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Archival description
SCSUArch-Bldgs-Collection · Collection · 1869 - 2023

The materials here are quik-ref files regarding campus buildings and spaces. The collection also includes nearby non-campus buildings, spaces, and geographical features, including the 10th Street bridge, Mississippi River, and Barden Park. In these files are a variety of material related to the building or space including newspaper clippings, press releases, dedication programs, and audio.

It is an artificial collection created sometime before 2007 but material is periodically added.

St. Cloud State University
Claudia Meier Volk Papers
S-90 · Collection · 1974-1976

This collection contains varies correspondences and materials relating to Claudia Meier Volk and her time spent in office. There are a number of correspondences related to" agriculture, drinking age, equal rights amendment, family planning, gun control, and a number of other correspondences. Other material includes legislative material, bills, personal papers, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous material.

Volk, Claudia Meier
Joseph P. Wilson Papers
S-73 · Collection · 1851 - 1869

This collection contains materials related to Joseph P. Wilson. The majority of the collection are letters written between 1851 and 1869 to Joseph P. Wilson, from Joseph P. Wilson, or about his business interests. The letters include a proposal written by Wilson to the president of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company about the St. Cloud and Minneapolis railroad, references to Wilson’s involvement with the James L. Fisk expeditions to Montana in the early 1860s, and information relating to his business in mercantile and railroads. In addition, there is mention of the aftermath of the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862 in Minnesota.

A number of the letters detail the legal counsel Wilson provided to his brother-in-law, William A. Corbett, regarding a land dispute in St. Augusta, Minnesota. The collection of letters also contains information about the platting of land in and around St. Cloud. Other authors besides Wilson include William A. Corbett, [sister?] A. B. Wilson, and brother John L. Wilson.

The collection also includes transcriptions of all the letters transcribed by Kasey Solomon. Information that is torn, faded, or otherwise unclear is noted with brackets and a question mark.

All documents were scanned and are available for download. Also included for download are the letter transcriptions.

Wilson, Joseph P.
Marvin C. Schumann Papers
S-70 · Collection · 1955-1968

This collection contains a majority of constituent correspondences during the time Schumann served in the Minnesota House. The correspondences are arranged in chronological order by date. The content matter of these correspondences mostly deal with legislative matters on a wide range of topics, such as: highways, welfare, forestry, labor, and a number of other topics. They provide insight to public opinion concerning prospective laws and new regulations.

The second part of the collection contains a number of books and department reports from the 1960's covering issues such as: environmental, Minnesota highways, Minnesota Development Association, Legislative Research Committee, and other commissions and reports. These booklets are arranged by topic.

Schumann, Marvin C.
S-69 · Collection · 1922-1969

This collection consist of personal correspondence, newspaper articles, campaign materials, one microfilm, and miscellaneous items, all arranged chronologically. The majority of the personal correspondence are letters between Petersen and his wife Medora. Within these letters, the couple discuss various political events and Petersen’s thoughts on political issues. There is also two folders containing correspondence between Petersen and his brother-in-law, Georg Strandvold, discussing political issues.

The collection also contains various political materials, including: correspondences, campaign materials, business cards, speeches, biographical sketches, and other miscellaneous materials. There are a number of newspaper clippings concerning Petersen’s involvement in political issues as well as social events. There are also five, intact copies of the Askov American which Petersen owned and published.

Petersen, Hjalmar
Dr. Julius Buscher Papers
S-66 · Collection · 1891-1963

The Dr. Julius Buscher Papers contain mainly correspondence, letters, ledgers, and manuscript articles written for medical journals. The majority of the material is related to medicine. The majority of the items date between 1920 and 1940, when Dr. Buscher was practicing medicine.

Buscher, Julius C.
S-60 · Collection · 1922-1996

This collection contains various materials arranged by type of material found. Within each major subdivision, the specific materials are arranged chronologically. Most of the material focuses on the St. Cloud branch of the American Association of University Women, including: annual reports, monthly bulletins, secretary notes, executive board meeting notes, special projects conducted by the chapter, public outreach programs, and a number of scrapbooks cataloging the events of the chapter.

The collection contains several histories written about the Minnesota Division of the American Association of University Women and the St. Cloud Branch. These histories strive to highlight the goals and contributions of the association.

The annual reports contain forms attributed to the activities of the National A.A.U.W and the St. Cloud branch. The reports give an annual summary of club activities as well as various subcommittee and group reports within the chapter.

The monthly bulletins and newsletters contain information concerning the activities of the St. Cloud branch from 1934-1960, some bulletins are undated. The bulletins list dates for committee meetings, sponsored events, guest speakers, fundraiser reports, and other activities of the chapter.

The secretarial minutes are six volumes containing the secretary’s minutes of the St. Cloud branch meetings from 1922-1958. Included in some of the volumes are the minutes from the first meeting in 1922, the association’s “constitution”, treasurer’s reports, attendance records, and bulletin records.

