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David Kiehle diploma from State of New York Normal School in Albany
David Kiehle diploma from State of New York Normal School in Albany
President Charles Graham, St. Cloud State University
President Charles Graham, St. Cloud State University
Ira Moore, St. Cloud State University
Ira Moore, St. Cloud State University
David Kiehle, St. Cloud State University
David Kiehle, St. Cloud State University
Jerome Allen, St. Cloud State University
Jerome Allen, St. Cloud State University
Thomas Gray, St. Cloud State University
Thomas Gray, St. Cloud State University
St. Cloud State president Charles Graham in his office in Whitney House (1956)
St. Cloud State president Charles Graham in his office in Whitney House (1956)
Joseph Carhart, St. Cloud State University
Joseph Carhart, St. Cloud State University
Brendan McDonald cuts a ribbon at KVSC studios while Al Neff and Dick Hill look on, St. Cloud State University
Brendan McDonald cuts a ribbon at KVSC studios while Al Neff and Dick Hill look on, St. Cloud State University
1953 Forensics team members, Mel Hoagland, Robert Wick, Ned Brainard, and Duane Lunemann, St. Cloud State University
1953 Forensics team members, Mel Hoagland, Robert Wick, Ned Brainard, and Duane Lunemann, St. Cloud State University
1953 Forensics team members, Mel Hoagland, Robert Wick, Ned Brainard, and Duane Lunemann with spouses Marge Hoagland, Alice Wick, Muriel Brainard, and Lois Lunemann , St. Cloud State University
1953 Forensics team members, Mel Hoagland, Robert Wick, Ned Brainard, and Duane Lunemann with spouses Marge Hoagland, Alice Wick, Muriel Brainard, and Lois Lunemann , St. Cloud State University
George Kleeberger with family, presumably wife Mary and son Frank, St. Cloud State University
George Kleeberger with family, presumably wife Mary and son Frank, St. Cloud State University
Waite Shoemaker, St. Cloud State University
Waite Shoemaker, St. Cloud State University
Isabel Lawrence, St. Cloud State University
Isabel Lawrence, St. Cloud State University
James Roy with the presidential medal, St. Cloud State University
James Roy with the presidential medal, St. Cloud State University
Isabel Lawrence, St. Cloud State University
Isabel Lawrence, St. Cloud State University
Waite Shoemaker, St. Cloud State University
Waite Shoemaker, St. Cloud State University
Joseph Brown, St. Cloud State University
Joseph Brown, St. Cloud State University
St. Cloud State president George Budd and another man ride horses in the homecoming parade
St. Cloud State president George Budd and another man ride horses in the homecoming parade
B-SURE members occupy President Robert Wick's Whitney House (1956) office, St. Cloud State University
B-SURE members occupy President Robert Wick's Whitney House (1956) office, St. Cloud State University
George Selke, St. Cloud State University
George Selke, St. Cloud State University
Football Team, St. Cloud State University
Football Team, St. Cloud State University
Dudley Brainard, St. Cloud State University
Dudley Brainard, St. Cloud State University
President Charles Graham plays human chess during homecoming, St. Cloud State University
President Charles Graham plays human chess during homecoming, St. Cloud State University
President Charles Graham plays human chess during homecoming, St. Cloud State University
President Charles Graham plays human chess during homecoming, St. Cloud State University
President George Budd with his horse Tamara, St. Cloud State University
President George Budd with his horse Tamara, St. Cloud State University
President Dudley Brainard signs the yearbook of Mary Lee Smith, St. Cloud State University
President Dudley Brainard signs the yearbook of Mary Lee Smith, St. Cloud State University
Distinguished Alumni award winners Schuyler Joyner, Chester Heinzel, and Ralph Heimdahl with President Robert Wick and their wives, St. Cloud State University
Distinguished Alumni award winners Schuyler Joyner, Chester Heinzel, and Ralph Heimdahl with President Robert Wick and their wives, St. Cloud State University
Ralph Heimdahl receives his Distinguished Alumni Award from President Robert Wick
Ralph Heimdahl receives his Distinguished Alumni Award from President Robert Wick
Thomas Gray, St. Cloud State University
Thomas Gray, St. Cloud State University
Waite Shoemaker, St. Cloud State University
Waite Shoemaker, St. Cloud State University
Isabel Lawrence, St. Cloud State University
Isabel Lawrence, St. Cloud State University
Dudley Brainard purchases a World Student Service Fund ticket from Winnifred Hansen, Mary Louis Mayberry, and Mavis Kennedy, St. Cloud State University
Dudley Brainard purchases a World Student Service Fund ticket from Winnifred Hansen, Mary Louis Mayberry, and Mavis Kennedy, St. Cloud State University
George Budd, John Headley, George Selke, and Dudley Brainard, St. Cloud State University
George Budd, John Headley, George Selke, and Dudley Brainard, St. Cloud State University
General Dwight D. Eisenhower crowns Joyce Pearson as the 1952 homecoming queen, St. Cloud State University
General Dwight D. Eisenhower crowns Joyce Pearson as the 1952 homecoming queen, St. Cloud State University
John Headley, St. Cloud State University
John Headley, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess at press conference introducing him as president, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess at press conference introducing him as president, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess at press conference introducing him as president, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess at press conference introducing him as president, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess speaks at welcoming reception, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess speaks at welcoming reception, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess speaks at welcoming reception, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess speaks at welcoming reception, St. Cloud State University
George Budd, St. Cloud State University
George Budd, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess drinks coffee on his first day as interim president, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess drinks coffee on his first day as interim president, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess drinks coffee on his first day as interim president, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess drinks coffee on his first day as interim president, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess with friends in South Africa, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess with friends in South Africa, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess with friends in South Africa, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess with friends in South Africa, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess meets with football players, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess meets with football players, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess tours campus on his first day as interim president, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess tours campus on his first day as interim president, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess meets Sue Prout on his first day as interim president, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess meets Sue Prout on his first day as interim president, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess at press conference introducing him as president, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess at press conference introducing him as president, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess and Adnan Ali Zeeshan swap jobs for a day, St. Cloud State University
Robert Bess and Adnan Ali Zeeshan swap jobs for a day, St. Cloud State University