The collection contains the annual reports from 1997/98 to 2010/11 fiscal years.
Sans titreThis collection contains literary and artistic publications that have been put together by students, faculty, and staff at St. Cloud State University. The items in this collection date from 1990 to 2006. Additions to this collection may be ongoing.
The magazine is funded through an SCSU Cultural Diversity Committee allocation and is sponsored through St. Cloud State’s writing center, the Write Place. The contributors to the magazine retain all rights to their work(s). Kaleodiscope is published once a year.
More information on the publication, including submissions guidelines. Past issues can be found at the following website: There may be issues on the website that University Archives does not have physical copies for and vice versa.
Sans titreThe records of the Women’s Center document the establishment and subsequent activities from 1989 to 2022. Established in late 1989, the Women’s Center provided help, education, and support to women on campus and in the local communities on a variety of issues ranging from feminism, anti-oppression, racial justice and gender equity. The bulk of the records here date before 2000.
The records are arranged in three series.
Series 1: Administrative
Records here document the administration of the center, which included providing programming and education about women. These include annual reports, surveys, and strategic plans that document the progress of the center and the future direction. Other notable material include efforts regarding cultural diversity, grant funded support, and scholarships.
Series 2: Sexual Violence Prevention Program
The records document the establishment of the program and its evolution. Included in this series are the grant records that established the program and subsequent grants to continue supporting it.
Series 3: Programming
A major function of the Women’s Center was programming. The center sponsored or co-sponsored a number of events to raise awareness and educate attendees. The centerpiece of the programming was “Women on Wednesday” that covered a wide variety of topics since its inception in 1990.
Sans titreContained here are "yearbooks" created by students who participated in the UK study-abroad program held at Alnwick Castle, home of the Duke of Northumberland, in Alnwick, UK.
The self-made publications serve as a memory of the time that St. Cloud State spent together taking class, studying, living, and traveling together. The publications often contain images, quotes from students and faculty, and short biographies of the students.
Sans titreThe papers of John Fischer contain various drafts of two published books. The books are Harold Robbins Presents: High Stakes (1986) and Harold Robbins Presents: Station Break (1987).
The papers show the evolution of the writing of the books, demonstrating how Fluke and Fischmann created, crafted, and revised the stories over time.
Series 1: Harold Robbins Presents: High Stakes (1986)
The series contains three drafts and other material related to the writing of Harold Robbins Presents: High Stakes.
Series 2: Harold Robbins Presents: Station Break (1987)
The series contains three drafts and other material related to the writing of Harold Robbins Presents: Station Break.
Sans titreThe papers of LaVyrle Spencer contain various drafts of nearly all of her published books. Published books with papers contained in this collection include The Endearment (1982), Hummingbird (1983), A Promise to Cherish (1983), The Hellion (1984), Sweet Memories (1984), Twice Loved (1984), Separate Beds (1985), Spring Fancy (1985), The Gamble (1987), Years (1987), Vows (1988), Morning Glory (1989), Bitter Sweet (1990), Forgiving (1991), Bygones (1992), November of the Heart (1993), Family Blessings (1994), Home Song (1995), That Camden Summer (1996), Then Came Heaven (1997), and Small Town Girl (1997).
The papers show the evolution of the writing of the books, demonstrating how Spencer created, crafted, and revised the stories over time.
Series 1: Miscellaneous
This series contains a small amount of material related to Spencer’s life as well as fan mail.
Series 2: Published Works
The series contains drafts of many of Spencer’s published books. Many of the books, especially those early in Spencer’s writing career, have more than one draft. These include original typescripts with handwritten revisions and other corrections, copy-edited manuscripts, and, often times, author galleys.
Series 3: Foreign Language Books
Contained in this series are foreign language translations of many of Spencer’s novels. Languages include Spanish, Polish, and German. These are not accessible through the online catalog.
Sans titreThe Wright-Way Shopper began on June 27, 1980. The publication included historic reviews of the communities in the Wright County area. It was also designed as a vehicle for advertisers who wanted a large yet concentrated coverage for his/her business or company in the Wright County area. It was published on a bi-monthly basis and each issue contained a feature story on town histories, landmarks, institutions, or special events.
On June 23, 1981, the name changed to Wright-Way...Sher-Way Shopper to include Sherburne County. The paper became a weekly publication, and included in the paper were television listings and several syndicated columns.
Sans titreThe material here is mostly the surveys done by the center since 1980. Arranged by year, the surveys are statewide surveys done to gauge the opinions of Minnesotans regarding politics, services, and direction that the state is moving. There are also surveys conducted to discover the opinion of students regarding campus services and activities. In addition, the collection contains a small number of surveys done for others outside of St. Cloud State.
The surveys are in various stages of completeness. Depending on the survey, there may be any combination of the questionnaire, raw data, press releases, evaluation and interpretation of the results, and other associated information.
All the surveys have been digitized and placed in the SCSU Survey community in the Repository @ St. Cloud State: Here they can be viewed and downloaded.
Sans titreThis collection contains information on the Minnesota Chapter of the American Association of University Professors. The majority of the contents dates from 1976-1989. The collection consists of minutes from the meetings, quarterly membership rosters from the Minnesota Chapter, the Minnesota Academe Newsletter, treasurer’s reports, and grant requests from conferences.