The collection contains the minutes from the meetings of the executive board of the St. Cloud branch, from 1935-1950 and from 1959-1966. The executive board minutes contain the discussion of past events, discussion of other committee activities, budget proposals, and approval for activities to be held by the chapter.

The collection contains a study guide for A.A.U.W. members concerning the development of the public education system, focusing on the strengths and weaknesses of Minnesota’s public school system. The collection also contains several studies conducted by the St. Cloud branch focusing on Oriental culture, and focusing on the relationship between the law and the citizen. These studies involved guest speakers, suggested reading lists, and seminars. The study on the law and the citizen included a dramatization of court procedures of the Probate and Juvenile Court.

The collection in box 4 includes membership lists, president’s records, and club officer lists covering the years from 1938-1954; the box also contains the notes and correspondence of the Economics and Legal Status of Women committee who were petitioning for the Equal Rights Amendment from 1940-1945. The collection also contain a number of pamphlets from events sponsored or held by the St. Cloud branch of the A.A.U.W. These programs include: “The Art of India”; “Dimensions”, a program developed to foster appreciation of art in the St. Cloud area that also included a Japanese Arts Festival; notifications of Hostess Day; and a flyer for the production of “Pinocchio” by the Music and Drama Club of St. Cloud.

The collection contains a number of yearbooks from the Minnesota Division as well as the St. Cloud branch. These yearbooks cover roughly from the 1920s to the 1990s.  Along with the yearbooks are a number of charter and bylaws, legislative policies, and membership booklets in the collection.

The scrapbooks in the collections are in chronological order and roughly cover the period 1928-1988. They contain various newspaper clippings of the St. Cloud chapter’s activities in the community and photographs. Also there are accounts of visits to state conventions, programs, bulletins, clippings from speakers, and clippings covering various social events and issues discussed by the chapter.

American Association of University Women, St. Cloud Branch
Tschumperlin Family Papers
S-57 · Collection · 1867-1956

The Tschumperlin Family Papers contain eight record series: Mining, Furniture, Funeral, Red Cross, Books, Personal and Photographs, Other, and Financial Records. The papers relate mostly to Aloys John Tschumperlin, son of Aloys Tschumperlin and Mary Grandelmeyer.

Series 1: Mining

This series contains records related to the mines near the city of Hamilton in White Pine County, Nevada. The mines were initially owned by Aloys Tschumperlin's uncle Joseph Grandelmeyer, who settled in the area ca. 1868. Grandelmeyer died in December 1906 and left the mines to Tschumperlin and other nieces and nephews. Tschumperlin helped manage the mines from afar, often leasing them to other parties, periodically investigating the remaining mineral worth, and attempting to sell them for profit. Tshcumperlin and the others eventually lost ownership of the mines due to the non-payment of back taxes during the Great Depression.

Series 2: Furniture

Divided into two sub-series, this series contain records about the Tschumperlin Furniture Company

Sub-series 1: Correspondence and Invoices

There are letters of correspondence to and from manufacturers and wholesalers regarding advertising, pricing, stock, quotes, order problems, and shipping. The majority of invoices are from wholesalers to Tschumperlin Furniture Co. for both merchandise and published ad space.

Sub-series 2: Advertisements and Catalogs

This sub-series contains catalogs (included is the year the catalog was released) and advertisements from manufacturers that often include a price list.

Series 3: Funeral

Divided into two sub-series, this series contain records about the Tschumperlin funeral business

Sub-series 1: Correspondence, Invoices, and Other Material

There are letters of correspondence to and from manufacturers and wholesalers regarding products, discounts, equipment, order inquiries, stock, shipping, and payment. The majority of invoices are from manufacturers to the Tschumperlin Company for supplies and equipment, mostly from the St. Paul Casket Co. There are also invoices from Tschumperlin Co. to clients for embalming services. There are various permits and certificates including transportation of corpse permits from dead World War I soliders and also for Tschumperlin's mother Mary. There is a certificate from the Minnesota Board of Health to Tschumperlin's brother Joseph W. that shows he was a licensed embalmer in the state of Minnesota.

Sub-series 2: Advertisements, Catalogs, and Publications

The records include publications that update changes within the funeral business - funeral and supply codes, health, and chemicals. They also include new merchandise, articles about restorative art, infection prevention, and embalming treatments.

Series 4: Red Cross

Tschumperlin was named chapter chairman of the Red Cross Stearns County chapter in June 1932. The chairman was tasked with the distribution of flour and feed to the needy farmers and families in the county. The Red Cross requisitions contain a notebook with Red Cross notes and American National Red Cross Warehouse requisition slips to the Stearns County chapter noting the delivery and distribution of flour.

Series 5: Books

This series contains books from Tschumperlin's personal collection of books, including those in German, spelling books, a hymn book, and a violin methods book. There is also an account book of Earl Scott who worked in the real estate and insurance business. (Tschumperlin purchased the house Earl Scott and his family lived in and turned it into a funeral home in 1930.)

Series 6: Personal and Photographs

Divided into two sub-series, this series contains personal correspondence and images.

