholesalers regarding advertising, pricing, stock, quotes, order problems, and shipping. The majority of invoices are from wholesalers to Tschumperlin Furniture Co. for both merchandise and published ad space.

Sub-series 2: Advertisements and Catalogs

This sub-series contains catalogs (included is the year the catalog was released) and advertisements from manufacturers that often include a price list.

Series 3: Funeral

Divided into two sub-series, this series contain records about the Tschumperlin funeral business

Sub-series 1: Correspondence, Invoices, and Other Material

There are letters of correspondence to and from manufacturers and wholesalers regarding products, discounts, equipment, order inquiries, stock, shipping, and payment. The majority of invoices are from manufacturers to the Tschumperlin Company for supplies and equipment, mostly from the St. Paul Casket Co. There are also invoices from Tschumperlin Co. to clients for embalming services. There are various permits and certificates including transportation of corpse permits from dead World War I soliders and also for Tschumperlin's mother Mary. There is a certificate from the Minnesota Board of Health to Tschumperlin's brother Joseph W. that shows he was a licensed embalmer in the state of Minnesota.

Sub-series 2: Advertisements, Catalogs, and Publications

The records include publications that update changes within the funeral business - funeral and supply codes, health, and chemicals. They also include new merchandise, articles about restorative art, infection prevention, and embalming treatments.

Series 4: Red Cross

Tschumperlin was named chapter chairman of the Red Cross Stearns County chapter in June 1932. The chairman was tasked with the distribution of flour and feed to the needy farmers and families in the county. The Red Cross requisitions contain a notebook with Red Cross notes and American National Red Cross Warehouse requisition slips to the Stearns County chapter noting the delivery and distribution of flour.

Series 5: Books

This series contains books from Tschumperlin's personal collection of books, including those in German, spelling books, a hymn book, and a violin methods book. There is also an account book of Earl Scott who worked in the real estate and insurance business. (Tschumperlin purchased the house Earl Scott and his family lived in and turned it into a funeral home in 1930.)

Series 6: Personal and Photographs

Divided into two sub-series, this series contains personal correspondence and images.

Sub-series 1: Personal

This sub-series contains personal correspondence written to Aloys Tschumperlin from 1901 to 1930. The correspondence chronicle mostly personal matters and, sometimes, business. The letters from friend Gustav Schwyzer and Tschumperlin's wife Elizabeth McLaughlin (including letters before they married in August 1907) had been separated from the rest of the correspondence. Other correspondents include daughter Margaret, sisters Mary, Anna, and Ethel, brothers Joseph and Ray, cousins Rosa Grandelmeyer and Luella Morehead, father-in-law Jason McLaughlin, uncles Joseph and Chris Grandelmeyer, St. Cloud State faculty member George Hubbard, George Benz, and other extended famliy members and friends.

Sub-series 2: Photographs

The images here are mostly unidentified except for the folders that have identified images, including Aloys and Margaret Tschumperlin and the Schwyzer family. Also included here is a confirmation certificate for the Martha, Edna, and Emma Kuhlman.

Series 7: Other

This series contains records that do not fit into other series. Included is a medical record for Aloys Tschumperlin from St. Raphael's Hospital, Tschumperlin's World War I registration card, miscellaneous financial records including three small notebooks, school work that belongs to Peter Scott (Tschumperlin purchased the house from the Scott family and turned it into a funeral home in 1930), various newspaper clippings, and records pertaining to Tschumperlin's various business organizations such as Elks Home Fund Association, St. Cloud Business Men's Association, and Catholic Order of Foresters. There are also records pertaining to the Pan Motor Company in which Tschumperlin was a stockholder of for at least 20 shares. There are letters to subscribers and shareholders asking for money and updating on shareholder meetings and news. Also included is a Pan Car brochure, stock certificates, and copies of purchases orders from S.C. Pandolfo to Tschumperlin Furniture Company. There is also a letter Tschumperlin wrote in support of Pan Motor Company being able to sell stock in Minnesota. The records from the St. Cloud Credit Association contain weekly bulletins. Their goal was to maintain an adequate credit rating system for businesses in St. Cloud. The bulletin had updates on those with chattel mortgages, liens, deeds, real estate mortgages, etc.

Series 8: Financial Records

This series includes multiple volumes of financial books and ledgers pertaining to the furniture or funeral businesses. The accounting journals list cash receipts and disbursements on a double entry basis, and receivables and credit sales on a single entry basis. The account ledger contains Tschumperlin's customer accounts and the transactions of each customer. The ledger keeps track of customers in alphabetical order. The St. Cloud Normal School is listed in this ledger along with its transactions with Tschumperlin Furniture Company. The sales journals keep track of what is being sold by listing the date, customer's name, and what they purchased along with the price.