Sans titreThese oral histories were performed in 38 different community churches in central Minnesota during the late 1970s. Most of the churches are in or around the St. Cloud area or Brainerd between Interstates 94 and 35. Ordinarily, the interviews include the church pastor and several elderly members with long family ties to the church. All the interviews begin with the basic biographical data of the participants including birth dates, the reason their family immigrated to the area and where they came from, length of association with the church, and ethnicity.
The ethnic backgrounds of the congregations and communities are discussed in many of the oral histories. Attention is given to the ethnic foundations of each church. Americanization of the congregation appears to be significant in many of the histories. Frequent mention is made of the efforts and influence of church groups, particularly women’s groups, and the concern over an aging congregation without new members joining. Several interesting anecdotes appear as part of the personal histories, church history, or discussion of the community. The issue of language is particularly noteworthy as almost all the interviews discuss the switch to English from original immigrant languages for Protestant services or from Latin to English for Catholic mass.
Many histories describe the past and present efforts to maintain the church. Early construction, maintaining church membership (particularly youth), splits and conflicts between churches and denominations over doctrine, and how the changes of the 20th century impacted their community and church. Notable accomplishments of the churches are also described including community involvement, ministry and counseling, missionary work both locally and internationally, and continual improvement of facilities. Church association with education is a common topic either as established church or parochial schools, Sunday schools, or as temporary efforts in the early parts of the 20th century.
Transcripts of the interviews are available unless otherwise noted below. The audio tapes for some of these oral histories are presently unavailable. Those histories are mentioned in the individual finding aids below. Most of these histories do have full transcripts available, however. Some folders include photographs of the church, interiors, grounds, and occasionally interview participants.
A question mark (?) for date of death does not necessarily indicate the participant is deceased.
The records of Equality and Affirmative Action document the efforts by St. Cloud State to make the higher process of employees fair, policies and procedures to report sexual harrassment or other types of harrassment, and to track progress towards regarding the diversity of students and employees.
Series 1: Administration
This series contains records about Affirmative Action, including efforts to combat campus racism, investigation into campus anti-semitism, and efforts to educate campus about affirmative action. It also includes publications from Affirmative Action as well as a selection of past notices of vacancy.
Series 2: Affirmative Action Committee
Dating back to 1977 when the first Affirmative Action officer was appointed, this series documents the Affirmative Action Committee. The committee was comprised of employees across campus, including staff, administrators, and faculty. Most interesting are the annual reports of the committee that document their activities and meeting minutes.
Series 3: Goals, Plans, and Reports
The heart of the collection, this series contains affirmative action plans for much of the 1990s and early 2000s, as well as annual reports that document the progress towards those plans. Also included in this sesries are procedures for hiring administrators and faculty as well as for reporting complaints of discrimination and harassment/
Series 4: Statistics
This series contains a wide variety of statistics that were tracked by Affirmative Action. Some of these statistics do show up in the annual reports and plans in series 3, while many do not. Tracked here include the ethnicities of employees and students, failed and successful searches, complaints, and the number of bias motivated incidents and hate crimes.
Sans titreThe collection contains various campaign material related to Gene Wenstrom's campaigns for the United States House of Representatives seat in the Minnesota's 7th District in 1982. The material consist of voter mailing, requests for donations, newspaper advertisement, press releases, fundraisers, campaign committees, political correspondences, reports on voter attitudes and opinions, and other campaign related material.
Sans titreThe Nelsen Papers consist mainly of constituent correspondences, memos, and news releases that relate to the his time as a Minnesota state representative. The majority of these items date between 1979 and 1982. The major topics covered are: education, energy, state budget, taxation, and transportation.
Sans titreThis small collection contains the manuscript and drawings for her book War Drums at Eden Prairie, which was published in 1977. Also here are clippings and press releases, as well as a separate author's notations.
Sans titreThe papers of Jon Hassler contain various drafts of four published books and one unpublished manuscript, as well as drafts for a play based on a published book. These are Staggerford (1977), Simon's Night (1979) (including a play based on this book), The Love Hunter (1981), The Book of Brendan (unpublished, early 1980s), and A Green Journey (1985). There is also a small amount of material, including audio and video, concerning events at St. Cloud State University related to Hassler's gift of material to the University Archives.
The papers show the evolution of the writing of the books, demonstrating how Hassler created, crafted, and revised the stories over time.
Material not in series:
This material includes St. Cloud State events related to the donation by Jon Hassler (including video and audio), as well as clippings, biographical information, and images. Also included here are uncut galley proofs for Staggerford, Simon's Night, and The Love Hunter.
Series 1: Staggerford (1977)
This series contains three drafts, a copy-edited draft and a small amount of material related to Staggerford.
Series 2: Simon's Night (1979)
This series contains mostly three drafts and a copy-edited draft of Simon's Night.
Series 3: Simon's Night: A Play
Two drafts are included in this series of a play based on Simon's Night.
Series 4: The Love Hunter (1981)
Included in this series are five drafts, as well as a copy-edited typescript.