Sub-series 1: Personal

This sub-series contains personal correspondence written to Aloys Tschumperlin from 1901 to 1930. The correspondence chronicle mostly personal matters and, sometimes, business. The letters from friend Gustav Schwyzer and Tschumperlin's wife Elizabeth McLaughlin (including letters before they married in August 1907) had been separated from the rest of the correspondence. Other correspondents include daughter Margaret, sisters Mary, Anna, and Ethel, brothers Joseph and Ray, cousins Rosa Grandelmeyer and Luella Morehead, father-in-law Jason McLaughlin, uncles Joseph and Chris Grandelmeyer, St. Cloud State faculty member George Hubbard, George Benz, and other extended famliy members and friends.

Sub-series 2: Photographs

The images here are mostly unidentified except for the folders that have identified images, including Aloys and Margaret Tschumperlin and the Schwyzer family. Also included here is a confirmation certificate for the Martha, Edna, and Emma Kuhlman.

Series 7: Other

This series contains records that do not fit into other series. Included is a medical record for Aloys Tschumperlin from St. Raphael's Hospital, Tschumperlin's World War I registration card, miscellaneous financial records including three small notebooks, school work that belongs to Peter Scott (Tschumperlin purchased the house from the Scott family and turned it into a funeral home in 1930), various newspaper clippings, and records pertaining to Tschumperlin's various business organizations such as Elks Home Fund Association, St. Cloud Business Men's Association, and Catholic Order of Foresters. There are also records pertaining to the Pan Motor Company in which Tschumperlin was a stockholder of for at least 20 shares. There are letters to subscribers and shareholders asking for money and updating on shareholder meetings and news. Also included is a Pan Car brochure, stock certificates, and copies of purchases orders from S.C. Pandolfo to Tschumperlin Furniture Company. There is also a letter Tschumperlin wrote in support of Pan Motor Company being able to sell stock in Minnesota. The records from the St. Cloud Credit Association contain weekly bulletins. Their goal was to maintain an adequate credit rating system for businesses in St. Cloud. The bulletin had updates on those with chattel mortgages, liens, deeds, real estate mortgages, etc.

Series 8: Financial Records

This series includes multiple volumes of financial books and ledgers pertaining to the furniture or funeral businesses. The accounting journals list cash receipts and disbursements on a double entry basis, and receivables and credit sales on a single entry basis. The account ledger contains Tschumperlin's customer accounts and the transactions of each customer. The ledger keeps track of customers in alphabetical order. The St. Cloud Normal School is listed in this ledger along with its transactions with Tschumperlin Furniture Company. The sales journals keep track of what is being sold by listing the date, customer's name, and what they purchased along with the price.

Tschumperlin, Aloys
Henry Harren Papers
S-56 · Collection · 1963-1966

The Harren Papers contain mainly correspondence, government reports and pamphlets, news releases, clippings, minutes of various committees and subcommittees, legislative acts and bills, and special study reports that relate to the Senator’s legislative work. The majority of the items date between 1963 and 1966. The collection consists of three series: legislative subject files, Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Resource Commission (MORRC) subject files, and Miscellaneous Booklets and Pamphlets.

The legislative subject files relate to Harren’s work as a Minnesota state senator. They consist mainly of materials pertaining to the committees and subcommittees on which he served, and to special interests topics from his home district, such as the Home School for Girls in Sauk Centre, Minnesota, and the Stearns County Planning Commission. Other major topics covered are conversation and natural resources, air and water pollution, unemployment, state aid, the State Planning Commission, the State Commission Against Discrimination (SCAD), and the Governor’s Commission on Human Rights, land ownership and exchange, the 1965 Home Remedies Bill, the State Electricity Board, and education in Minnesota.

The Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Resource Commission (MORRC) is a bi-partisan legislative commission designed to give active legislative leadership in guiding the state’s program to preserve and accelerate the development of its natural recreational resources. The MORRC files consist mainly of subject folders concerned with conservation in Minnesota, particularly parks and recreational areas. They include the 1963 legislative act creating MORRC, the 1965 amended version of the act, several folders containing the correspondence of various commission members and consultants, folders dealing with the administrational workings of the commission. There are files relating to major topics, such as state parks, historic sites, water resources, the Boundary Water Canoe Area, Voyageurs’ National Park, and the Board of Outdoor Recreation. The minutes of the commission’s meetings for the years 1963-1966 are also included.

The third series contains miscellaneous booklets and pamphlets from the years of 1954 to 1966. It includes geological surveys, MORRC Reports, air and water pollution materials, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment reports, and other miscellaneous pamphlets and booklets.

Harren, Henry
John T. Kosloske Papers
S-55 · Collection · 1942-1971

This collection contains a large number of constituent and legislative correspondences. Not all issues or subjects discussed in these correspondences are listed above, the description listed above only list a small selection of subjects discussed in these correspondences. The collection also contains a number of folders concerning political reports and letters, the Liberal Caucus minutes and notices, campaign material, newspaper articles, booklets, bills and legislation, and other material related to Kosloske’s time in office and material concerning Minnesota.

Kosloske, John T.