Letter_Warren Stewart_1948_05_04.pdf
Sans titre- 16952.jpg
- Dimensions: 14.4 x 80.9 cm
- Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
- Local Identifier: Campus Laboratory School. Oversize. Campus Laboratory School Exhibit
- 12397.jpg
- Dimensions: 5.5 x 5.6 cm
- Physical Format: Negative (photographic)
- Local Identifier: The Centennial: 1869-1969 - A Heritage of Excellence. Box 12, folder 15
- 12396.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.2 x 3.3 cm
- Physical Format: Negative (photographic)
- Local Identifier: The Centennial: 1869-1969 - A Heritage of Excellence. Box 12, folder 16
- 14338.jpg
- Dimensions: 28 x 35.7 cm
- Physical Format: Document
- Local Identifier: St. Cloud State University Diplomas. Diplomas 1875-1915
- 14337.jpg
- Dimensions: 31.7 x 27.3 cm
- Physical Format: Document
- Local Identifier: St. Cloud State University Diplomas. Diplomas 1875-1915
- 14336.jpg
- Dimensions: 24.2 x 31.7 cm
- Physical Format: Document
- Local Identifier: St. Cloud State University Diplomas. Diplomas 1875-1915
- 14330.jpg
- Dimensions: 19.5 x 25.4 cm
- Physical Format: Document
- Local Identifier: St. Cloud State University Diplomas. Diplomas, 1915-1921
- 14331.jpg
- Dimensions: 23.6 x 29.9 cm
- Physical Format: Document
- Local Identifier: St. Cloud State University Diplomas. Diplomas, 1921-1947
- 14332.jpg
- Dimensions: 14.1 x 18.9 cm
- Physical Format: Document
- Local Identifier: St. Cloud State University Diplomas. Diplomas, 1940-1951
- 14333.jpg
- Dimensions: 14.3 x 19.2 cm
- Physical Format: Document
- Local Identifier: St. Cloud State University Diplomas. Diplomas, 1958-1975
- 02644.jpg
- Dimensions: 7.2 x 9.5 cm
- Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
- Local Identifier: Center for Information Media. Photographs. Newsletter Photographs 1
- 02646.jpg
- Dimensions: 10.9 x 8.5 cm
- Physical Format: Color photograph
- Local Identifier: Center for Information Media. Photographs. Newsletter Photographs 1
- 02643.jpg
- Dimensions: 7.2 x 9.5 cm
- Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
- Local Identifier: Center for Information Media. Photographs. Newsletter Photographs 1
- 02544.jpg
- Dimensions: 11.6 x 8.5 cm
- Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
- Local Identifier: Center for Information Media. Photographs. Newsletter Photographs 2
- 02543.jpg
- Dimensions: 7.7 x 11.5 cm
- Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
- Local Identifier: Center for Information Media. Photographs. Newsletter Photographs 2
- 11182.jpg
- Dimensions: 9.9 x 14.3 cm
- Physical Format: Color photograph
- Local Identifier: Center for Information Media. Box 9, folder 3
- 04768.jpg
- Dimensions: 7.2 x 9.4 cm
- Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
- Local Identifier: Center for Information Media. Photographs. Newsletter Photographs 2
- 16555.jpg
- Dimensions: 27.6 x 21.3 cm
- Physical Format: Document
- Local Identifier: International Studies. Areas of Study. Denmark, 1974
- 13473_web.pdf
- Dimensions: 27.8 x 21.3 cm
- Physical Format: Document
- Local Identifier: Records of International Studies. Administrative Records. International Student Handbook
- Kaleidoscope 2016.pdf
- Born-digital copy
- 14979.jpg
- Dimensions: 7.9 x 23 cm
- Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
- Local Identifier: St. Cloud State Oral Histories. Lydia Olander
- 13947.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.1 x 3.2 cm
- Physical Format: Slide (photographs)
- Local Identifier: Papers of Max Partch. Box 2, sub-box 6, slide 681
- 13948.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.1 x 3.2 cm
- Physical Format: Slide (photographs)
- Local Identifier: Papers of Max Partch. Box 2, sub-box 6, slide 897
- 15702.jpg
- Dimensions: 16.2 x 10.5 cm
- Physical Format: Color photograph
- Local Identifier: David Kiehle Papers
- 15704.jpg
- Dimensions: 13.7 x 10.1 cm
- Physical Format: Color photograph
- Local Identifier: David Kiehle Papers
- 15703.jpg
- Dimensions: 13.8 x 10.3 cm
- Physical Format: Color photograph
- Local Identifier: David Kiehle Papers
- 15701.jpg
- Dimensions: 11.3 x 7.8 cm
- Physical Format: Color photograph
- Local Identifier: David Kiehle Papers
- 15700.jpg
- Dimensions: 12.9 x 8.6 cm
- Physical Format: Color photograph
- Local Identifier: David Kiehle Papers
- 10014.jpg
- Dimensions: 29.4 x 37.1 cm
- Physical Format: Document
- Local Identifier: David Kiehle Papers
The records of the Women’s Center document the establishment and subsequent activities from 1989 to 2022. Established in late 1989, the Women’s Center provided help, education, and support to women on campus and in the local communities on a variety of issues ranging from feminism, anti-oppression, racial justice and gender equity. The bulk of the records here date before 2000.