Series 5: The Book of Brendan
Never published, the Book of Brendan served as source material for Grand Opening (1987) and North of Hope (1990). The books follow the childhood of boy Brendan Foster and his family.
This series includes at least two drafts of this unpublished manuscript, including material separated by chapter.
Series 6: A Green Journey (1985)
Included in this are five drafts of this book, as well as the galley proofs.
Sans titreCollective bargaining contracts, as well as managerial and commissioner's plans for state employees at St. Cloud State University and other state agencies. Organizations include American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Inter-Faculty Organization (IFO), Middle Management Association (MMA), Minnesota Association of Professional Employees (MAPE), Minnesota Nurses Association, and Minnesota State University Association of Administrative and Service Faculty (MSUAASF).
These records document more than 20 years of history pertaining to the Minnesota Chair in Real Estate Program and George Karvel’s tenure at St. Cloud State University. They contain annual program and housing reports, newspaper clippings, awards issued to Karvel, letters from Karvel and associates like Steven Mooney to prospective donors to the program, papers written by them pertaining to economic and financial matters, and information about scholarships awarded to students in the program.
Most significant are the annual activities report, which date from 19XX to 19XX and the Minnesota Housing reports that date from XXXX to XXXX.
Sans titreThis collection contains annual reports that provide an overview of financial operations of the university for a fiscal year. The first report is from the 1974/75 fiscal year to the 2011/12 fiscal year, though there is a gap here between 1989/90 and the 2000/2001 fiscal years.
The PDF digital files for 2001/02 to 2017/18 were captured from the St. Cloud State University website. There are no physical copies for the 2001/02, 2011/12, 2015/16-2017/18 reports.
According to the Finance and Administration website, "St. Cloud State no longer has a stand alone Annual Financial Report. This reporting is now conducted by Minnesota State."
Sans titreThis collection contains 52 oral histories, nearly all done between the mid 1970s and 1990, featuring St. Cloud State alums, long-time faculty, and top administrators, such as Presidents Budd, Wick, Graham, and McDonald. Done mostly by retired History faculty member Cal Gower, topics discussed in the oral histories include individual experiences and changes at St. Cloud State from the early 20th century, until the 1980s, as well as family background and life before and after time at St. Cloud State. Five additional interviews were done by Tom Steman in 2016, 2017, and 2019.
Some oral histories contain release forms from the interviewee and are noted.
Cal Gower conducted the interviews unless where noted.
The collection is in two series.
Series 1: Transcripts and other material
This series contains the final oral history transcripts for each interview, signed release forms, if they existed, as well as other material given by the interviewee (photos, newspaper clippings, ephemera).
Series 2: Tapes
This series contains the audio tapes from each oral history, ranging from one cassette tape to two.
Sans titreThe Patton Papers contain mainly correspondence between the Representative and his constituents, government reports, newspaper clippings, and the minutes of the Committee on Local and Urban Affairs. The majority of these items date between 1974 and 1977. Some items of interest within the collection are: the Board of Regents 1975 Election, the Metrodome stadium Bill, and general information on the Metropolitan Stadium.
Sans titreThis collection contains varies correspondences and materials relating to Claudia Meier Volk and her time spent in office. There are a number of correspondences related to" agriculture, drinking age, equal rights amendment, family planning, gun control, and a number of other correspondences. Other material includes legislative material, bills, personal papers, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous material.
Sans titreThese general oral histories were conducted from 1973 to 1993 predominantly in the late 1970s. 25 of the interviews are centered on the three cities of St. Cloud, Waite Park, and Sauk Rapids, while the remaining interviews are from communities north and east of that region. Three interviews are from communities west of Duluth.
The people interviewed represent a wide spectrum of occupations including business owners in a variety of fields and farmers. Journalists, teachers, musicians, peace officers, and medical care givers are also interviewed. Each interviewee shares experiences from the early 1900s to the time of their interview and all discuss the changes to their community that they have seen in that time. Many discuss how their parents or grandparents migrated to the United States and then to St. Cloud area, as well as giving family experiences in the area. Experiences during the world wars, both at home and in the services, are provided, particularly economic effects on agriculture and manufacturing. In some, experiences with the Civilian Conservation Corps during the Great Depression are also referenced.
Brief biographical and interview notes are given for all participants. Date of birth and death were given when known using the oral histories, St. Cloud Times obituaries, Google search, or
Some interviews were actually transcribed. The typewritten transcripts were keyed into a Word document but have not been checked against the audio. Past experiences has suggested that the transcripts may not be complete. In the meantime, the transcripts are available here as PDFs.
These records contain photographic materials created by the student SCSU Photo Club. These records include materials such as photos, negatives, slides, and a certificate that pertain to the Photo Club and its members, as well as other general student events and campus life.
The records are arranged in three series.
Series 1: Photo Album
Included are photographs that document Photo Club events such as the Old Fashion Photo Shoot, North Shore Trip, Santa Shoot, and others. These materials were together in bound album.
Series 2: Negative Album
Contains the negatives that document Photo Club events such as the Old Fashion Photo Shoot, Sherburne Spring Fling, Santa Shoot, and others. These materials were together in bound album.
