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22 · Collection · 1916-1918

10 monthly issues of the Normal School Recorder were published by students between 1916 and 1918.

The Normal School Recorder was a mix of a traditional newspaper and journal. Most of each issue was devoted to journal articles that were written by St. Cloud State students. Articles focused a great deal on campus; students wrote about family members, travel, athletics, student literary clubs, arrival and departure of faculty, and experience with others or events on campus. The publication often reported on the whereabouts and happenings of recent graduates. Especially fascinating were the stories about World War I, many documenting what was happening on campus, as well as the experiences of students and alums who were serving as soldiers.

All issues are available online. To see online, click on each issue in the finding aid and go to link in the Scope and Content Note. The issues can be found at

St. Cloud State University
37 · Collection · 1934-2003

This collection contains records of Institutional Effectiveness. Founded in the late 1930s, the main task of this office was to "organize and conduct research studies to provide information and data, serving as a basis for University decision making..." The bulk of the records here serve that purpose, gathering and presenting information about St. Cloud State students, faculty, curriculum, and facilities.

Series 1: Administrative Records

This series contains annual reports, history of Institutional Effectiveness, and faculty rosters.  The faculty rosters are significant as they list biographical information about St. Cloud State faculty, including salary.  There are additional faculty rosters in Series 2 on microfiche.

Series 2: Reports

This series has a wide variety of reports, nearly all related to St. Cloud State.  Many of the reports are related to students, including enrollment, ACT profiles of incoming freshmen, grade distribution, and faculty-student ratios.  Other reports are arranged by topic and are listed individually to facilitate access.

Other significant records include those that give a snapshot of St. Cloud State University. This includes the Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), 1966-1980, to the federal government's Department of Education. HEGIS reported on student enrollment, campus facilities devoted to instruction, finances of the university, and degrees awarded. The summary of academic data, dating from 1982 to 2003, compiled information at the department, college and university level about students and student enrollment, including year, gender and major, faculty and staff, credits generated, and class size.

Microfiche is included in this series, likely reports run from the office's database. By academic term, these records report on student enrollment, faculty, instructional load, courses offered and their history, ethnic and racial background of students, students martial status, and transfers to St. Cloud State.

University Archives does have digital records taken from this office's website but are not included in this finding aid.

Institutional Effectiveness
Records of Kaleidoscope
12 · Collection · 1990-2020+

This collection contains literary and artistic publications that have been put together by students, faculty, and staff at St. Cloud State University.  The items in this collection date from 1990 to 2006.  Additions to this collection may be ongoing.

The magazine is funded through an SCSU Cultural Diversity Committee allocation and is sponsored through St. Cloud State’s writing center, the Write Place.  The contributors to the magazine retain all rights to their work(s).  Kaleodiscope is published once a year.

More information on the publication, including submissions guidelines. Past issues can be found at the following website: There may be issues on the website that University Archives does not have physical copies for and vice versa.

St. Cloud State University
30 · Collection · 1875-1940

This series contains academic transcripts of St. Cloud State students who attended the university between the 1870s and 1940.

Information about each student that attended and/or graduated from St. Cloud State University include the classes they attended, the term the class was taken, and the grade received.  If the student graduated, a pledge was signed to teach in public schools in Minnesota. The transcript provides information where and when the student taught.

In addition, the transcripts are a wealth of biographical information about the student.  Information includes: when and to what class admitted, age when admitted, graduation date, residence, birthplace, high school attended, last school attended, and name, occupation, and nationality of parents.

Records and Registration
27 · Collection · 1924-2015

This collection contains campus telephone directories from 1924 through the 2014/15 academic year. Listed were the addresses, PO boxes, and phone numbers.  Often, the directory indicated the year of study for students.  Though the first few directories listed only students, most of the directories list faculty, staff, and students.  Faculty/staff were always listed separately from students.

Starting in the early 1960s, university offices were listed and, later, would list sub-units and personnel associated with the office.  Other information, such as campus maps and lists of buildings were included, as well as advertisements from local businesses and churches.

The final physical copy was printed for the 2014/15 academic year.

St. Cloud State University
20 · Collection · 1925-2020+

Athletic Media Relations records contains promotional material created for each St. Cloud State intercollegiate sport, 1920s-2010+.  The records are primarily from the 1960s and on.  Depending on the sport, materials contained are press releases, media guides, programs, schedules, and score sheets.  Some sports, such as hockey, are rich with information; others, such as cross country and skiing, are not as well documented.

The records are arranged in three series.

Series 1: Administrative Records

Records here did not deal with specific sports.  Included are press releases that did not deal with a specific sports or several sports within each release, bound programs for athletic contests, and other miscellaneous material.

Series 2: Biographical Files

This series contains biographical information on athletes and coaches while at St. Cloud State and date primarily from the 1970s and on.  Records here include forms filled out by athletes and coaches containing biographical information, press releases, clippings, and photographs.  Some files simply contain photographs, while others may contained a great deal of information on the person.

Series 3: Sports

This series includes intercollegiate sports. Depending on the sport, materials contained are press releases, media guides, programs, schedules, and score sheets.  Some sports, such as hockey, are rich with information; others, such as cross country and skiing, are not as well documented.

Athletic Media Relations
Records of Normalia
21 · Collection · 1892-1904

93 monthly issues of the Normalia were published between 1892 and 1904. Totaling between 20-28 pages for each issue, 8-10 issues were published a year. Faculty, and later, students, were responsible for the content.

The Normalia was a mix of a traditional newspaper and journal. Much of each issue was devoted to journal articles that were written by students and faculty of St. Cloud State. Topics for these articles widely ranged, though much focused on education. Articles varied from studies of children who were attending the model school to biographies of historical figures to original fiction. Especially fascinating were letters written by students and alum fighting in the Spanish-American War in 1899 and 1900. Overall, Normalia gives a sense of what those on campus were studying and interested in.

There is some information about the happenings of campus in the Normalia . It mostly deals with students, faculty, and alums, including visits of alums to campus, travels of current students and faculty, as well as listing positions held by of alum. Many final issues of the academic year were devoted to the presentations of graduates at commencement. Other topics include meetings of the Literary Club, athletics, including football, hockey, and basketball, and scattered images of campus and campus personalities.

St. Cloud State University
28 · Collection · 1891-2010

This collections contains 64 student handbook published between 1891 and 2010, though the bulk of the material is dated between 1937 and 1996. The handbook was meant to orient students, both new and returning, on university policies, history, campus maps, songs, registration and withdrawal from classes, student groups, area churches, and student conduct.

St. Cloud State University