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Sue Henrikson Papers
224 · Coleção · 1953-1957

The papers contain two scrapbooks with photos, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, ticket stubs, programs, and memorabilia in regards to the her social life at St. Cloud Teachers College from 1953 to 1957. Materials document a variety of a topics, including freshman orientation camp at Lake Kronos, elected student officials, student dances, celebrity visits (Duke Ellington dance), Henrikson’s class schedule, honor student certificates, letters from home, Al Sirat social fraternity gatherings and events, Minerva Society socials and events, Associated Women Student (AWS) events and members, Religion in Life Week (RIL) committee members, theater, and Choral Club performances.

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St. Cloud State University Bulletin
34 · Coleção · 1944-1960

The Bulletin was published by the university four times a year, including one to two issues a year published as a literary journal. Articles were articles written by St. Cloud State faculty and staff. Topics often related to and about St. Cloud State, and some were not. Article titles are listed in the finding aid by issue.

This collection does not contain all of the issues for each volume. The remaining issues for each volume are the course catalogs for the undergraduate, graduate and summer programs. Thus, all of the publications with the title "Bulletin" had two different purposes - one as a literary journal for St. Cloud State faculty and staff, and the other as course catalogs.

The last bulletin which appeared as a literary journal, was published in January 1960. The course catalogs, still named "Bulletin," continued to be numbered until 1969/70, when the last volume to appear was volume 25.

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St. Cloud State University Summer Catalogs
18 · Coleção · 1904-2010

The summer catalog represents the most official publication of St. Cloud State. Dating back to 1904, but is predominantly from 1937 to 1960, the catalog describes the purpose of the university, admission requirements, classes and class descriptions, tuition and fees, buildings and grounds, and faculty.

Summer catalogs from the 1920s and 1930s are bound together with the undergraduate catalogs.

Most of the catalogs are bound together by year.

The summer catalogs are a combination of class schedules as well as information found in the course catalogs. The collection of class schedules contains summer class schedules/catalogs between 1960 and the present. Publications in this collection dated after 1960 are duplicates.

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Sinclair Lewis Letters to Fred Lewis
222 · Coleção · 1915-1960

Color copies of letters written by Sinclair Lewis to his oldest brother Fred Lewis.

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Records of Gamma Sigma Sigma
197 · Coleção · 1908 - 1962

This collection contains the records of Gamma Sigma Sigma, previously called Sigma Theta Chi, and the Story Teller’s Club. Included are three meeting minute books, two treasurer’s books that document some of the group's finances, and correspondence with Isabel Lawrence who organized the Story Teller’s Club. Also included is the club scrapbook which has photos, programs, and newspaper clippings. There are also records pertaining to the name change from Story Teller's Club, to Sigma Theta Chi, to Gamma Sigma Sigma.

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James McKelvy and Family Papers
S-2 · Coleção · 1857-1963

The papers consist of correspondence, military accounts (returns on personnel and equipment kept by both McKelvy’s), certificates of appointments, newspaper clippings, reminiscence, and miscellaneous items, all arranged chronologically.

The undated papers have information on the Democratic ticket for Congress and other offices; James M. McKelvy’s membership in the Masonic Order-North Star Lodge No. 23, St. Cloud; his membership in the Ancient Order of Prevaricators; railroad passes; instructions to officers in the United States Army from the Treasury Department re: settling their property accounts; the Seventh Minnesota Regiment; Stearns County citizens (a list) who have undertaken to support the constitution, obey the commands of the President, and those of their superior officers in the United States Army; reminiscences of James E. McKelvy and other data concerning his service in the Spanish-American War, as a member of the Thirteenth Minnesota Regiment; and the closing exercises of Shattuck School.

The papers for the 1857-1861 period include an indenture between Henry Swisshelm, St. Cloud, and Thomas A. Fernley, Philadelphia; assignment of property; appointments of James M. McKelvy as notary public; and a certificate of his election as Stearns County Attorney.