Series 3: Images and Other Materials
This series includes photos, negatives, slides and certificate created by or given to the Photo Club students. These materials document the Photo Club members' trips and events, such as Group Pictures, Halloween Party, and canoeing. The slides document other general student activities and campus life, as well as St. Cloud State buildings.
Sans titreThe collection contains records of St. Cloud State's Phi Kappa Phi chapter. Dating from 1973 to 1999, the material documents the activities of the chapter. Notable records here include the petition/documentation to establish a chapter at St. Cloud State, all initiation programs from 1975 to 1999, and meeting minutes. The group did meet outside of the initiation, usually held in the spring, yet the main activity was to recruit new members and the collection of dues.
Sans titreThis collection of material contain images of St. Cloud State sporting events, particularly track, as well as other campus events such as the appearances of Vincent Price and Bill Cosby.
It also includes four folder of images taken by Thompson's classmate Candy Stanton.
Sans titreThis collection contains records from the Evelyn Payne Hatcher Museum of Anthropology, totaling 6 boxes. The documents begin with the opening of the museum in 1973, when it was known as the St. Cloud Museum of Man.
The records date from 1972-1997. The majority of the records pertain to museum artifacts that have been accessioned and deaccessioned.
The collection is arranged into two series, which are as follows:
Series 1: Administrative Records, 1972-1997
This series consists of documents such as correspondence and memorandum, minutes and agendas, articles of incorporation and by-laws, etc. The subject matter of the materials focuses on the day to day operations of the museum. There are also pamphlets and photographs for exhibits that the museum hosted, many of which were devoted to Native American culture.
Series 2: Accession and Deaccession Catalogs, 1970s-1990s
This series consists of the accession and deaccession sheets that were kept by the museum for inventory of artifacts. The records include the date the museum acquired the items, the condition of said items, and oftentimes photographs to identify them. If an artifact was taken out of the collection, this information was also noted and listed as a deaccession.
Sans titreThe Sherwood Papers contain mainly correspondence, legislation materials, government pamphlets and reports, and newspaper clippings. The majority of the items date between 1972 and 1980. This collection is organized into two series, Constituent Correspondence and Legislative Subject Files. The constituent correspondence are the letters between Sherwood and the voting members within his district. The second series, Legislative subject files consists the topics of alcohol, drinking and driving, raising the drinking age, and fish sounder and finder legislation.
Sans titreThe Association of Central Minnesota Teachers of History Collection contain the minutes of meetings, newsletters, newspaper clippings, mailing lists, announcements, and correspondence. The majority of the items date between 1971-1976.
Sans titreThe papers of Michael Thomas Hinkemeyer contain various drafts of many published books, as well as papers of unpublished novels and other ideas. The collection also includes books that he wrote using pseudonyms Vanessa Royall and Jan Lara. Published books with papers contained in this collection include The Dark Below (1974), Summer Solstice (1976), The Creator (1978), Flames of Desire (1978), Come Faith, Come Fire (1979), The Harbinger (1980), Firebrand’s Woman (1980), Lilac Night (1981), Wild Wind Westward (1982), Seize the Dawn (1983), A Time to Reap (1984), The Passionate and the Proud (1983), Fourth Down, Death (1985), Fires of Delight (1986), Limbo (1986), Soulcatchers (1990), and The Order of the Arrow (1990).
The papers show the evolution of the writing of the books, demonstrating how Hinkemeyer created, crafted, and revised the stories over time.
Series 1: Miscellaneous
This series contains a small amount of material related to Hinkemeyer’s life as well as records related to the donation and events surrounding his gift of papers to St. Cloud State University including audio and video.
Series 2: Published and Unpublished Works
The series contains drafts of many of Hinkemeyer’s published books, as well as other books that have not been published. The unpublished books include Monahan: An American Tragedy, A Web of Time, Slow Death, and The Coming. A few books have more than one draft. These include original typescripts, handwritten revisions and other corrections.
Also in this series are uncut galley proofs for The Creator (1979) and The Harbinger (1980).
Sans titreThese oral histories were predominantly done in the 1970s with half conducted in 1973. Some date from the 1980s and early 1990s. The majority of the interviews are with state legislators and the remaining are with mayors, city councilmen, campaign managers, party managers, widows of politicians, and US Congressmen. All of the participants were men except three (who were widows) and represented Central Minnesota communities ranging from Sandstone to Brainerd to those locations just north of the Twin Cities.
With some variance, all participants were asked similar questions including personal and family history in Minnesota, early political interests and activities, committee assignments, sponsored bills, the campaign and election process, the legislative process, and their future plans in politics. Unique questions were asked of individuals as the interview unfolded. Certain political issues that were significant in the early 1970s are common topics including new party designation requirements, lengths of terms, legislator salaries, and the impact of Nixon’s landslide victory in 1972 on local elections. The Watergate scandal is also discussed in several interviews.
Since the legislators’ service collectively goes back to 1935, the changes in the atmosphere, organization, and membership of the legislature are discussed in several oral histories. Many of the interviews reference other participants in this oral history collection. For many, the interview often took place at the beginning or middle of their political careers.
Brief biographical sketches and interview notes are given for all participants. Type of office, terms of service, and constituency represented are also listed. Transcripts of interviews are available unless otherwise noted below.