The records are arranged in three series.
Series 1: Administrative
Records here document the administration of the center, which included providing programming and education about women. These include annual reports, surveys, and strategic plans that document the progress of the center and the future direction. Other notable material include efforts regarding cultural diversity, grant funded support, and scholarships.
Series 2: Sexual Violence Prevention Program
The records document the establishment of the program and its evolution. Included in this series are the grant records that established the program and subsequent grants to continue supporting it.
Series 3: Programming
A major function of the Women’s Center was programming. The center sponsored or co-sponsored a number of events to raise awareness and educate attendees. The centerpiece of the programming was “Women on Wednesday” that covered a wide variety of topics since its inception in 1990.
Sans titreThis collection conatins a wide variety of material. These include a biographical booklet on Albertina Anderson compiled by her grand-nephew, and records of her education at St. Cloud Teachers College, University of Minnesota, and Columbia University such as transcripts, class slips, and a notebook filled with class notes. Also present are her records of employment at St. Cloud Teachers College as well as records regarding retirement funds. Lastly, the collection includes Andersons hand written mathematic lesson plans, teaching materials, and few miscellaneous writings showcasing the academic standards of the time.
Sans titreThis collection contains the records of the Avon Literary Society. Included is one meeting minutes book and one of the society's programs.
Sans titreThe collection contains biographical information gathered by Ed Pluth regarding the various members of the subject’s family. The main attraction to this collection is the “The Girl Graduate” scrapbook which was includes countless photos and artifacts of Maurine Bailey’s life on St. Cloud State from June 1921 to fall 1922. Materials included in the book are Lawrence Hall dormitory regulations, State Teachers College picture booklet, personal messages from dormmates, many regarding Bailey as ‘Sub’, Bailey’s class schedules, Normal School Library manual, fall 1922 class schedule, and 1921 commencement exercises. In addtion, the scrapbook contains marriage announcements from friends, activity tickets, and calling cards of Lawrence Hall girls. This collection provides a wide range of interests to perspective scholars and researchers alike when looking at college life and experience in the early 1920s.
Sans titreThis collection contains the records of the Camera Kraft Club. Included is one book of meeting minutes, one photo album, and one club yearbook.
Sans titreThis collection contains the records of the Chi Sigma Chi. Included is two books of financial records, one meeting minutes book, photographs, and membership cards.
Sans titreThis collection consists of ten scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings, photos, and various correspondence detailing the events and athletes of Kenneth Cox’s career as wrestling coach for St. Cloud State between 1963 and 1967. Scrapbooks contain news coverage on Hazewinkel and Nelson twins, who wrestled at St. Cloud State during the time Cox was head wrestling coach. The scrapbooks also document the completion of Halenbeck Hall, 1964 Olympic Trials in wrestling, World’s Fair in New York City, and the 1966 National NAIA wrestling championships hosted by St. Cloud State.
Sans titreThis collection contains literary and artistic submission by St. Cloud State students from 1953 to 1954. Poems and short stories written by students were published.
Three issues of Nuance were published.
Records are located at 29D.4a.
Sans titreThis collection contains the records of the Philomathian Society. Included is one meeting minutes book.
Sans titreThis collection contains the records of the Senior Model Debating Society. Included is one meeting minutes book.
Sans titreThis collection contains the records of Sigma Gamma Phi. Included is one meeting minutes book and membership lists.
Sans titre