Those for 1862-1865 deal largely with McKelvy’s service in the Civil War. There are forms filled out by men enlisting in the Seventh Regiment at St. Cloud, containing vital statistics and physical descriptions’ authorizations by parents for the enlistment of minors; a list of men of the Seventh owing sums to B.C. Spencer, settler at Fort Ripley; records on the Seventh kept by McKelvy; a circular from the Chief of Ordnance, War Department, regarding regulations on resignations of officers in the volunteer service; McKelvy’s appointment as notary public; a certificate admitting McKelvy to North Star Lodge No. 23 (Masons); a certificate attesting to the marriage of McKelvy and Margaret Garlington; and a license to carry on the business of claim and real estate agent.

The papers from 1866 to 1883 relate largely to McKelvy’s professional and business activities and to his family. They include articles of co-partnership between John H. Raymond and John H. Owen, doing business as Raymond and Owen in St. Cloud, and William Dickinson of St. Cloud, forming the firm J.H. Owen and Company to manufacture sashes, door and blinds (McKelvy witnessed the signing of the instrument); appointment of McKelvy as an agent for the Phoenix Insurance Company, Hartford, Connecticut; appointment of McKelvy as a judge in the Seventh Judicial District; a power of attorney granted to McKelvy by Moses R. Brown and Abby A. Brown of Fall River, Massachusetts; letters and other papers regarding McKelvy’s application for a pension for the government because of a wound received at Nashville; letter written by James Lawrence and Edwin Garlington from Helena City, Mountain Home, and Centerville, Montana (These communications have data on gold prospecting, livestock farming, and the formation of the Star of the West Grange—according to James Garlington, the first to be organized in Montana); family news; a statement by Stephen Miller of Windom that the Henry Swisshelm mortgage assigned to Miller by Gile J. Wilson has been paid; articles of incorporation of the Bank of St. Cloud (McKelvy is one of the incorporators; receipts for a contribution made by McKelvy to the Concordia Singing Society in St. Cloud for the construction of a public hall; the will of James McKelvy of Wilkins, Pennsylvania, the father of James M. McKelvy; a ruling by McKelvy as judge on the petition of the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway Company for a right of way in building a branch from a point near Carlisle, Minnesota, to Pelican Rapids.

Most of the papers dating form 1884 to 1892 deal with the estate of McKelvy, who died in 1884. There are in addition a certificate issued by the Commercial School, St. Cloud, to J.G. McKelvy; the marksmanship record of James E. McKelvy; and a furlough granted by James M. McKelvy, who enlisted in Troop L, First Regiment of Cavalry, at Fort Maginnis, Montana Territory, in 1888.

The file for the rest of the period (1893-1963) is slight and miscellaneous. The most substantial unit is for the years 1898-1899, when James E. McKelvy was serving as captain in the Thirteenth Minnesota Regiment. The papers are made up of his military accounts, for the most part. Other papers for the 1893-1963 period include a list of members of a local board at St. Cloud of the United States Savings and Loan Company, St. Paul; J.G. McKelvy’s certificate of stock ownership in the company; a clipping from the St. Cloud Daily Journal-Press (January 2, 1894) containing an address by Judge D.B. Searle of the Stearns County bench and bar, paying tribute to Judge James M. McKelvy, among others; a certificates regarding James E. McKelvy’s nomination for the position of sheriff of Stearns County; forms concerning James M. McKelvy’s pension; a letter describing Eva McKelvy’s work in the City and County Hospital, St. Paul (Dr. Arthur B. Ancker is the superintendent); additional documents on the McKelvy estate; letters from “Pim” Wilbur written to his mother from Shattuck School in Faribault, Minnesota; letters by Percy Baily, secretary of the Pathfinder, concerning his marriage to Margaret May McKelvy (data on the Pathfinder is also included in these letters); a letter from Jesse McKelvy to his mother regarding the Charleston, West Virginia strike of the coal miners there, small pox in Pittsburgh, and labor importations from the “old country”; letters, newspaper clippings, and other items regarding the McKelvy house, built by Henry C. Burbank, sold to James M. McKelvy by Burbank in 1874, razed in 1955 to make way for a highway. Included in the information about the house is a letter from Glanville Smith to Miss Mary McKelvy.

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Dr. Julius Buscher Papers
S-66 · Coleção · 1891-1963

The Dr. Julius Buscher Papers contain mainly correspondence, letters, ledgers, and manuscript articles written for medical journals. The majority of the material is related to medicine. The majority of the items date between 1920 and 1940, when Dr. Buscher was practicing medicine.

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Records of Sigma Gamma Phi
203 · Coleção · 1957-1965

This collection contains the records of Sigma Gamma Phi.  Included is one meeting minutes book and membership lists.