Some interviews were actually transcribed. The typewritten transcripts were keyed into a Word document but have not been checked against the audio. Past experiences has suggested that the transcripts may not be complete. In the meantime, the transcripts are available here as PDFs.
Cartoons, mostly humorous and editorial, regarding life at St. Cloud State. In the unbound folders, there are copies that appeared in the "published' books as well as original drawings of the cartoons.
Sans titreThis collection contains various materials relating to James Pehler and the time in spent in public office. These materials include awards given to Pehler, correspondence between the public and other politicians, campaign materials, proposals for a domed stadium, an assortment of various educational programs supported and participated by Pehler, environmental issues he was involved in, drafts of letters to be sent out in response to public questions, a work resume, legislative pamphlets, memos, newspaper clippings, press release, the Senate Journal, and various miscellaneous materials.
The first box in this collection contains various awards, certifications, and plaques Pehler received from various organizations he supported. The awards are in various physical conditions and some are undated.
The major part of this collection is the constituent correspondence between Pehler and the public. These correspondence date between the years 1972 through 1990, and are arranged in chronological order by date. The content matter of the correspondence mostly deal with legislative matters on a wide range of topics. They provide insight to public sentiment towards prospective laws and way of life in Minnesota.
Sans titreEdited by Francis and Ludmilla (Mil) Voelker, the papers are centered around the collection, creation, editing, and publishing of three editions of Mass Media: Forces in Our Society. The first edition was a publishing trend-setter, making articles by professionals in all areas of media readily available in one attractively designed source. The second edition received a Certificate of Excellence from the American Institute of Graphic Arts and was selected in the 1975 AIGA Learning Materials Show as one of 50 best designed books published that year. The third and final edition appeared in 1978.
Sans titreThis collection contains records from the Center for International Studies at St. Cloud State University. Items in this collection date from 1968 to 2014, the majority of which are from the mid-1970s to the late-1980s. Mostly correspondence related to international study, this collection also includes budget ledgers, program publications, newsletters, program yearbooks, and student handbooks.
This records are arranged in three series.
Series 1: Areas of Study
These records are separated by the various locations students studied abroad. Information related to program planning, such as program financing and budgeting, staffing, coursework and student and faculty accommodations can be found here. There is also information on program promotion and assessment. The majority of these files are on the Denmark and England programs.
Series 2: Administrative Records
These records are made up of department correspondence, reports, budgets, newsletters, and publications that contain information related to maintaining and expanding of International Studies. Special attention is given to the promotion of the unit and its study abroad programs. These records also include a few specific programs not associated with a particular location such as Academic Travel Abroad, Common Market Program, Exchange Program Agreements, Foreign Student and Foreign Student Advisor records, and the Fine Arts in Europe program. Information on these programs includes program descriptions, planning, and evaluations.
Series 3: Committees
These records are produced by committees created to review and advise the International Studies program that date mostly in the 1980s and early 1990s.
Sans titreThe Free Statesman was an alternative independent newspaper published by students of St. Cloud State College, St. John's University, and College of St. Benedict from February 1967 through February 1968 and consisted of 24 editions. The newspaper was created by Leftist students who felt the official student newspapers at their respective schools did not represent their views. Topics include the termination of St. Cloud State professor Ed Richer, the Vietnam War and its protests, campus, local, and national political issues of the day, and area arts, theatre, and culture.
Sans titreThe Melvin Miller Papers consist of 13 boxes. The majority of items in this collection date from 1970 to 1974. The collection includes personal correspondence to and from constituents, copies of materials relating to bills before the Minnesota Legislature from 1972 to 1974 concerning the committees he served on, personal interests, and the interests of his constituents. Also included are the election and campaign materials for his 1972 election and 1974 re-election.
Sans titreThe Don Samuelson Papers mainly contain correspondence, government reports and pamphlets, news releases, and the Representative’s documents from his time in office. Samuelson served in the Minnesota House of Representatves from 1969-1982 and in the Minnesota Senate from 1983-2002. The majority of the items date between 1968 and 1972. The collection consist of two series: Constituents Correspondence and Legislative Materials. In series 1, the correspondences between Samuelson and his constituents regarding an array of topics from abortion, gun control, and fluoridation legislation. In Series 2, the legislative materials from topics such as education, health, welfare, etc., concerning the Representative’s actions while elected.
Sans titreThe Jerald Anderson Papers mostly include material relating to the Minnesota Resource Commission, which Senator Anderson was chairman of. The commission's job was to evaluate programs that were proposed to preserve, develop, and maintain the natural resources of the state. The largest portion of the papers deal with education. This was due to the fact that Senator Anderson was chairman of the Subcommittee on School Finance and spend a great deal of his legislation time working with matters of education. The rest of the collection is made up of miscellaneous correspondence, reports, and newspaper clippings on a variety of subjects.
Sans titreThese boxes contain records about St. Cloud State University presidential inaugurations, dating from 1966 to 2008. The presidential inaugurations included here are for the following people who held office: Robert Wick, Charles Graham, Brendan McDonald, Roy Saigo, and Earl Potter, III. Additions to these series may be ongoing.
Arranged chronologically, the main focus of the records is the preparation for the inaugurations and the ceremonies themselves. Included in the records are detailed schedules of events, press releases, invitations and guest lists.
Other material is contained here, including correspondence, reports, and audio/video of presidential inaugurations.
The Presidential Inauguration records are split into five separate series.
Series 1: Robert Wick, 1965-1971
This series contains materials created for the inauguration of St. Cloud State’s 14th President, Dr. Robert Wick, who held office from 1965 to 1971. The inauguration was held during the weekend of October 28th and 29th of 1966. The Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra performed at this event.
The series contains a vast array of materials, which include schedules, the Inaugural Address on an audio track (reel-to-reel) in mono at 3 ¾ ips, 2 reels of film, copies of speeches, invitations and programs. The collection also includes two large scrapbooks and many 8 x 10” labeled photographs, in both matte and glossy format.
Series 2: Charles Graham, 1971-1981
This series contains materials created for the inauguration of St. Cloud State’s 15th President, Dr. Charles Graham, who held office from 1971 to 1981. The inauguration was held during the weekend of March 3rd and 4th of 1972. The musical performance at this ceremony was by Doc Severinsen of “The Tonight Show” fame.
The series contains materials created by the following committees: Ceremony Committee, Concerts Committee, Publicity and Printing Committee, and the Reception Committee. The series also includes 1 reel-to-reel audio track at 3 ¾ ips along with an audiocassette, press releases, a personal information sheet on Dr. Graham, newspaper clippings, memorandum, rosters, correspondence, guest lists, and invitations. Other materials include numerous letters of congratulations and certificates from local academic institutions.
Series 3: Brendan McDonald, 1982-1992
This series contains materials created for the inauguration of St. Cloud State’s 17th President, Dr. Brendan McDonald, who held office from 1982-1992. The inauguration was held on February 26, 1983.
The series contains materials created by the Steering Committee. It also includes one VHS and one cassette tape of the inauguration ceremony, correspondence, financial information, invitations, press releases, programs, and speeches.
Series 4: Roy Saigo, 2000-2007
This series contains materials created for the inauguration of St. Cloud State’s 21st President, Dr. Roy Saigo, who held office from 2000-2007. The inauguration was held on April 21, 2001.
Series 5: Earl Potter III, 2007-2016
This series contains materials created for the inauguration of St. Cloud State’s 22nd President, Dr. Earl H. Potter III. Contained in this series is an invitation to the inauguration ceremony and the program that was given to attendees. The inauguration was held on September 19, 2008.
Series 6: Robbyn Wacker
This series contains materials created for the inauguration of St. Cloud State’s 24st President, Dr. Robbyn Wacker, who held office from 2018-2024.
Sans titreThe collection consists of numerous records pertaining to the commencement and dissolution of the Central Minnesota Historical Assembly. The records contain information describing the organization’s intentions to bring various historical societies around Central Minnesota together for mutual growth, development, and training in the field of historical and cultural preservation. The records also include information concerning day-to-day operations, including plans for meetings and luncheons, membership lists, income and expenses, administration reports, and local historical societies’ newsletters and programs.
Sans titreThese records contain mostly newsletters and journals, dating from 1968 to 1995. Familiar headings throughout the journals include:
•Announcements and Opening Statements
•Book Reviews
•Notes and Queries
•Recent and Upcoming RSA Meetings, Seminars and Events
•Recent Work on Rhetoric
•Bibliography of Books on Rhetoric
•Various Discourses Covering a Wide Variety of Topics in Rhetoric
•Rhetoric Criticism
•Related Research
There is also a small amount of correspondence, election records, and a reader survey, all dating from the mid-1980s.
The records were created during the time of involvement of George E. Yoos, longtime faculty member in the Department of Philosophy at St. Cloud State, serving as a member on the Society’s board of directors in 1975. More importantly, Yoos served as editor of the newsletter and journal from 1972 to 1990. Yoos also served as the Society’s executive secretary from 1986 to 1995. Dr. Yoos is widely considered to be the Rhetoric Society’s cornerstone contributor in the development, success and longevity of the publication. After Yoos left, other St. Cloud State faculty members served as associate and assistant editors.
Sans titreThis collection consists of 12 boxes and one oversize folder that contain the records of St. Cloud State University's radio station, KVSC-FM. The vast majority of the records relate to programming, trivia contests, and station management. The records are from 1965-2015. Additions to this collection may be ongoing.
The records are arranged in four series, which are as follows:
Series 1: Administrative Records, 1965-1990
This series contains records pertaining to budgets, station management, and publications, as well as major changes in the organizational structure, physical space, and radio engineering. The records are organized alphabetically first and then by date. Budget information includes requests, equipment purchases and alottments. This series also includes: FCC license applications, license renewals, construction applications, correspondence, records that relate to the station's power increase and switch from 88.5 to 88.1, equipment and space construction, listener surveys, and the proposal to hire a full time staff person. Publications include brochures and newsletters, as well as issues of Reverb, a music magazine published by KVSC from 1986 to 1990.
Series 2: Radio and Television Guild, 1971-1986
This series consists of meeting minutes and constitution revisions for the Radio and Television Guild, the student organization that managed the station for a time from KVSC's first day through its early years. Subjects covered in the minutes include: guild budgets, trivia contest discussions, other promotional activities, staffing, and programming decisions.