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Henry Harren Papers
S-56 · Coleção · 1963-1966

The Harren Papers contain mainly correspondence, government reports and pamphlets, news releases, clippings, minutes of various committees and subcommittees, legislative acts and bills, and special study reports that relate to the Senator’s legislative work. The majority of the items date between 1963 and 1966. The collection consists of three series: legislative subject files, Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Resource Commission (MORRC) subject files, and Miscellaneous Booklets and Pamphlets.

The legislative subject files relate to Harren’s work as a Minnesota state senator. They consist mainly of materials pertaining to the committees and subcommittees on which he served, and to special interests topics from his home district, such as the Home School for Girls in Sauk Centre, Minnesota, and the Stearns County Planning Commission. Other major topics covered are conversation and natural resources, air and water pollution, unemployment, state aid, the State Planning Commission, the State Commission Against Discrimination (SCAD), and the Governor’s Commission on Human Rights, land ownership and exchange, the 1965 Home Remedies Bill, the State Electricity Board, and education in Minnesota.

The Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Resource Commission (MORRC) is a bi-partisan legislative commission designed to give active legislative leadership in guiding the state’s program to preserve and accelerate the development of its natural recreational resources. The MORRC files consist mainly of subject folders concerned with conservation in Minnesota, particularly parks and recreational areas. They include the 1963 legislative act creating MORRC, the 1965 amended version of the act, several folders containing the correspondence of various commission members and consultants, folders dealing with the administrational workings of the commission. There are files relating to major topics, such as state parks, historic sites, water resources, the Boundary Water Canoe Area, Voyageurs’ National Park, and the Board of Outdoor Recreation. The minutes of the commission’s meetings for the years 1963-1966 are also included.

The third series contains miscellaneous booklets and pamphlets from the years of 1954 to 1966. It includes geological surveys, MORRC Reports, air and water pollution materials, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment reports, and other miscellaneous pamphlets and booklets.

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Sinclair Lewis Writings
99 · Coleção · 1904-1966

This collection contains photocopies of articles, poetry, and other writings other than books by author Sinclair Lewis. The material was gathered by St. Cloud State University librarian Dwight Burlingame in the early 1970s.

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William Heuer Papers
S-1931 · Coleção · 1954-1966

The Heuer Papers consist of constituent correspondence from 1957 to 1966 while serving as a Minnesota state senator. Also included here are correspondence and meeting minutes from the Todd County Committee for the Minesota Statehood Centennial, in which he served as chair.

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Records of Associated Women Students (A.W.S.)
206 · Coleção · 1925-1968

This collection contains the records of the Associated Women Students (A.W.S.). Included is one meeting minutes book, the club's constitution, yearly handbooks, scrapbooks, photos and clippings, and their history.

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Kenneth Cox Papers
232 · Coleção · 1960-1968

This collection consists of ten scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings, photos, and various correspondence detailing the events and athletes of Kenneth Cox’s career as wrestling coach for St. Cloud State between 1963 and 1967. Scrapbooks contain news coverage on Hazewinkel and Nelson twins, who wrestled at St. Cloud State during the time Cox was head wrestling coach.  The scrapbooks also document the completion of Halenbeck Hall, 1964 Olympic Trials in wrestling, World’s Fair in New York City, and the 1966 National NAIA wrestling championships hosted by St. Cloud State.

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Marvin C. Schumann Papers
S-70 · Coleção · 1955-1968

This collection contains a majority of constituent correspondences during the time Schumann served in the Minnesota House. The correspondences are arranged in chronological order by date. The content matter of these correspondences mostly deal with legislative matters on a wide range of topics, such as: highways, welfare, forestry, labor, and a number of other topics. They provide insight to public opinion concerning prospective laws and new regulations.

The second part of the collection contains a number of books and department reports from the 1960's covering issues such as: environmental, Minnesota highways, Minnesota Development Association, Legislative Research Committee, and other commissions and reports. These booklets are arranged by topic.

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Records of the Free Statesman
158 · Coleção · 1967-1968

The Free Statesman was an alternative independent newspaper published by students of St. Cloud State College, St. John's University, and College of St. Benedict from February 1967 through February 1968 and consisted of 24 editions. The newspaper was created by Leftist students who felt the official student newspapers at their respective schools did not represent their views. Topics include the termination of St. Cloud State professor Ed Richer, the Vietnam War and its protests, campus, local, and national political issues of the day, and area arts, theatre, and culture.