Series 3: Programming, 1967-1988
This series contains program guides and program logs from KVSC's first day on the air in May 1967 through 1971. There are some logs after 1971 here. These records provide detailed information about the type of programs broadcast by KVSC and when they aired.
Series 4: Trivia, 1980-2015
This series contains information about KVSC's annual trivia contest weekend, which began in 1980. The records include trivia answer books, t-shirts, and posters.
Sans titreThe Harren Papers contain mainly correspondence, government reports and pamphlets, news releases, clippings, minutes of various committees and subcommittees, legislative acts and bills, and special study reports that relate to the Senator’s legislative work. The majority of the items date between 1963 and 1966. The collection consists of three series: legislative subject files, Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Resource Commission (MORRC) subject files, and Miscellaneous Booklets and Pamphlets.
The legislative subject files relate to Harren’s work as a Minnesota state senator. They consist mainly of materials pertaining to the committees and subcommittees on which he served, and to special interests topics from his home district, such as the Home School for Girls in Sauk Centre, Minnesota, and the Stearns County Planning Commission. Other major topics covered are conversation and natural resources, air and water pollution, unemployment, state aid, the State Planning Commission, the State Commission Against Discrimination (SCAD), and the Governor’s Commission on Human Rights, land ownership and exchange, the 1965 Home Remedies Bill, the State Electricity Board, and education in Minnesota.
The Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Resource Commission (MORRC) is a bi-partisan legislative commission designed to give active legislative leadership in guiding the state’s program to preserve and accelerate the development of its natural recreational resources. The MORRC files consist mainly of subject folders concerned with conservation in Minnesota, particularly parks and recreational areas. They include the 1963 legislative act creating MORRC, the 1965 amended version of the act, several folders containing the correspondence of various commission members and consultants, folders dealing with the administrational workings of the commission. There are files relating to major topics, such as state parks, historic sites, water resources, the Boundary Water Canoe Area, Voyageurs’ National Park, and the Board of Outdoor Recreation. The minutes of the commission’s meetings for the years 1963-1966 are also included.
The third series contains miscellaneous booklets and pamphlets from the years of 1954 to 1966. It includes geological surveys, MORRC Reports, air and water pollution materials, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment reports, and other miscellaneous pamphlets and booklets.
Sans titreEstablished in 1964, the records of the Center for Economic Education, span from 1963, a year before its creation, until 2018. The materials here include administrative records, alumni and faculty publications, and materials from the Winter Institute.
Series 1: Administration
This series has administrative records. These records include annual reports, funding reports, program reviews, general overviews of the program, and workshop information.
Series 2: Publications
This series contains publications written by the Center for Economic Education alumni and faculty such as economic reports and teaching tools for grades K-12.
Series 3: Winter Institute
This series contains a range of information about the Winter Institute that was held from 1963-2018. Materials include program brochures, flyers, and miscellaneous materials dating from 1969 to 2018.
Also included here are VHS tapes dating from 1987 to 1997. These tapes were recorded of the keynote speaker, panel sessions, or other events at the Winter Institute. No release forms were provided so the tapes can only be viewed in Archives.
The Winter Institute has offered high-quality educational programming with renowned speakers and thought provoking ideas. In addition, there were accessible economic education sessions for a general audience as well as targeted economic education sessions for K-12 educators.
Sans titreThis collection contains records from the Alumni Affairs organization (sometimes known as Alumni Services or Alumni Relations) on the St. Cloud State University campus. The items date from 1962 to 1991, with the greater number of items dating from the 1970s and 1980s. Additions to this series may be ongoing.
The majority of materials in this collection are pieces of correspondence between the Alumni Affairs office with former students. These items make up the bulk of the collection and the biographical files are arranged in alphabetical order. These files include a myriad of items, including photographs, correspondence, newspaper articles, donation histories, funeral programs, and obituaries. Some of the biographical files are very large whilst others are quite sparse.
There are a few former prominent students that the Alumni Affairs office kept extensive information on in their offices. These students include Cyril Plattes, Ralph Heimdahl, US Congressman Nick Begich, and Dr. Richard Green.
Cyril Plattes was the Benefactor of the Friedrich Scholarship Fund. This scholarship was set up in the name of a science professor at St. Cloud State that would grant money to students studying environmental issues. For many years Plattes wished that his name be kept anonymous and not linked to the memorial fund. In 1973 the first scholarship in conservation from the George Friedrich Memorial fund was presented to five students.
Ralph Heimdahl graduated from the St. Cloud State Teacher’s College in 1930. He was an art teacher at the State School for the Deaf in Faribault, MN. Later he joined the animation department at Walt Disney Studios, and in 1948 he originated the Bugs Bunny comic strip for Warner Brothers. Heimdahl won the SCSU Distinguished Alumni Award in 1966. An endowed scholarship was established by his widow after his death in 1981 to provide financial assistance to students studying art.
Nick Begich graduated from St. Cloud with the class of 1952 and went on to become a US Congressman in Alaska. On October 16, 1972, he lost his life on a plane flight in Alaska along with U.S. Majority Leader Hale Boggs. The Nick Begich Memorial Commission was established by the St. Cloud State College Alumni Association in 1973 in tribute to the life and work of the former student. The purpose of the Commission was to establish a scholarship fund at St. Cloud State College which would enable political science majors to serve internships in Washington with members of Congress and for other political science scholarships. (2)
Another prominent alumnus included in the files is Dr. Richard Green. He graduated from St. Cloud State College with an MS in Special Education in 1968 and received his doctorate in Educational Administration from Harvard. He worked as Superintendent of Minneapolis Public Schools, beginning either in 1980 or 1981. Dr. Green was the recipient of the 1981 Distinguished Alumni Award. In 1988 he was hired to be the Chancellor of the New York City Schools.
The collection also includes miscellaneous materials on events, a slideshow narration, The St. Cloud State College Magazine, and the position descriptions for the head of Alumni Affairs.
The slideshow narration, Instructional Guide for Filmstrip on St. Cloud State College, was prepared for the Alumni Affairs Office by Doreen M. Keable. The script (sans actual slides or audio cassette) is dated March 13, 1970. According to the script, there is a series of forty color slides that are accompanied by a taped narration. The length of the presentation was approximately ten minutes. Some of the objectives of the slideshow include welcoming alumni and friends of the school to homecoming and other alumni functions.
Sans titreThis collection contains literary and artistic publications that were put together by students and staff on the St. Cloud State University campus. The items in this collection date from 1962 to 2010. The publication is currently being called Upper Mississippi Harvest. Additions to this series may be ongoing.
Upper Mississippi Harvest is published annually by St. Cloud State University through funds generously allocated by the Student Government Finance Committee. It is distributed free to all SCSU students and staff. This literary and art magazine focuses on genres such as short fiction, poetry, art, and photography.
More information on the publication, including submission guidelines, can be found at the following website:
Circulating copies can also be found at Miller Center for Upper Mississippi Harvest at call number PS1 .U66x.
Sans titreThese materials measure and describe the economic impact of St. Cloud State University on the city of St. Cloud and neighboring communities between 1962 and 1993.
Sans titreThis collection contains photographic negatives taken by the University Photographer, or at least someone in Information Services (later known as University Communications) early on. Nearly all of the negatives remain unpublished. The images cover a wide possible variety of topics - athletics, buildings and grounds, events, and people from 1962 to 2004. Because the images were taken by St. Cloud State employees, St. Cloud State clearly owns the copyright.
Negatives are scant here after 2001, presumbly due to the advent of digital photography.
The negatives of the images are filed by job number with a short title; keywords may appear in the description field, especially for buildings and people if known. If any image was published and recognized, the name of the publication and date were recorded in the description field as well. Many more were likely published but not identified as such.
Nearly all negatives are on 35mm film, though other sizes, such as 2.5 x 2.5 inches and 4 x 5 inches, are present.
Most jobs have contact sheets after 1970 - those before likely do not.
Before 1991, nearly all of the images are black and white. Those images that are in color before 1991 are indicated. From 1991 and after, most of the negatives are in color, and are almost exclusively in color as time passed. These images after 1991 are not indicated as color.
Sans titreThis collection contains records from Theatre L'Homme Dieu along with the Performing Arts Foundation at St. Cloud State University. There are 21 boxes and two oversized folders in the collection; the items date from 1960-2010. Additions to this series may be ongoing.
The collection is arranged into six series, which are as follows:
Series 1: Administrative Records, 1960-2010
This series includes records pertaining directly to the Performing Arts Foundation; these include minutes, building plans, correspondence and memorandum, financial statements and grant applications, and historical information. Blueprints are located in the oversize cabinets, drawer 15, and are in chronological order.
Series 2: Biographical Files, Various Dates
This series contains photographs (mainly head shots) and resumes of Theatre L'Homme Dieu's actors, actresses, and directors. Photos may be duplicated in the Play Files.
Series 3: Correspondence, 1960-1995, 2002-2003
This series includes correspondence regarding the theatre, both to and from the public. Common themes in the correspondence collection include reviews and requests of productions from the public along with the theatre advertising and looking for sponsers.
Series 4: Photographs, 1961-1995
This series includes photographs of Theatre L'Homme Dieu's buildings along with photographs of unidentified performances and performers.
Series 5: Play Files, 1961-2007
This series includes play programs, news clippings, box office reports, and attendance records. The collection also includes photographs, slides, and negatives, with the majority being photographs. These shots include not only the productions but often headshots as well. The headshots may also be duplicated in the Biographical Files.
Series 6: Publications and Press Coverage, 1960-2008
This series includes press clippings regarding the theatre. Posters are located in the oversize cabinets, drawer 17, and are in chronological order.
Sans titreThis collection consists of ten scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings, photos, and various correspondence detailing the events and athletes of Kenneth Cox’s career as wrestling coach for St. Cloud State between 1963 and 1967. Scrapbooks contain news coverage on Hazewinkel and Nelson twins, who wrestled at St. Cloud State during the time Cox was head wrestling coach. The scrapbooks also document the completion of Halenbeck Hall, 1964 Olympic Trials in wrestling, World’s Fair in New York City, and the 1966 National NAIA wrestling championships hosted by St. Cloud State.
Sans titre