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Hjalmar Petersen and Family Papers
S-69 · Coleção · 1922-1969

This collection consist of personal correspondence, newspaper articles, campaign materials, one microfilm, and miscellaneous items, all arranged chronologically. The majority of the personal correspondence are letters between Petersen and his wife Medora. Within these letters, the couple discuss various political events and Petersen’s thoughts on political issues. There is also two folders containing correspondence between Petersen and his brother-in-law, Georg Strandvold, discussing political issues.

The collection also contains various political materials, including: correspondences, campaign materials, business cards, speeches, biographical sketches, and other miscellaneous materials. There are a number of newspaper clippings concerning Petersen’s involvement in political issues as well as social events. There are also five, intact copies of the Askov American which Petersen owned and published.

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Jane Grey Swisshelm Papers
1 · Coleção · 1856-1969

The Swisshelm collection contain letters, newspaper clippings, and photographs.

Most notable are the letters. Most of the letters are copies and transcripts of the originals. These letters were written by Henry Z. Mitchell, Henry Swisshelm, and Jane Grey Swisshelm. The letters from Jane Swisshelm were written to the Mitchell family in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Jane Swisshelm’s younger sister, Elizabeth, was married to Henry Z. Mitchell. They were parents to William B. Mitchell, who would later become the St. Cloud State University resident director (1877-1901) to the Minnesota State College Board.

There are two original Swisshelm letters, written in 1867 and 1883, both to the Mitchell family.

The collection also contains journal articles and newspaper clippings, as well as a small number of images, including three portraits of Jane Swisshelm.

To see the letters online, click on each letter in the finding aid and go to link in the Scope and Content Note. The letters can be found at

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Mitchell Family Papers
217 · Coleção · 1860-1969

These materials focus on the family of Henry Z. and Elizabeth Mitchell. They arrived in St. Cloud in 1857 and had three children - William B., Mary, and Charles.

The materials here focus on the Mitchell family in St. Cloud, Minnesota. The Mitchell homes at 508 and 509 1st Avenue South play a prominent role. A scrapbook highlights the life of the tea rooms at Grandmother's Garden, established by Ruth Mitchell in 1922.  Grandmother's Garden was the first home of Henry Z. and Elizabeth Mitchell.

There are is a family photo album that contains images of the Mitchell extended family.  Other images include the Mitchell Home at 508 1st Avenue South, which sits on the site of the current Mitchell Hall residence hall.  There are also memories of that home written by Mitchell Family members.

Other materials in this collection include property records, the appointment certificate of William B. Mitchell as St. Cloud State's resident director, art lectures by Mary Mitchell Burbank, and clippings in a scrapbook of the travels of William B. Mitchell and Mary Mitchell Burbank.

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Records of Tau Kappa Epsilon
228 · Coleção · 1960-1970

These records contain two scrapbooks, one bound and the other not, depicting life within the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity at St, Cloud State University. The bound scrapbook was created to act as a history of the fraternity, and is in mostly in chronological order. The scrapbooks cover the events that the fraternity was involved with such as Homecoming parade, Halloween, and Sno-days. The scrapbooks also documents other events hosted by TKE including spaghetti dinners, rush weeks, parent days, and ‘Playboy Parties’. In addition, they also contain member activities such as outings, vacations, and pledges.

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John T. Kosloske Papers
S-55 · Coleção · 1942-1971

This collection contains a large number of constituent and legislative correspondences. Not all issues or subjects discussed in these correspondences are listed above, the description listed above only list a small selection of subjects discussed in these correspondences. The collection also contains a number of folders concerning political reports and letters, the Liberal Caucus minutes and notices, campaign material, newspaper articles, booklets, bills and legislation, and other material related to Kosloske’s time in office and material concerning Minnesota.

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Harry Goehring Papers
231 · Coleção · 1951-1971

The collection contains two of Goehring’s field books that date from 1951 to the early 1970s. The first book contains notes regarding his banding efforts over 20 years of brown bats and winter bat banding. The other book documents efforts to band chimney swift birds near campus including the downtown Paramount Theatre. These books include records of banding both species of bats, the bat's sex, and bat's band number. The field books also includes include yearly summaries of bat banding efforts and grand totals. The books also contains correspondence from various institutions in which banded bats or swift bats had been caught, injured, or found deceased.

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George Alderink Papers
S-1823 · Coleção · 1955-1972

The George Alderink Papers contain mainly correspondences of the Representative, government and legislative reports, and miscellaneous materials relating to Alderink. The majority of the items date between 1955 and 1958, during his time in elected office.

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